Sad to say my own personal project is probably never going to be finished. There was a lot of stuff I wanted to do with it but I never was able to really learn how to make it a reality. Probably for the better as whatever I would have made woulda probably been pretty bad tbh.
On a brighter note I'm helping with the art on a Pheonix Wright type game that involves a unique twist on the formula with you having to essentially solve a case like CLUE so you get a bunch of evidence and have to combine or use it and then determine the culprit as opposed to these giant dramatic scenes of breaking the culprit down. Its really snazzy and I hope my friend who's making it is willing to let others play it. Its too good so far to just rot on his pc like his last project D:
On a brighter note I'm helping with the art on a Pheonix Wright type game that involves a unique twist on the formula with you having to essentially solve a case like CLUE so you get a bunch of evidence and have to combine or use it and then determine the culprit as opposed to these giant dramatic scenes of breaking the culprit down. Its really snazzy and I hope my friend who's making it is willing to let others play it. Its too good so far to just rot on his pc like his last project D: