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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 Thread

>in a PSAS discord with some of the oldest classic players, including the guys who won that officially sponsored tourney
>Daily discuss possibility of PSAS2
>Despite trying to fool ourselves, we all know PSAS2 isn't coming
>dare to dream
Never stop dreaming, when the day ti does come out, it'll be all the sweeter.
Don't forget, Playstation is more popular than ever now and has gotten quite a few new exclusives that are popular now.
I mean, Miyazaki said he wanted to bring back old stuff, and he is president now. Then again, if I recall, his wording more implied Tenchu type shit. Either way, you think they'd put Armored Core on main stage? That strikes me as either side show or TGS.

Nothing against Armored Core, just saying it's not the most popular thing on Earth.
why you gotta break my heart
why you gotta break my heart
I was trying to give you hope if AC6 doesn't show on the main stage it's probably somewhere else if it's in the cards for this year.

This gameplay trailer looks really good. Too bad the game will probably be dull scripted garbage like the first one. Oh boy, bad game design sure is spooky.
I mean, making it a personal story probably already makes it better than the batshit insanity of the last one
That's very true, but I thought my posts, or at least the last one made it clear I was more revolted by the poor game design than I was by the writing. If you went into a Mikami game expecting a good story, I'm not sure what to tell you. I love God Hand, Vanquish, REmake, Resident Evil 4, etc. as much as the next guy but it's certainly not for their stories (killer7 doesn't count, Suda51 was blatantly largely part of that writing process). You can argue there is charm to the writing in most of those, sure, but the story itself is usually either very simple or very dumb, usually both. Though the fact you're constantly just warping around with no context for anything happening certainly hurts the tension and atmosphere in general.

I don't remember Evil Within that well to be entirely honest and am going to give it a second go for fairness sake, but I will talk about what I do remember.

My problems with that game can largely be summed up by the opening, it is a boring slow walking scripted section where you're barely playing the game, which makes it far less interesting than any other scenario and there are multiple scripted sequences throughout the game like this, there are also just sequences where you run through small linear area where the monster chasing you practically just serves as a time limit, since it's just an instant kill once it gets near you, this isn't scary, it's tedious and it's what serves for most of the boss fights. Speaking of not being scary, going back to the opening, you can only shove so much gore on the screen with no context other than LOOK BLOOD SCARY OOOOOOO before it removes all meaning at all points. Ruvik's mansion was also tedious since you just get some sort of arbitrary time limit before instant kill guy appears and you have to hide and then he's gone again only to come back so scary. I don't even remember if I died more than once or twice in the game (only death I remember was when the regular enemies upgraded to having instant kills with the things coming out of them but the game doesn't inform you of this), but it was just not a fun experience. Also I played it on release so it was buggy as fuck and on PC unoptimized as could be, when the first invisible enemy showed up I thought the game forgot to render them.

The one thing I actually remember liking was the Safehead bossfight and I don't even remember why, but since there has been so much occasion for shit talking the game now that a sequel has been announced I feel like I'm being unfair because I don't remember most of it. And hey, I had high expectations going in the first time, I love Mikami, God Hand and killer7 are probably my two favorite games, but now I'm going in with low expectations and may probably just enjoy it for what it is this time because I can't be disappointed. I will probably stand by my statements about bad game design, but maybe I'll like the "experience".
there's only so much you can program when you're just a severed head
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Also I will add the game feels corporate decision as hell, it feels like Zenimax picked up Tango and said "Make RE4 but for us" and he did it.

Which is super disappointing if like me you followed what was going on before the game was revealed, back when it was Zwei, it changed through half a dozen completely insane concepts before just being revealed to be what it was which was boring been here before mediocrity. I'm not even claiming the Zwei concepts were good, one was a co-op game where you're two people chained back to back and you have to hunt vampires, that doesn't sound like it would be a good game but at least it was something different.

I just want something more interesting out of a team lead by Mikami comprised of ex-Capcom, ex-Platinum and ex-Grasshopper people. That's fucking pedigree when it comes to interesting games.

I hope Takada does the soundtrack for this one as well at least, he's probably my favorite composer in the industry which is saying a lot when Meguro, Yamaoka and Okabe are still around. I don't remember any Evil Within music other than the save room theme though, need to give it a listen I guess.
maybe it'll be a stealth God Hand successor
the second half of the game is just karate nonsense
punch your inner demons in the balls, power bomb the ghost of your wife, dragon kick your depression into the milky way (milky way!)
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It looked a lot like XCOM. Like, a LOT like XCOM.

Presumably without the permadeath (pls let me kill Rabbid Peach), and with more cool shit. Also Mario RPG overworld stuff.
the mario characters don't look bastardized, that's nice

gameplay actually looks fun, worlds are colorful, the rabbids shit doesn't look
too bad?
Grant Kirkhope is doin' the tunes for Mario/Rabbids btw
Wolfenstein is proof that you can have a great cinematic story without sacrificing gameplay. Can't wait for the new one.

It's seriously the best single player FPS mechanically of the last few years outside Doom.

Far Cry 5 looks good too. Your doggo buddy can grab guns for you.
I just want Ubisoft to die.

For those of you who actually waited this long for a BGE 2, I'm curious, what about this is promising to you? I'm not being a smart ass, I'm just curious why you're expecting quality from modern Ubisoft, especially on this after 15 years. Ancel left with his team and is making Wild isn't he?
I just want Ubisoft to die.

For those of you who actually waited this long for a BGE 2, I'm curious, what about this is promising to you? I'm not being a smart ass, I'm just curious why you're expecting quality from modern Ubisoft, especially on this after 15 years. Ancel left with his team and is making Wild isn't he?

The amount of times FUCK is uttered is grounds enough to dismiss it
The amount of times FUCK is uttered is grounds enough to dismiss it
Oh really? I didn't even bother clicking it, someone told me it was bad and made a Donte comparison about the tone, I didn't think they were being literal.
Uhh the tone I saw didn't seem to be taking itself super-seriously, so IDK.

I know literally nothing about the first one.
Have they said anything about having reveals?
Knack 2 release date
Knack 3
Knack X
Knack Kart
Knack Trilogy pack
Knack + Crash: Kingdom Battle

I am ready
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aw ye

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When's Bloodborne Kart?
Whatever instrument is being played for this music, it's hurting my ears.