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Fun & Practice! The beginner matchmaking thread.

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Hi, I just got Skullgirls this week, so I really want to train more. I'm in MN, USA (Midwest) right now, but I'll be in CT (East Coast) in a few weeks. Please help me get good!! I main as Eliza and Big Band now, and I plan to also main as Beowulf later on.

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Hey, guys! I'm a relatively new player but have always had an eye on this game for quite a long time. I'd actually like to start playing more actively and have already been dabbling with various characters. My main character atm is Parasoul, and I would like to improve my play with her. I'm usually on almost everyday so it'd be really neat to have a sparring partner to train and practice.

Here is my steam URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/crothemagnon/

I play in South Korea so it might be a bit laggy, who knows~ Please invite me and let's improve together!
Hey, guys! I'm a relatively new player but have always had an eye on this game for quite a long time. I'd actually like to start playing more actively and have already been dabbling with various characters. My main character atm is Parasoul, and I would like to improve my play with her. I'm usually on almost everyday so it'd be really neat to have a sparring partner to train and practice.

Here is my steam URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/crothemagnon/

I play in South Korea so it might be a bit laggy, who knows~ Please invite me and let's improve together!
I know there are a number of South Korean players on Steam - If you can't find anyone to play via this thread try asking in the chat room for the SG Oceanic group and they might be able to tell you where to find them.
Hey guys just looking for some training buddies. I am not pro but not a beginner. I am kinda in the middle some where but need a little help and experience fighting different people. Please let me know I am online now.
Hey guys just looking for some training buddies. I am not pro but not a beginner. I am kinda in the middle some where but need a little help and experience fighting different people. Please let me know I am online now.

I'll add u LorelaiVega; I am also looking for some peeps to practice with. I'll be online tomorrow.
Hi guys, I'm looking to play some beginner matches with some people since none of my friends like Skullgirls xD
I've been practicing for a while now and now some combos, so I would say that I'm not a total beginner. I live in Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia. If anyone in that region wants to play some matches with me, add me!
Hi guys, I'm looking to play some beginner matches with some people since none of my friends like Skullgirls xD
I've been practicing for a while now and now some combos, so I would say that I'm not a total beginner. I live in Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia. If anyone in that region wants to play some matches with me, add me!
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you've mostly been playing single-player then you probably are a beginner. That's not a bad thing, but I thought I'd warn you as things change a lot when you're playing against real people who have put hundreds of hours into the various aspects of their play. Fortunately, there seem to be a number of people from SE-Asia/Oceania around here, so you should be able to find some people to play with pretty easily.
Hi guys, I'm looking to play some beginner matches with some people since none of my friends like Skullgirls xD
I've been practicing for a while now and now some combos, so I would say that I'm not a total beginner. I live in Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia. If anyone in that region wants to play some matches with me, add me!
I live in Southeast Asia too!
I've sent an invite, I also have a friend from Indonesia (I think) who can play with you.

e: I can't find you. :^(
Mind sending me one instead?
First fighting game that I am trying to take seriously, I am p horrible tho.
EU West

I'm an oldschool button masher and was hoping to make some new friends here! I'm from Sweden so I guess that's EU West for you.
I got time to play most evenings if you want to destroy me over and over :)

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curses! I need some psn skullgirl fwends
It might help if you post your location to try to get players who live in the same area as you for better connections.
If anyone wants to wail on a pathetic scrub go ahead and add me on PSN. I'm in West Coast of U.S.
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Hello all. I've been at skullgirls for a few months and I'd love to make some friends since I do play it a lot. I'm on Steam and currently in the Gulf Coast of the US.
Hello all. I've been at skullgirls for a few months and I'd love to make some friends since I do play it a lot. I'm on Steam and currently in the Gulf Coast of the US.
Hello all. I've been at skullgirls for a few months and I'd love to make some friends since I do play it a lot. I'm on Steam and currently in the Gulf Coast of the US.
Finally another gulf coast player T-T
Is your name Superburrito still on steam?
Yeah but haven't been able to use steam in awhile
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I look forward to seeing you, then. =3

I'm also in Texas! I'll try to remember to find you later. ^-^

All right
Hey, I'm new to Skullgirls, but I'm only on PSN for the time being. The only other fighting game I've played is Smash Bros., and I know I'm better in that than this. If you'd like to add me, go right ahead. I'm also in more of the Midwest area of the U.S. in South Dakota, so ping shouldn't be too big of a problem unless your somewhere near Texas and Mexico.
Mains in Skullgirls: Solo Big Band, Big Band and Double, or Big Band, Double, and some other 3rd character.
Mains in Smash Bros.: Kirby, Luigi, Sheik, and Dr. Mario.
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Ah, a fellow Smasher. Which Smash do you happen to play? I'm guessing it's Melee.
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Ah, a fellow Smasher. Which Smash do you happen to play? I'm guessing it's Melee.
To be honest, I play them all pretty much equally. I just happened to find out I was pretty great with Dr. Mario when I was playing Melee with some friends.
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I'm from Eastern Canada, have a high speed connection, and would love for people to play with for 15-20 matches at a time - mostly on weekends in the evening and perhaps on Friday evenings occasionally as well. I don't mind uneven match-ups as long as the other person doesn't get bored by repeated losses or repeated wins, as the case may be. I'm not very good, but I am trying to get better and learn from my losses. I usually play either solo Double or Peacock and Double.
I'm from Eastern Canada, have a high speed connection, and would love for people to play with for 15-20 matches at a time - mostly on weekends in the evening and perhaps on Friday evenings occasionally as well. I don't mind uneven match-ups as long as the other person doesn't get bored by repeated losses or repeated wins, as the case may be. I'm not very good, but I am trying to get better and learn from my losses. I usually play either solo Double or Peacock and Double.

I wouldn't mind playing against you, especially since I've been practicing against Double lately. I'd love to see how well I do against an actual player.
I wouldn't mind playing against you, especially since I've been practicing against Double lately. I'd love to see how well I do against an actual player.

I'm Helioparnassus on Steam - you can add me as a friend :)
I'm Helioparnassus on Steam - you can add me as a friend :)

All righty! Actually, I think you may have sent something, but if I didn't recognize the name, I may have ignored it and for that I apologize. X_X I'll send a request to you!
Hey everyone. Gulf Coast player here looking to meet other new players to learn the game with. Feel free to add me on PSN (No steam account). Let's have fun!
Hey everyone. Gulf Coast player here looking to meet other new players to learn the game with. Feel free to add me on PSN (No steam account). Let's have fun!
Sure! I'd love to help you out and have fun! :D
I've just started investing some significant time into SG, as opposed to half-assedly mashing attacks and watching the pretty animation.
I'm a Gulf Coast PC keyboard Solobella, looking to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do in neutral game.
PM me if you wanna add me! My steam name changes often and I'd rather not mess around with my Skullheart settings every time it changes.
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