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[Feb 28, 2014] SCR @ UCI (Irvine, California)

Hey I can say I made it to the second round!

(Lol undeserved byes)

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So if you are picking up your badge in person, you just need your ID right? or something.
I assume so ya. Just gotta be able to identify that it's actually you. In the event of picking it up for someone else, just need a legit way of identifying that you are picking it up on so-and-so's behalf, which is a receipt from an account that only they should have access to.
and that's 8pm pacific time, right?
Skullgirls will be on the secondary stream at 8pm on Friday for top 8. So as long as we finish by 8pm, we are good. Still think we should start at 10am?

Probably only takes an hour to run each pool, as long as we have at least two setups. Add an extra hour for something to go wrong because it obviously will and we should be okay as long as we start no later than 3pm.
What happened to the brackets? Are they being redone? Old brackets give a 404 or not a 404 but they're gone.
If you guys do change the time, how will you notify non-skullheart players?
If you guys do change the time, how will you notify non-skullheart players?
Aw man yeah that's a valid point. People not checking this board will be relying on the times on the SCR website, which says 10am. Fuck.
What happened to the brackets? Are they being redone? Old brackets give a 404 or not a 404 but they're gone.
I think the brackets are the same as before, the URLs are just different:

I'll be there at 10am. >.<
If people are there for a bracket we will run it, but we will start at a MAXIMUM of 11AM (meaning noon).
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Guess I should really make a public service announcement that the game's name is one word.

But hey, at least we ain't up against Ultra. :^P

Whoa, that is a LOT of stuff happening at once.
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I've added the stream to the streams tab already.

Although an 8PM start is a little late, it's actually much better for viewer numbers than 2PM or so when you'd lose viewers who can't watch the stream because of work/etc.
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Guess I should really make a public service announcement that the game's name is one word.
Forreal how do you not have someone miss that.
Dunno how I feel about the stream following Virtua Fighter. All the 3D fighting game players will jump ship once its over. Would probably get more views if it followed a 2D fighter, like putting it on after the GGAC+R Stream.

Oh well, at least SG actually got some stream time.
If you look closely, brett's stream is ending in the time slot right before SG goes live. I think a lot people will migrate from there to the skullgirls and p4a top 8.

I think we have a decent position, the schedule is crazy packed so I don't think any other configuration would be any better.

#Skull #Girls
pumped to watch this! best of luck to everybody
So should I assume this has the beta changes lol? Pls help.
Valle or whoever wrote the "seeders" to each pool got about 40% right. Their seeds..
  • Pool 1 – Render, Negus Eyoel
  • Pool 2 – Mike Z, NCTF.FDM|Lord Raptor
  • Pool 3 – Sévérine, Shin ATproof, Nekro Surge
  • Pool 4 – Sanchez, WingZero
It has Big Band and all the PC real-game fixes, but not the beta changes.
Thanks baby. Just wanted to make sure I didn't have to recalculate my damage lol.
If we want, the rest of the weekend can be on Beta so negus can have his unfly, etc. I just don't want to do it for the tournament because no practice and money on the line.

Assists that cause sliding WILL be techable in the tournament, but that will only matter for the people who play Big Band (and they're used to it now.)
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If we actually do get to, this will be the first time I've ever faced you lol
Oh? Lol, should be fun then if I make it that far X3
There's always casuals if you guys never get paired up.
I walked out with nine badges hanging from my neck. Ya'll have my number, call me when you need me to get it out to ya! Don't make me walk around with nine badges all day.
I don't have your number weatherbee but I'm probably gonna show up early because why not.
If we want, the rest of the weekend can be on Beta so negus can have his unfly, etc. I just don't want to do it for the tournament because no practice and money on the line.

Assists that cause sliding WILL be techable in the tournament, but that will only matter for the people who play Big Band (and they're used to it now.)
Can you elaborate what this unfly in beta is or the techable slides?

EDIT: I read the beta. Cool, I should try
Missed my connecting flight. Probably not going to make it there until after pools end. Definitely not getting there tonight.
Missed my connecting flight. Probably not going to make it there until after pools end. Definitely not getting there tonight.

I don't have your number weatherbee but I'm probably gonna show up early because why not.
Check your e-mail, I sent out a reply to everyone with my number.
Ah the one thing I forget to check. Okay I got it thanks Weatherbee.
Missed my connecting flight. Probably not going to make it there until after pools end. Definitely not getting there tonight.

My god the dream is on life support

Not like this east coast not like this