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Gaming General Discusison

Last Nioh demo is tonight. It's only one level and an optional boss fight this time, but the level has a new reward and the hard mode version of the level has the old rewards.
Nioh is Japanese Dark Souls right

starring the guy from Witcher 3
If you just glance at the game that's probably what it looks like, sure.
Dark Souls is a japanese take on western fantasy media in the back drop of the apocalypse.

Nioh is the tale of a westerner warrior in japan.

Learn the difference, it could save your life.
Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and Mage: The Awakening
Mobile games

Still, I heard they're also making a Werewolf PC game, so that'll be fun. Unfortunately, werewolves are just about the one World of Darkness property I'm least interested. Changeling gets you cool Fae stuff, Promethean has robots and Frankensteins, Mage has techno-spells and satellites that nuked the big Gehenna thing from Vampire, Werewolves have... annoying grapple mechanics and a chair?


Still, I heard they're also making a Werewolf PC game, so that'll be fun. Unfortunately, werewolves are just about the one World of Darkness property I'm least interested. Changeling gets you cool Fae stuff, Promethean has robots and Frankensteins, Mage has techno-spells and satellites that nuked the big Gehenna thing from Vampire, Werewolves have... annoying grapple mechanics and a chair?
I mentioned that a page before, it's going to be on PC and Consoles, more news in Feburary.

And don't forget, Old/One World of Darkness gets the games, so no Prometheans, no Geists, but hey, you get Wratihs, fun right? (Kappa)
They said they might rework or make new splats though
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Shiba Inu... spirit animal

What game is this? I think I need this.

Rad Shiba.PNG

...yeah, pretty sure I need this. Or at least want it really bad.
That may have just ensured a Preorder from me.
It's the first game I've ever pre-ordered with a season pass, let alone digitally. The demos completely sold me and every time I find out something new about the game it has always gotten me more excited, even every spirit animal reveal.

What game is this?
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I'm actually kinda torn, so i could use some Skullheart (TM) Help
I really wanna get RE 7 at some point soon, but Ni-Oh comes out around the asme time I was planning to get it (2 weeks, enough time to still get Prime savings)
Should I just preorder Ni-Oh and wait for RE 7 (which would also help me forget puzzle solutions/things that happen), or wait for Ni-Oh and get RE7 while the hype is still real? :O

(Also, Ni-oh preorders include cool armor, and a Dynamic Theme for your PS4)
I'm actually kinda torn, so i could use some Skullheart (TM) Help
I really wanna get RE 7 at some point soon, but Ni-Oh comes out around the asme time I was planning to get it (2 weeks, enough time to still get Prime savings)
Should I just preorder Ni-Oh and wait for RE 7 (which would also help me forget puzzle solutions/things that happen), or wait for Ni-Oh and get RE7 while the hype is still real? :O

(Also, Ni-oh preorders include cool armor, and a Dynamic Theme for your PS4)
get Nioh first. and wait for RE7.
preorder Ni-Oh and wait for RE 7
I heard RE 7's getting some DLC, so you may want to wait for an Ultimate Edition so you can play it all as one cohesive experience.
I'm interested in RE VII but I'm skeptical of it and we only had a demo of a small enclosed area that didn't say a whole lot about the game outside basic features. Ni-oh sold me with multiple betas showing off different content that makes me feel I can say the game is definitely great in a bigger picture sense.
Re7 is worth the coin

That's all I can say without spoilers
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Re7 is worth the coin

That's all I can say without spoilers
Yeah, saw Max and Criken play the first 1-3 hours, I'm genuinely interested in playing it, I wanna see the story, how it connects to RE at large, what the infection is, wtf is going on, stuff like that.
And I feel pressured to do it sooner rather than later to avoid spoilers
Yeah, saw Max and Criken play the first 1-3 hours, I'm genuinely interested in playing it, I wanna see the story, how it connects to RE at large, what the infection is, wtf is going on, stuff like that.
And I feel pressured to do it sooner rather than later to avoid spoilers
Few connections. Could work as a first title to enter the series.
I think I'll just wait a month or two and see if the price drops, plus by then I can forget any spoilers or puzzle solutions by then, I'll prob just get RE 4 and RE 5 on PS4 between then and now.
Finished Yakuza 0 (40%). Game would be pretty damn perfect if I didn't have to do mini-game trash to unlock combat upgrade/moves.
Finished Yakuza 0 (40%). Game would be pretty damn perfect if I didn't have to do mini-game trash to unlock combat upgrade/moves.

Royal Estate and Cabaret Czar aren't that bad for unlocking upgrades. Managing the districts and Hostesses are easy and rake in some good money.

Plus, they're fun extra side stories. You want trash mini-game requirements. How about having to get 10 million yen in each type of sport?

It might sound easy, but it isn't. It's time consuming as fuck.
Real Estate wasn't THAT bad other than it was time consuming as hell because I wanted the upgrades and didn't advance the story while waiting for collections, but it punishes you for not being good at mini games by making you wait even longer to finish each section and that was frustrating. The story was enjoyable though.

I can't do the Cabaret Club, I'm not having fun and I have no idea how to win the first battle so I just never touched it after that point.

I've pretty much assumed I'm not getting the completion stuff for the mini-games because I have no interest and know it will just be time spent doing stuff I don't want to do. Game itself though, absolutely love it.
So that there The Surge (Sci-Fi Souls-like) is confirmed to be Singleplayer only, holy shit, what a deal breaker, I cannot imagine playing a Souls-like without any multiplayer or online aspects whatsoever, what a shame, I thought we'd finally get the Future Souls a lot of people were holding out for
Dropped forum presence a bit because I went from sinking time into Yakuza to now just playing Nioh constantly. Nioh turned out great, absolutely loving it so far.

@Jutsei @The Dave the Shiba Inu pair guardian spirit is actually pretty useful, I'm in a later part of the game and it still has pretty good combat applications despite being available early on.
Did Guardian Spirit stuff change from alpha to release? I remember in Alpha you had to level the fuck out of Spirit to get all the Guardian goodies, now I'm not seeing much at all
(Also maybe now's a good time for someone to make a Nioh thread)
You need to level spirit to get all the benefits, it's just early on the requirements are low. I'm in level 70-80 territory now and my highest spirit requirement is like 18 or something.
Warning to anyone playing Nioh. Don't spend requests on Tome unless you REALLY want whatever the request is. After a certain mission you get by talking to her you get a second request menu that has way better bonuses. I'm just assuming they run on the same request points since I have no way of checking any time soon. It's not like saving up the requests will hurt you if I'm wrong. They run on the same points. Don't do as I did.

Oh man, you're in for a good time. Get the third level of Iga bomb as fast as possible. Ninja build is so fun in tbis game if you plan on using light armor with ninja perks Hanzo's set requires 12 body 13 skill and 1 point of stamina to make it the lightest class. It has bomuses for the whole set that are great for ninja. Good ninja spirits are the bat (have 15 spirit ready) and the bunny (16 or 17, not sure which).
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Ah, alright. Because my favorite thing in the game, despite using a Kusarigama at all times, is if you have light armor with a sword you get a combo ender that's a backflip.

If you combine this with the skill that lets you cancel ki pulse into Iai draw and use the multi hit Iai move that moves you forward before attacking, you can do a combo, backflip, pulse, jump forward and Iai draw with multiple slashes as a single combo and it's the coolest shit.