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Dragon Ball FighterZ

Hey so I've been watching a few gameplay videos of Broly and it's kinda weird how little damage he does. And I mean the damage he does is kinda wonky. Like I kinda expected him to do a decent amount of damage with his hits but the damage he deals is kinda throwing me off. He does do a good bit of damage but I was expecting him to hit harder I guess.

Also he really can't take hits well. It's kind of like watching someone punch a wet paper towel. I don't know if this is my own ineptitude with fighting games but something's not adding up here.

(His theme's great though.)
(His theme's great though.)

But I think out of all the themes, Nappa has probably the best one. At least, that's my opinion.
Like I kinda expected him to do a decent amount of damage with his hits but the damage he deals is kinda throwing me off.

Like this?

He needs gimmicks like corner and assists but with those he does some of the best damage in the game.
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Like this?

He needs gimmicks like corner and assists but with those he does some of the best damage in the game.
Yeah, like that! I did notice that Broly shines best when he has the opponent in the corner. And I think his specials (especially that big glowing green ball he uses, the one that he smashes into the opponent, I don't know the name of the move) do a lot more damage in the corner than anywhere else.

I dunno, but that's just me and how my noob eyes see it.
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Yeah, like that! I did notice that Broly shines best when he has the opponent in the corner.

Just be aware that this particular vid uses a glitch where if you start combo with second hit of auto-combo it bugs out scaling a bit. But this combo would easily do 90-95% damage even without it.
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Just be aware that this particular vid uses a glitch where if you start combo with second hit of auto-combo it bugs out scaling a bit. But this combo would easily do 90-95% damage even without it.
Huh. That's super neat actually!
Just a random joke I cooked up: Captain Ginyu Commando!


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I read on the DBZ Wiki - Cell is classified as a Bio-Android and is technically named to be the 21st android. So the Android 21 who is the female half-majin devil, should really chronologically be Android 22.
To be fair in this continuity she got finished before Cell (even if he didn't get blown up before finishing) so it should be him renamed to 22nd Android.

That or they are both 21st since 21 does not exist in Cell's original timeline.
After several tribulations, and the fact that I now have a hi-end gaming PC... ORE SANJOU!
Vegito is confirmed pretty much.
you cannot say Underwhelming when the most powerful dragonball antagonist is right there

Also thank god we will finally get a spirit buster sword dramatic finish at last.
According to the translation he has 8-way air dashes and plays similar to Magneto.
Fused Zamazu is the only dlc character on this list so far that I care about so I hope he's quirky and fun.
Honestly my grievances right now are mostly with Broly, Bardock, and of course, Base Goku and Base Vegeta.

Broly is an extremely boring character that essentially equates to the Hulk, has about as much personality as a pissed off block of cheese, and his story is just garbage. To this day I'm still wondering how he got popular in the first place, I'm assuming from sheer spectacle.

Bardock is by no means bad, it's just that he looks so much like Goku, and I was never much a fan of how he fought.

Base Goku and Base Vegeta all I can say is we already had two Gokus (Three if you count Goku Black) and two Vegetas and now we have a grand total of 3 that might not even control that differently, I mean I'd at least accept Goku if he had a power pole move or something.

Everyone else though I'm OK with, despite my initial reaction to Fused Zamasu I'm always fine with more villains and that is an interesting design.
It's a bummer. I was hoping for some oddball fan favorites.
It's a bummer. I was hoping for some oddball fan favorites.

Kefla? Individual members of the Ginyu Force?
I mean... this is only wave 1 guys. Weirdos dont take priority in a game like this.

Rest Assured Hercule and some others will be added in time. Like Dabura. Or Videl.

Or Baby
I was hoping for a mix of secondary DBZ and super characters. Videl would be cool. Toppo, Kefla and Android 17 would be nice to see too.
Looks like a really fun character.

bummed I had to lose most interest in the game before he was released lmfao
So pretty much Cell confirmed for newest top-tier?
He already is top tier though.
The image does also say "etc", implying that there will be other characters who get changes.
He already is top tier though.

Just making a joke since he is the only of the really strong guys not on the list.

And technicaly 16 was top-tier since he was pretty much completely busted, while characters like Cell and A.Gohan were a little less insane.
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i can't wait to hear his dub voice in-game.

catching dbs on toonami has been very entertaining these past few weeks.
That Intro is so fucking silly.
"Behold, the power of friendship!"
"Behold, the power of friendship!"
Yes, Zamasu... the Elements of Harmony in evil's form!
Wonderful intro.

Word on the street was that he could tri jump / 8 way airdash like Magneto, but so far I'm only seeing flight shenanigans in that video. If flight is what they meant, that actually puts him closer to Sentinel/Painwheel.

Hopefully he can either block or quickly cancel his flight, otherwise super dash is going to make flight horrible at neutral.

Looks fun though regardless. I'm v.hype.
Krillin's will have trained with Piccolo hard enough to gain Namekian powers so his 2H uses stretchy-arms.
destructo disc will finally become completely unblockable
destructo disc will finally become completely unblockable

And chances are it's not 18's...