• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Forum Feedback


Feb 24, 2021
Reaction score
Continuing from the archived feedback thread, with the revival of Skullheart, if y'all have any suggestions on the design and features please let me know.
Not sure if this is a known issue but it looks like certain visual features don't work in other themes apart from UI.X Classic Dark (child). For example, the top banner and the profile summaries under users' avatars in posts.

I've renamed the various themes. I don't have time to work on more than one theme right now, and even though the older themes are broken (and I wouldn't recommend using them,) I like giving people options. Good catch!
Okay that makes sense, thanks! I had an older theme set for ages so I noticed it. I'm using the new theme now since everything works correctly, although I do miss the golden opulence of Filmstrip 2. :p
The gamer media display on the profiles looks weird. It appears like the text is duplicated in some way. Here is an example from Chrono_Tata, being that they're above me so it's convenient.

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Something else I noticed is that the character emblems you can select under your name doesn't have Annie yet. Probably not a priority to add her since she's not "officially" out yet but just wanna point it out so it could be added later along with other future characters.
This is, admittedly, a very small thing but I still think it's worth noting that the header for the miscellaneous category is misspelled as 'miscellanious.' I thought it worth bringing up because I think that some users or potential users may get a slightly negative impression from spelling errors on official stuff.
The gamer media display on the profiles looks weird. It appears like the text is duplicated in some way. Here is an example from Chrono_Tata, being that they're above me so it's convenient.

View attachment 15621

Something else I noticed is that the character emblems you can select under your name doesn't have Annie yet. Probably not a priority to add her since she's not "officially" out yet but just wanna point it out so it could be added later along with other future characters.
Working on it!

This is, admittedly, a very small thing but I still think it's worth noting that the header for the miscellaneous category is misspelled as 'miscellanious.' I thought it worth bringing up because I think that some users or potential users may get a slightly negative impression from spelling errors on official stuff.
The embed for the forum have a typo.


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The gamer media display on the profiles looks weird. It appears like the text is duplicated in some way. Here is an example from Chrono_Tata, being that they're above me so it's convenient.

View attachment 15621
Should be fixed
Something else I noticed is that the character emblems you can select under your name doesn't have Annie yet. Probably not a priority to add her since she's not "officially" out yet but just wanna point it out so it could be added later along with other future characters.
Working on it!
Something else I noticed is that the character emblems you can select under your name doesn't have Annie yet. Probably not a priority to add her since she's not "officially" out yet but just wanna point it out so it could be added later along with other future characters.
Annie's emblem has been added!
I can't seem to start threads on account of spam-like content, nor can I send messages to people about being unable to start said threads. I can't attach images via URL in thread replies without incurring the wrath of the spam filter either, so I can't even provide an example of the kind of post that gets the error.
I can't seem to start threads on account of spam-like content, nor can I send messages to people about being unable to start said threads. I can't attach images via URL in thread replies without incurring the wrath of the spam filter either, so I can't even provide an example of the kind of post that gets the error.

You need a couple of posts on the site without attaching (or perhaps linking) images or links. The first thing spam bots do unfortunately is spam external links, so try making a couple of posts that don't include them, and those filters will be lifted eventually. Sorry for the inconvenience!

That said, I did see one of your earlier posts was getting held up for a silly word that should have been fine - I've adjusted the filtering rules.
Not sure if u guys know, but fake gamergirls are messaging me on this forum
Ive seen past forums go to hell cuz of bots and dont want this to happen 2 this place :-(
Just a heads up :)
Not sure if u guys know, but fake gamergirls are messaging me on this forum
Ive seen past forums go to hell cuz of bots and dont want this to happen 2 this place :-(
Just a heads up :)
View attachment 15755
It happened to me as well, I reported it directly yeah

Banned users still show on the members online list

(idk if forums are supposed to work like this)
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Can I ask whats the max size of picture you can upload? I keep getting hit with


while trying to upload a 2mb png screenshot.

Secondly, spoiler feature doesn't seem to work with imgur embeds. Also I didn't find any option to disable embedding in the first place which could be useful.

While I'm at it, I'd really like for other user messages to have some sort of button which would copy its message link to your message. Almost like "Reply" button, but instead It would jump to the user's original message instead of copying it to my own. Would be especially useful in threads where you need to have all other user's useful messages linked at the top page. That brings me to another suggestion - having an option to "pin" first message of the thread on every page. Could be useful for lenghty threads where you don't wanna jump to first page just to look at something you forgot.
Disregard this if its actually there and I'm blind though, thanks.

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While I'm at it, I'd really like for other user messages to have some sort of button which would copy its message link to your message. Almost like "Reply" button, but instead It would jump to the user's original message instead of copying it to my own. Would be especially useful in threads where you need to have all other user's useful messages linked at the top page. That brings me to another suggestion - having an option to "pin" first message of the thread on every page. Could be useful for lenghty threads where you don't wanna jump to first page just to look at something you forgot.
Disregard this if its actually there and I'm blind though, thanks.

This feature already exists lol. Click on the name on the quote box.

You can also link directly to someone's post by using the post's direct link like so https://skullheart.com/threads/forum-feedback.11568/post-413495
How do I terminate my account?
A Twitch tracker that tracks channels streaming Skullgirls would suffice. The old website has it, so I would like it back.
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A Twitch tracker that tracks channels streaming Skullgirls would suffice. The old website has it, so I would like it back.
I second this. I would like to know if the channels I follow on Twitch are streaming Skullgirls as well.

Also, maybe a fanart or fan works forum would be good to have as well since the old forums had them. I have a bunch of stuff I wanna show off from emotes to sketches I did in my free time.
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New forum: Ask the Devs

It's good that this site is back, but you know what would be great? If this site has a new forum where we ask Hidden Variable developers about their development, but we can't ask them about future content. Threads in the forum get locked when our questions are answered. I have a couple of important questions the devs must answer.

What will happen to Marie's boss version now that she is revealed as a playable fighter?
How will they manipulate the character select screen to fit Marie and future characters?
Will they do a nighttime variant of Boardwalk?
How many Season Passes are they planning?
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Now that the Switch has the Season 1 Pass and the massive update, add a Nintendo Switch ID field on the Account Details. Also, give this site Umbrella, Black Dahlia and Marie sigils for profiles. They are still missing.
A new notification for when people I follow posted their messages so I can know when people I follow has posted.
Thanks for all the comments in here! Going to be going through them and seeing which ones we can implement. Some obvious stuff like missing sigils and the like I'll get on ASAP!
Hey, while you're at it, maybe you could add a Twitch Tracker that keeps track of Twitch channels streaming Skullgirls, right? I miss that feature so much.
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Also, Big Band's name is supposed to come before Black Dahlia's name in terms of ABC order because the I is before the L while both characters have their names started with a B.
Also, Big Band's name is supposed to come before Black Dahlia's name in terms of ABC order because the I is before the L while both characters have their names started with a B.
That's a quick fix! Done now.
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I can't post images. Also, the banned user's username is not supposed to be shown on the list of online members.
Put in the Xbox One, Xbox Series X and General (for all versions) prefixes for bug reports for the retail version.
It’s fine. I only play the mobile version.
I don't know what this has to do with this topic, but if you're a Mobile-only player, I suggest using the Mobile forum. This forum is for the PC and Console game.

Now that Black Dahlia is released and will be on Switch Friday, add a subforum for Marie.
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It's kind of a minor suggestion, but it really would be nice to have more emotes, both the sigils of the characters and the portraits like Ms. Fortune's head.