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Indeed. Everyone knows peach cobbler is the best ice cream flavor
Now I wanna hear this next time she buys ice cream.
This took quite a while to finish. 0.0
My third attempt at the eightysixed weekly contest. Though two future characters are left out, I mentioned in the email I'd gladly redo this composition when they are released (months in the future?).
I went over models sheets where I could find them to try to make sure everything was OK. Let me know if you'd change anything. Thanks!
So obviously she is all three of those things at the same time.
I find the 3rd one interesting, I must research this image furtherI really like how Fukua developed:
Different color character: http://emlan.deviantart.com/
Is actually a crazy psychopath: From @Zazz
Also a total perv:http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=10985874
I can't breathe
Yeah she's pretty darn cool/cute
already knew about that one, made it my yooutube banner actually :)
woooooh preeeetty
as long as you know where it comes from, I can't disagree.
damn right shes cute...(wriggles tongue near ear)most of the time she's simply cute.
EDIT : just like panzerfaust is awesome most of the time, but can also be cute sometimes :http://www.deviantart.com/art/Panzerfaust-and-Lauren-Faust-371803898
ok, deviantart is starting to mess up with my mental health :