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Gaming General Discusison

I apparently had too much time on my hands this morning and wrote this in the Nioh thread but figured I'd copy paste it here since it's more relevant to general discussion and was curious if anyone had any responses to it, which would be more likely to happen here given how dead that thread is, assuming anyone reads my nonsense.
For anyone unfamiliar the modern Ninja Gaiden games pretty much started on the original Xbox, Ninja Gaiden was released in 2004, a massively improved rerelease was put out in 2005 also for the original Xbox and has remained exclusive to that to this day, which is honestly pretty indicative of how this story goes.

Ninja Gaiden Black, largely considered by the Ninja Gaiden community as the best game in the series (or even the only one worth playing, depending on who you ask), is only available physically on Xbox and then digitally as well as playable through backwards compatibility on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. There was another rerelease of Ninja Gaiden called Ninja Gaiden Sigma for PS3, this game is usually considered inferior as it removed some content, made the game quite a bit easier and the new gameplay content was lackluster at best which really hurt since it was forced on you. Friendly reminder that original Xbox remains unemulatable, as does 360 as far as I'm aware and while PS3 is technically emulatable it requires quite a machine and none of the Ninja Gaiden games are particularly playable on it at best.

Ninja Gaiden 2 released for the 360 is really a mixed bag of a sequel, it has my favorite weapon additions of the series and some great bosses and levels but also has a lot of problems going on (like the fucking water combat and that stupid god damn boss as well as the game honestly being flat out unfair in design terms in the name of difficulty), and while it's rejected by NGB purists it also gets to be "the last game in the series worth playing" by most of the Ninja Gaiden community. It also had a PS3 rerelease as Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 which is much easier, censored to a laughable degree, has absolutely awful new bosses, removes the fucking water combat and offers some new content in the form of new playable characters. I want to talk about for a second how fucking baffling this port is though, even ignoring the censorship, because in a high paced action game they decided to focus on visuals over actual performance, raising the resolution of the game and making it look much better while removing anything that would lower the framerate such as effects or much more harmful to the game; enemies. They removed all the game's large scale encounters instead of fighting hordes of enemies you now fight a few more damaging/damage sponge enemies which alters the games balance quite a bit as well as changes the experience.

Ninja Gaiden 3 was a clusterfuck no one wants to talk about, remembering that game exists now I really want to go read about why they even did what they did. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge was a rerelease of the game for the Wii-U (for some reason) where they actually made it a Ninja Gaiden game again, though the game is still not well received by most Ninja Gaiden fans. It was later ported to PS3 and 360. (My personal opinion on the game is barely existent, I had a miserable time plaything through the half I did play but I aim to give it another shot)

Long story short
Ninja Gaiden - The most liked one
  • Best version: Black, only playable on Xbox consoles through backwards comparability or your original Xbox copy
  • Lesser version: Sigma, on Playstation 3
  • I forgot these existed and had to come back to add these version: Sigma Plus, released on the Vita PS3 version with small additions and a 30fps cap that it struggles to meet at times
  • Not emulatable in any form

Ninja Gaiden 2 - The follow up that is debatable in quality (I personally like it more than Black other than some standout issues)
  • Best version: Original, only playable on Xbox 360. Is not playable on Xbox One.
  • Fuck off version: Sigma 2, available on PS3
  • Seriously fuck off, holy shit version: Vita, has everything wrong with the PS3 version (except they added gore back) but with the added bonus of a 30fps cap that you'll almost never see since the game is barely able to maintain double digit FPS
  • Not emulatable in any form, not available on anything other than the systems it was directly released on (360, PS3, Vita)

Ninja Gaiden 3 - Eugh.
  • Best version: Razor's Edge, Wii-U/PS3/360
  • What the fuck happened version: Original, PS3/360
  • Not emulatable in any form
Now, why is this important? Simple; access to a great series of games is extremely limited and completely finite. All of these games, regardless of release quality are only available on systems a gen old or on the Vita (which I don't think I need to explain the issue with, and I love my Vita) with the sole exception of one (albeit what is probably considered the best one by the people who care about the series, which is only available on the Xbox One). I don't buy into console war shit, which includes the "PC master race" thing, but this is a big part of why releasing games on PC is important. I have a 360, it's at least my second one because that system dies at an absurdly high rate (Red Ring anyone?) for a game console. I also have a PS3 which is also not my first one because they also have a decent death rate. Sure, 360s and PS3s are cheap right now but manufacture of them will stop and they only last so many years. While I replaced both those consoles at the time they were relevant, I certainly can't justify the price of replacing them now if they were to die, especially for the 360 which doesn't have a whole lot of exclusives in its library to justify such a purchase, not to mention the expenses of replacing peripherals or the fact that there is a subscription fee to access some game features.

