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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2015 Thread

Recore looks cute as fuck
I want a robot dog that I can stick into other robot dogs that aren't robot dogs



seriously why?

Also does xbone backwards compatibility mean I can play Skullgirls on xbone?

Also Im sorry I missed Cuphead.
I'm not buying an Xbone anyway so I'm not all that bummed.
Yeah, the backwards compatibility was huge to me, but I don't have a 360 or any 360 games, didn't really sell the system to me.

I thought Darks Souls III was the best put together, too bad there was no gameplay in it. WTF is Gigantic though? I don't remember them mentioning who was working on it, and there was no word on what kind of game it's supposed to be. I'd guess it's another TF2 clone? I have no clue =/

Recore looks cute as fuck
I want a robot dog that I can stick into other robot dogs that aren't robot dogs
The ONLY game I saw that I was really interested in (that xbonexlusive). Not convinced it's worth a system to me though, we'll see I guess.
So, how about that Metal Gear trailer?
Gigantic is a MOBA.


A little bit late on this, but did anybody else get the impression that Doom just really didn't look fun to play at all? The most memorable thing about the first game wad that it was smooth as butter and it was fun to play, and the new Doom looks like it just isn't fun to play. I can't describe exactly why, but it's something about the movement just not looking as smooth, and the weapons looking much too forceful without being really satisfying at all. The fatalities are a cool idea I loved in Brutal Doom, but look more like simple takedowns than actual brutal fatalities, and everything about the game just looks like it's trying to show off how violent it is without really being fun and satisfying.
It looks like the paddles will feel uncomfortable and might cut into your hand after a while. I do like the fact you can change the components, though.
Shadow Warrior 2 looks pretty cool
looks better than Doom 4, though that's not very hard to outdo
I'd be more excited about Doom IF THEY JUST SPED THE MOVEMENT UP SLIGHTLY.
Good, everyone seemed to notice that Doom's nuts were at least 50 pounds lighter than they should have been. It always gets the shotgun right, but that plasma rifle has no fucking stopping power. Also, watching the gameplay again, what really ruins it is the retarded AI and robotic gameplay.

Fucking Doom 3 had a higher IQ and that gameplay was just unnatural.

They should do something about those repetitive animations, too. They probably left it in the trailer for the "for reals gameplay" authenticity, but the awe factor for the chainsaw and melee wore off after I realized that all the animations were exhausted with the enemies they used.
i s2g if you mention Doom 4 again i'm eating your computer and other devices that connect to the internet
doom 4 looks bad and you should feel bad
you can probably make someone sick with that FOV, hey-ooooo
These jaded nerds with first generation platforms shoved up their asses need to lighten the fuck up
Unravel looks super cute and aweso-HIGHWAY TO THE DANGERZONE

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That bit where he took the doll out of his coat.

I died of second hand embarrasment :(

Edit: Oh my god the Sony mobile mom. 'Who wants to talk about mobile' She's adorbs

Edit: and she's just announced a Minions game. ultimate mom
Praise Hoop God
Ball is Life
Unravel presentation was so genuine i was going to die out of dawww.

Such a shame that they chose EA as a publisher...
okay, so now I know when the Sony one is.
these are gonna be the longest 4 hours....
Mirror's Edge did literally everything I didn't want it to. Welp, another EA franchise ruined.
Mirror's Edge did literally everything I didn't want it to. Welp, another EA franchise ruined.

So, you wanted loading screens, linear levels, and no free roaming?
can we see some gameplay for this battlefront?
cuz these screenshots aren't selling it for me.

and I spoke too soon.

please tell me vehicles aren't something you can only spawn in.
I wan't to be able to steal vehicles and use them against people.

also, that Luke and Vader bit seemed a bit too cinematic for me to believe it's gameplay.

up next: the conference for games you shouldn't buy on PC.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Need for Speed reboot
Star Wars TOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire (expansion pack)
Unravel (new IP, cute as hell)
Plants vs. Zombies: GW2
Mobile. Minions, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Prequel (no surprise). Feb 23, 2016.
Star Wars Battlefront

Summary: based DICE
whoa, wait, I'm a little shocked that they're still doing TOR.
I gotta tell my starwars dork-girl friend.
Seriously, who the hell planned this out? Cute Unravel followed by HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!! Sports at different segments??
up next: the conference for games you shouldn't buy on PC.
Or in general, for that matter.

Don't forget how we have to start every presentation with a fake personal story that takes several minutes. The tone flipping around every couple minutes was just bizarre.
Unravel and Garden Warfare were the only things that piqued my interest, and Unravel is probably the one I'll remember best.

Result: ZZZ/10