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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

Anyone got a good Cerebella template I can use?
how about Rutile from Disgaea 3 for Filia cb78c5eceb2e7e03ff1645a7cc8cbdb1.png
maybe Valmont for Fortune? fc21e9c7fb3d76e0528c615ea3e1cd05f43a3de6.jpg
COUGH COUGH MARILYN MONROE ELIZA COUGH COUGH....but furreal, even though i could give a rats @$$, i'd like to see. Her and Beyonce since they rock those stylistically similar dresses. please :)
Here, have a palette frame based on Sturm (Advance Wars 2)
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Sturm Black Egrets palette.

You know this is our destiny.
Release all Zig.
Color the second and overlay it.
Or you can color it and I'll match it if you'd like.
Two things: one, what's an overlay, and two, can you get me one that let's me color the middle part of her dress seperately?
Two things: one, what's an overlay, and two, can you get me one that let's me color the middle part of her dress seperately?

Uh... overlay is a photoshop term, but just edit and post the colors here and I'll make the colors match the model with shading. :D

Here, have a palette frame based on Sturm (Advance Wars 2)

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I got bored and drew a thing, then lined it with sharpie and colored it with crayons. It's so bad, I should give up compared to all the amazing artists on this site. :D
There's a beowulf palette in beowulf's palettes...
Made a palette for Taliesin way back. It refers to the Masked Man and his henchwoman Petra Fina from Flint the Time Detective.
Black and white outline was done by muzee, a fine chap who is yet to join the resurrected Skullheart.
I love seeing all these custom palettes :D
May as well post the ones I did for Umbrella a while back:
(It's funny how Immaevilspacewhale and I have some colors in common haha)

I based the Vanellope one on your's, since it was better than my old one.

The Spinelli one is really neat!
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Here's the palette template for Anais (lots of separation yeah)

Here's some example ones I made
filia as the mediator from jinrui wa suitai shimashita
i made a palette frame for Squigly as Crona from Soul Eater (i tried my best, this was my first time doing something like this)... well i kinda photoshopped a picture, haha
and a Ragnarok Leviathan to go with the Soul Eater Crona color palette
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I hope big band gets a Munchy Munk (2) reference somehow (as a palette though basically all pink with a bit of red [or white red and black?])
Uh... overlay is a photoshop term, but just edit and post the colors here and I'll make the colors match the model with shading. :D
Actually... it's really hard to use that Template. It's looking really not good. Would you mind doing the one I was gonna do?
here are some Anais Palettes I made

Kasane Teto

And an Aquaman right under the actual Anais Palette
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Matt and Pat from Two Best Friends Play, I'm sry that i didn't add Woolie, i couldn't think of a character that would fit Woolie.

Its a rough attempt, but help would be appreciated. :)
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this is my rough attempt at Woolie, this is supposed to be the Super Best Friends Brawl Woolie Woolie Parasoul.jpg (it's not great i know :( )
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:PB::QCF:can you make a vanellope von schweetz palette for umbrella