The power of BEAT EXTEND
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Jump cancelable dash.
Not dash cancelable jump.
2 different things... My question still stands then.
Oh... derp on my end. Sorry about that. :oops:
Since so much of filias offense is high overheads, it makes people stand up.I'm just picking up Double as my assist for Filia. I'm not great, yet, but I'm looking for a Double assist that better fits my Filia play. Obviously Butt Bomber comes to mind, but does Double have any other great assists for Filia specifically? I like to IAD around a lot like a jerk... if that helps.
I think it's mostly because she changed so much, and not necessarily because she's bad.
I think the real reason I don't like it is that it's squigly's dash but worse, and it wasn't great to begin with.
I didn't know there was enough time to j.lp after j.hp in certain heights. I'll try it out. And yeah I was thinking no assist. Mostly off of j.hp too since everything else (j.hk is a different story) can be cancelled into j.mk . barrel or fridge. Thanks.
That's the main problem with it. It does everything else fine, but in the past I would back dash away from a bad situation and I can't do that anymore. Everything else is pretty much purrrfect for me
They probably haven't gotten used to doing the more damaging combos and working with the new tools she gained. 1 meter cat heads with macro will always be better imo, but everything else about double that was bad is better/good now.(except back dash)
I feel your pain... I can never find an assist for her.Yeah her backdash is crappy. But oh my god her airthrow game is stupid good and her crossup game with blocked hitconfirm into flesh step + updo or pw cr.mp is insane. Dubs probably has the best airthrow game in the game now. Which funnily enough makes her pretty decent against updo teams cause she can dash airthrow from the right range and if they empty jumped back with updo, she still airthrows them, but if she guesses wrong and they called updo while on the ground... Updo misses her by going behind her jump arc.
I love point double right now... My biggest problem is finding a good assist for her... I want range and lockdown and invincibility... If only she could use her hornet bomber as an assist...LOL
Screwball Cannonball = Range and Lockdown
i don't use fillia and she's low on my characters that I would want to try to use. before her i would try to use parasoul, squiggly, and peacock.
j.HP can beat most of Painwheel's buttons. You can also jump back j.HK, that's a very annoying move for Painwheel to deal with. HP gun can be a good anti air but again it needs to be spaced right; too close or too far and the shot will miss completely, then you're boned. But if you can space it right it's really strong since you can dash in and get a combo off the knockdown.
You probably just need to tighten the chain. That's what the problem is most of the time, the chain isn't tight enough so you aren't high enough for it to work.
Thanks a lot for the info, I'm not consistent landing the stuff yet, but it's working for me a lot more than before. Hopefully I'll have this down soon.
Thanks for this too. I just got done with practicing it again. Knowing to do the first hits fast was a very good peice of information though. It made it so much better getting it, and I have the first barrel drop of the combo I'm trying to learn mostly down (I need to practice the timng on linking out of the barrel on the ground though.)It took me a long time to learn how to barrel loop. Having said that, it is an incredibly easy combo once it's been learned... It's just hard to learn.
The tighten your chain advice is good and likely the best overall advice to get. But there is one more caveat:
You literally CANNOT do the first hit to fast. As fast as possible is always better.
That advice alone makes it so much easier. You see the "trick" to the combo is that it works better the lower the opposing character is to the ground.. But while double is still going up. If double is coming down then the combo will just flop horribly. So imho the best practice is to just do st.hk and practice getting your first j.lp out as fast as possible.
The good news though is that barrel loops do great damage, work against everyone and are hard to drop once you do get the timing down.
While it's true that the 5HK j.LP/j.LK(1) j.MK(2) j.HK j.214MK renditions of the loop are best performed buffered and as soon as possible, there are variations: 5HK j.MP(3) j.HP(3) [land] j.LK/j.LP j.MK j.HK j.214MK requires pauses before the j.MP and before j.LX, since it connects with the opponent falling and you want to give some time for that. Also, j.LP places Double higher than j.LK, so you can use it over j.LK in situations where, say, you catch them in the air and j.LK will cause the loop to fail.Thanks for this too. I just got done with practicing it again. Knowing to do the first hits fast was a very good peice of information though. It made it so much better getting it, and I have the first barrel drop of the combo I'm trying to learn mostly down (I need to practice the timng on linking out of the barrel on the ground though.)