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Future of Skullgirls post IndieGogo?


Anime Fucker
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
No Man's Land
Squigly Cerebella
This isn't a happy subject but I feel like we need to talk about this as a community.

Let's face it, there's no funding after Robo Fortune and considering the string of bad luck, Lab 0 needs a huge break to even continue afterwards.

Me and my friend have been hoping to build hype for the game at least and encourage Let's Players to buy the game and in turn, their audience play it.
Hopefully news will spread and it'll have a leg to stand on after 2014.

Any thoughts or ideas on how this game can still stand?
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As long as we maintain our bond as a community (which is better than most other communities), and we maintain the hype throughout our various weeklies (Slapfest, Skullbats, Kenin's Grudge Matches), I think we'll be fine after 2014. We just need constant vigilance in generating interest and hype for the game. Tell your friends. Bring it to meetups if you can. Show people that this is as good a fighting game as most mainstream fighters.
As long as we maintain our bond as a community (which is better than most other communities), and we maintain the hype throughout our various weeklies (Slapfest, Skullbats, Kenin's Grudge Matches), I think we'll be fine after 2014. We just need constant vigilance in generating interest and hype for the game. Tell your friends. Bring it to meetups if you can. Show people that this is as good a fighting game as most mainstream fighters.

Like I said, me and my friend are bringing it to the attention of Let's Players, with the fact it holds no content ID, it makes it an appealing choice.
I was actually thinking more locally than anything. I've heard people talk about how their respective community is relatively dead because no console. To be honest, NYC is no exception. Dekillsage, Lethalmind, Shademoneh, and I are but a handful of PC players here, along with a few friends at a local college club. The rest are either waiting for the update after so long, or have just dropped it altogether.

Online reach is good, but concentrated communities are better, imo.
I was actually thinking more locally than anything. I've heard people talk about how their respective community is relatively dead because no console. To be honest, NYC is no exception. Dekillsage, Lethalmind, Shademoneh, and I are but a handful of PC players here, along with a few friends at a local college club. The rest are either waiting for the update after so long, or have just dropped it altogether.

Online reach is good, but concentrated communities are better, imo.

Any community is better, I wish with all my heart I could get the local community running here but there's no community in general here in my area.

It's a miracle if I find Australian players.
Oh, Australia... You have my condolences, but best of luck to getting a community together.
Since Autumn recently started helping Lab Zero with the updates financially, does this mean we might get more DLC characters after Robo-Fortune, like B.Dahlia, Umbrella, Marie, Annie, etc?
Oh, Australia... You have my condolences, but best of luck to getting a community together.
Literally. All of my online buddies are in different states or over 3 hours drive away.
We're just not big gamers apparently.
Since Autumn is helping out Lab Zero with the updates financially, does this mean we might get more DLC characters after Robo-Fortune, like B.Dahlia, Umbrella, Marie, Annie, etc?
Maybe? I don't know how to speak company. I just hope they're still getting paid to work on this brilliant game.
Since Autumn recently started helping Lab Zero with the updates financially, does this mean we might get more DLC characters after Robo-Fortune, like B.Dahlia, Umbrella, Marie, Annie, etc?
You're just trying to summon DDB, aren't you?

But yeah, here's hoping characters relevant to the canon storyline (B.Dahlia, Umbrella, Marie) make it in the future, provided L0 has the resources.
You're just trying to summon DDB, aren't you?

But yeah, here's hoping characters relevant to the canon storyline (B.Dahlia, Umbrella, Marie) make it in the future, provided L0 has the resources.
I'm not really a fan of Annie. I think it was Alex Ahad who said that they may consider adding Annie due to her popularity in the IGG character polls.
I think a big thing that's holding the game back is the fact that the roster is really tiny. Most tag fighters have at least 20-30 characters - Skullgirls almost has 10. A lot of people just get bored fighting the same characters over and over. So I'm thinking (hoping) the game will start to get more attention once all the DLC characters come out.

Until then, I'm recommending the game to everyone I know and bringing it up in every possible conversation. I only know, like, two people who play fighting games though. :\
I think a big thing that's holding the game back is the fact that the roster is really tiny. Most tag fighters have at least 20-30 characters - Skullgirls almost has 10. A lot of people just get bored fighting the same characters over and over. So I'm thinking (hoping) the game will start to get more attention once all the DLC characters come out.