This is true for many games and game series at this point, but since we're talking about Ninja Gaiden it boils down to this, the only way to actually play the series is on an Xbox 360 and even then it may be up to personal preference if you're getting the best version of NG 2. What started out as me lazily going "I want to play NG but I don't want to go set up X console" became a reminder of what utter bullshit the whole exclusives system is and the fact that many of the best games of last gen and certainly anything exclusive to the original Xbox is capable of actually being lost. Sure, Xbox One started rolling out Xbox backwards compatibility but hey Jet Set Radio Future isn't there, Phantom Crash isn't there, Otogi and Otogi 2 weren't playable on 360 and aren't on Xbox One, I'm sure you can come up with many other examples of actually good games that aren't coming back if you actually owned an Xbox. I'm still completely shocked we were so lucky to see Phantom Dust actually get a remaster for Xbox One and PC, and it was actually free for some reason.

And yes, I understand why games that are made by the console manufacturer are exclusive and that that isn't likely to change for the most part, but what is surprising is that exclusives as an idea has changed to a large degree this gen with Microsoft who are releasing almost all Xbox One exclusives on Windows (though some unfortunately locked to their garbage store) and even Sony to a degree who are much more open to the idea of third party exclusives ending up on PC than before (Nioh, Street Fighter, Helldivers, SG2E content, etc.). The main holdout on the issue is obviously Nintendo, who is honestly much less harmful in this context since for the most part they either don't have third party exclusives, the ones they do are more likely to actually be made in a way that uses the system its on in a way that may be hard to translate (The World Ends With You, Etrian Odyssey, The Wonderful 101 to a small degree, etc.) or honestly offer some sort of reason to buy their hardware since they do something other than just being a worse computer (Dual screens, Handlheld/console hybrid, etc.) and while I could then bitch about availability of some things they do get to hold hostage like Fatal Frame (Hey, the best version of Fatal Frame 2 is Xbox exclusive and backwards compatible to 360 but not Xbox One), that's an entirely different discussion.
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CC2 puts a lot of heart and love into their anime games.
So I don't mind.
they're done making Naruto games anyway, they gotta rep some Anime video game next.
Yeah a new anime
like Boruto :V
Yeah sooooo how bad is a 3 billion value drop in EA stocks?


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There's petitions to have Disney pull EA's Star Wars exclusivity Contract too.
If that actually happens, this would be the most justice-filled and satisfying things since Gaming as a whole turning on Konami all at once at The Game Awards
There's petitions to have Disney pull EA's Star Wars exclusivity Contract too.
If that actually happens, this would be the most justice-filled and satisfying things since Gaming as a whole turning on Konami all at once at The Game Awards
And it'd be a PR coup for EA as well, they can talk about how they care about the fans and their IPs until the cows come home.
The only reason their stock price is dipping is because BF2 isn't launching with microtransactions, which is losing them money. Shareholders want loot boxes.
Angry gamers making the world a better place

row row fight the powah
oh boy, Haven't been here in a looong time. I see some familiar names still.

And about EA...

RIP in Peace
who da fuck're u
It's December!
And we're bizarrely having quite a few big game reveal events
Quick summary
Game Awards next week, usually has some neat reveals at the least (For some reason last of us was revealed for the first time there!)
After that is Playstation Experience on December 9th...
Then, after that, is a Namco Bandai Event (Nintendo is noted to have a huge presence there)
And lastly, on December 18th is Jumpfest, where they usually reveal a lot of (Good) Anime games.
Probably will make a Playstation Experience thread, but not a Game Awards thread, not again... not again.

But aside from that, goddamn, four big events where we could get some cool reveals.

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I wonder if Bloodborne 2 will actually happen.
I wonder if Bloodborne 2 will actually happen.
Not unless Miyazaki wants to make it
and I believe he said after Dark Souls 3 he's not interested in either at the time.
I'm sorry if I sound rude but could you please repeat that without double negatives?

Terribly sorry if I sound like a douche. It's just that double negatives really rub me the wrong way.
I'm sorry if I sound rude but could you please repeat that without double negatives?

