someone pls fix cm's internet so we can play not laggy girls. Literally everyone's connection is back to fine now except his.
s t r a y a b o y s
That being said, I did get some games in with him today. He's switched from Val/PW/BB to Val/EL/BB, because apparently the first team wasn't cheap enough :^)
Even though the post hit flowchart is much easier now ("I'll get a hit then snap BB in since he doesn't have a safe reversal anymore" or "I'll get a hit then snap EL in since she won't have level 3 early so I can rek her for free"; actually I'm not so sure, that would probably depend on which of his other two characters he's worse at), it's way harder to try to open him up with that new team.
Before, his team looked like this
and I could afford to stay closer. Now it looks like this
and because the safer space is further away, even if I counter call, it's pretty hard to try to catch him, since he's further away and has better chances of running away till his assist comes back.
(side note it's probably better to get screen caps of the game and draw boxes on them in Paint or something but this is more fun and gets more likes and my life is dictated by how many likes I can get on the internet so yeah)
Some ways I've thought of dealing with this problem are:
1) Stay in axe's range but not in BE's range, manually hit it with s.HP, upback to block the axe as low as I can, then dash in and try to use my assist to get Val to land on the assist, so I'm saving my assist call for when I would need it closer.
2) Stay in axe's range and preemptively call Beam. Beam's hitboxes will stay on the screen if axe is coming out or eliza is hitting the ground, since axe has startup that isn't the traditional assist startup.
I'd try this stuff if our connection didn't suck balls though. Why the fuck is this happening.
Also played vs Nuewt again. Nuewt's started to use more Tear Toss and air Tear Toss in his Parasoul zoning and it's somewhat frustrating to try to get in now, but he has a bad tendency to lose to brass assist so for the time being I'm doing better than he is (our last set went like 10-6 me but then internet was crappy so I alt f4'd). Hopefully he can figure out ways for me to die for using brass like I do.
Found some more RF/FI stuff, namely dust corner carry combos, but I don't really get to play that team here anymore (unless I play Shuffle or Fruit, in which case I think Bella/Double/BB lose to that team so I'll use that team). RF point in general is starting to get countered with the team composition changes being made, and I'm not really a fan D: but whatever, I'll deal with it.