I just beat chapter ten in conquest.
On Classic/Hard.
It took a combined ten and a half hours. Over two days. Once from five to two in the morning.
Seriously, I'm on chapter twelve now, and every chapter BUT chapter ten has been totally fine, and if anything easier than I expected from Conquest. I can only imagine what's coming next, however. I must say though, for a depressing experience, it was pretty enjoyable.
I'm tired as hell now and I'm falling asleep on my keyboard ahhhhh.
Also, as I'm playing Nohr, I realize I really should have just played as a female. I either despise or dislike all female characters in Nohr, except for Felicia, who is neutral, obviously. I think, as well, that Jakob is better from a strategic view, since his Paralogue let's you grind, he even has a son, AND he's a better unit if I'm gonna be honest. Also I like him and his son better than Felicia, although I do like Felicia quite a bit.
I love the guys, Niles (Who loves me back~), Odin, all of them. They're great, and I look forward still to ones like Lazlow, but gods I can't like the females. Either it's their personality, or their design. I love Selena's design, but can't stand the bitching. I like Beruka, but not enough to actually marry her.
But let's be honest here, my pretty little princess belongs to Arthur.
That handsome devil him.