Until then, I'm recommending the game to everyone I know and bringing it up in every possible conversation. I only know, like, two people who play fighting games though. :\

Don't let that bring you down though, Skullgirls is my first fighter and I introduced to a lot of friends who aren't even hardcore fighting fans.

Interestingly enough, he's never picked up a fighting game and he's maining Parasoul like a pro and I took to Squigly like a duck in water.
All I can say now is that we are very much working to secure a future for both Lab Zero and Skullgirls.
You have no idea how glad I am to read something as succinct as that. I feel like I've been ready to break into full doom-saying mode for a little while, now. You're at the helm of the only fighting game franchise I've ever cared about playing, and it would cause me no small amount of heartache to see to fade into obscurity.
All I can say now is that we are very much working to secure a future for both Lab Zero and Skullgirls.
I think a big thing that's holding the game back is the fact that the roster is really tiny. Most tag fighters have at least 20-30 characters - Skullgirls almost has 10. A lot of people just get bored fighting the same characters over and over. So I'm thinking (hoping) the game will start to get more attention once all the DLC characters come out.

Until then, I'm recommending the game to everyone I know and bringing it up in every possible conversation. I only know, like, two people who play fighting games though. :\
Here's the thing about that, though: Even with most other tag fighters, at high-level play, all you see are the same teams. I mean, look at Marvel 3. Vergil/Morrigan/Doom all up in there. If people didn't know any better, you'd think those were the only characters available.

Also, with Custom Assists, you're not locked into preset assists. There's also the variable team setting. It's not always gonna be 3 on 3. While we may not have the biggest roster, we also have the smallest divide between top and bottom, compared to other small-roster games where the top/bottom divide is HUGE.
More characters would be great, but not at the expense of quality and variety. Quality trumps quantity everytime, and many games with mammoth rosters are full of clones, or alt versions of same character, or characters that lack any originality.
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Maybe at the next EVO tournament, people could show expert gameplay and people playing the game so that we can advertise on Youtube or TV so that people know we exist. I'd go to EVO, but with the money I have... a man could still wish:PUN:.
Tbqh, ive been worried that labzero will run out of funding before they reach all these goals. Its been near to a year and they will have completed a near half done character, and a full character, while having started on another character... Slightly.

So they have, if the time that has been put in already is any indicator, at least another year to get out Eliza and Beowulf, but as far as i can remember the schedule proposed was something like 3-4 months per character. So it was supposed to be done in a year?

Idk but it seems like money might become an issue and it sucks to think that these guys might be working pro bono again... Cause that unpaid stuff takes even more time than the paid stuff since paid stuff can only happen after hours after the paid work has been done. Id like to not see them having to live off half a bowl of noodles a day to complete this.. So yeah im somewhat worried though i have the utmost confidence that things will come together.
All we can do is keep recommending and playing the game.
Ah, geez. This dark reality.

It sure is surprising how small the community is considering the INSANE amount of money we raised. Ugh.

Try not to mind the following if it offends you in some manner, it's just salt.

i'm pissed that so many people only like skullgirls because it's "cool" to like it. i just want more people to play it, instead of over half our community just being artists. there's nothing wrong with that- i really do appreciate any attention it gets, but it's just something i'm not happy with as i feel like we'll never become truly recognized until we have a lot of PLAYERS
Tbqh, ive been worried that labzero will run out of funding before they reach all these goals. Its been near to a year and they will have completed a near half done character, and a full character, while having started on another character... Slightly.

So they have, if the time that has been put in already is any indicator, at least another year to get out Eliza and Beowulf, but as far as i can remember the schedule proposed was something like 3-4 months per character. So it was supposed to be done in a year?

Idk but it seems like money might become an issue and it sucks to think that these guys might be working pro bono again... Cause that unpaid stuff takes even more time than the paid stuff since paid stuff can only happen after hours after the paid work has been done. Id like to not see them having to live off half a bowl of noodles a day to complete this.. So yeah im somewhat worried though i have the utmost confidence that things will come together.
Too many sidetracks, that Konami and needing to make Skullgirls Encore was a doozy. Hopefully, Eliza and Beowulf go within that 3-4 months each window.
And how about... Billboards! Or TV ads! Now we need money!
Or we can play the game more and buy it to our friends... Now we need money!
And how about... Billboards! Or TV ads! Now we need money!
Or we can play the game more and buy it to our friends... Now we need money!

I want a "HOT 2D FIGHTING" ad.
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