Terribly sorry if I sound like a douche. It's just that double negatives really rub me the wrong way.
It'll only happen if Miyazaki wants to make it, and judging by certain interviews, he has no interest in continuing Souls or Borne
I want Playstation All-Stars 2.
PSX or Game Awards would be a prime time to award it.
Do a better mechanic, give a bigger budget, for the Love of God, nows a better time than any
Sony's gotten like 10+ new First Party characters in the past 5 years.
PSAS2 featuring actual content would be pretty cool
think of all the cool games they could advertise
PSAS2 featuring actual content would be pretty cool
think of all the cool games they could advertise
I'd prefer Third party characters that aren't just there to advertise.
I'm fine with ones with games that are already out or are close to a theoretical release, but if we're talking advertising games that aren't out for 3-4 months then we have a problem.
(Donte, anyone? Also, according to some inside information, Capcom was "the hardest" to work with when it came to making Donte. All Superbot had to work with were early trailers and gameplay from early parts of DmC, no joke. )
The problem with characters in Smash-like game promoting a game that isn't out yet (Or is out around the same time) is that you practically have a much smaller pool of things to pull from. Imagine there's this really cool mechanic that'd make for a great move in a character, but the part of the game it's from is from the mid-late part of the game, so they can't include it either due to not wanting to spoil it, or because they don't even know about it.
Not to mention the endings/story mode (if they have it) tend to boil down to "BUY OUR FUCKING GAME AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" (This happened to Shanoa in Castlevania Judgment, it got to the point they didn't even spoil Albus' betraying you which happens FIVE MINUTES INTO THE GAME)

I mean shit, some third partys actually WANTED to be in PSASBR but couldn't get in line for DLC before Sony pulled the plug (The Ty the Tasmanian Tiger devs actually said they'd love to have him in)
I think they'd add Noctis, from TV's Final Fantasy XV
Why would they add Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
he hasn't had a new game to advertise since like 2004
It's just that the guys who made Ty thought the game idea was cool and they wouldn't mind having him in it.
It's like how Kevin Levine thought the game was cool and let them use Big Daddy.
PSAS should've been an original IP. Trying to make it a mascot fighter without any good mascots was sad, doubly so when you put it next to the game it thought it could compete with.


I could rant for 12 days and 18 nights on PSAS2

I'm in a discord chat where people still play, we've pulled in some devs and got some info: Ryu Hayabasu, Tomba, Abe and Dart are the four characters confirmed to have been cancelled DLC; Gravity Rush/Journey Stage was completed before being cancelled; Many guests where considered and called for, but a lot were either too pricey or were just flat out nos of course; The team was really disappointed with how quickly they were dropped; and a LOT of technical stuff with the game.

Oh yeah and there was a huge leak a week before Paris Games Week was officially confirmed happening where someone said 2 was to be revealed; needless to say, many of us left... disappointed.

Oh and straight confirmation that paul gale was a huge fuckin cheese artist and knew nothing

I could go on a 12 page rant about PSAS and why 2 should happen and what it should have but I think I'll spare everyone my own tears
I'd make a thread about it but making a thread about a game that way well never exist or for a game that's not really played anymore so it's fine, rant on. I REALLY hope PSAS2 is a reality at PSX or the Game Awards too, the franchise has a lot of potential, even if it's as a Smash-like or a racing game.
PSAS felt so... bland, In my opinion. The movement, and combos just felt weird and stiff. It was probably because I play too much smash, but then again, I played PSA for a long while before dropping it completely. It was fun to play, but like I said before, felt very stiff and bland.

I WOULD like to see a 2nd game, but It would need to do a lot of what PSA didn't. As for characters I'd like to see:

Abigail Walker and/or Delsin Rowe: Infamous Second Son (An amazing game that launched with the PS4, Memorable characters with amazing abilities.)
Ryu, Ken,Rashid and or M.Bison: SFV (SFV is PS4 exclusive, and is a big title. I dont see why a SFV character would not be present.)
Jack Baker and/or Chris Redfield: Resident Evill 7 (Just one of my favorite games on PS4 atm. Still waiting for Not A Hero DLC)
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I recall hearing things about Soul Calibur 6 being a thing.
I can imagine Link returning through a Switch port
Well...MegaMan 11 exists now. Coming to everywhere in 2018
You forgot to mention Megaman Legacy Collection 1 + 2 on Switch
And also Megaman X Memories, all 8 Megaman X games on Xbone, Switch, PC, and PS4.

Megaman 11 feels like a direct counterattack to Mighty No 9 just to spite Inafune, I love it.
Let's see... it's 3D, but doenn't look bland, stage design actually looks good, the boss weapons have a reason to be used outside of fighting other bosses.

Capcom's Redemption Arc is going strong, man.
Not to mention the director behind Mega Man 11 is the same one who directed the 2014 Strider reboot, so this game is in good hands.
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Ishihara on art is a pretty good move imo
I love his stuff on Battle network so hopefully we get some sick RM designs in there
I recall hearing things about Soul Calibur 6 being a thing.
Namco said a bit over a year ago to "look forward to a new announcement" when they killed the F2P garbage. There has been a supposed leak that is looking better by the moment and Bamco has their own event this month for stuff, so it's quite possible.
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