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General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

my sides left orbit


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This took quite a while to finish. 0.0
My third attempt at the eightysixed weekly contest. Though two future characters are left out, I mentioned in the email I'd gladly redo this composition when they are released (months in the future?).
I went over models sheets where I could find them to try to make sure everything was OK. Let me know if you'd change anything. Thanks!
That's a nice piece of work, right there. Purchasable as a functional clock when.

Did you have any key in mind in particular when it came to the order of characters?

Thanks. Roughly went with "heroes" on top & their antagonists on the bottom. Sqigs & Para are heroines imo, (not neutral) so that's not 100% accurate. Figured on putting Filia, PW & Pea next to each other because of their story. But I'm open to moving people around.
BB, Bella & Eliza take up a lot of space. Maybe if Bella had her VV arms raised there'd be more room so Eliza's clear of Double. Or they just need to be moved around.

Double was intimidating at first, but since she's a shapeshifter I realized I had a lot more freedom. Eliza is actually toughest imo. That outfit is crazy. I didn't stray much from the reference. Don't want anything off-model.
This took quite a while to finish. 0.0
My third attempt at the eightysixed weekly contest. Though two future characters are left out, I mentioned in the email I'd gladly redo this composition when they are released (months in the future?).
I went over models sheets where I could find them to try to make sure everything was OK. Let me know if you'd change anything. Thanks!

I get it, it's a Zodiac wheel. Nice! ^_^
I found some photos, printed em out even, for research.

oh fukua, im going to research you so hard, gurl
I can't breathe
*checks the sources*
*sees everything comes from pixiv*
*checks pixiv*
I hate you, I'm becoming an art lurker now.

and then I got a bad idea : look up all the thread to see if I could find a potential marie avatar.
"hey that style is nice, which one is the marie one?"
fuuuuuuuck u isavulpes.jpg
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As a fan of the indie game OFF, I thought this was really neat. Spoiled it cause it's pretty spoilerific, so don't check unless you beat the game yourself.

Also, while we're on the subject of Double...

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Time to research double.

ugggh double, so much research, and does charts!
ohhh yessss, my research is almost compllleete...
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Third attempt (wheel) didn't make it for 86ed. It's cool.
Any suggestions on what to try for a fourth attempt, if any?
Work's been getting busier, so I'll probably refrain from more entries unless I'm very confident of giving them what they want. The tough part is figuring that out, even after looking at all the past winners on FB.
enough Marie, we bella now :

NSFW dominator bella

now that we're done with the lewd stuff, let's check the more innocent bella fanart :







ok sorry I can't find again the source of that one, but there's no way I'm not posting it :
bella head.png
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hahahahahahahahahayahahahahahahahahaababababaahahahavfgxhsbfbhbsbfi,nsbejdbdjfbjI6529(1bshdjíhf dbnwnkkdn)dhìjwæãşßëíęØeh
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