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General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

The last one amuses me.
Damn! Those are some very inspiring words. Seriously. orz
The Spartans would heavily frown upon those words but their idea of a bros night out revolved around pounding each others keisters so what the eff' do those fudge packers know?
Truth be told I've been kinda trying to muster the courage to share something I bit more elaborate but damn! this community is intimidating. Everyone's either a great player or a artist...or both. <:3
I used to draw a lot but as I got exposed to more and more art, the inevitable comparisons arose, it started to get more stressful than enjoyable so I put down the pencil for years. But the itch never stopped so I felt like "making a comeback", I just had to come to terms with the fact I'll never be satisfied with anything I draw, mostly because my eyes are too talented to work with these cocktail sausages I call fingers.

It's pretty good! If I may offer my humble two cents, I'd say the only thing that could use a wee bit adjusting would be her bangs (mind you, this isn't me saying I drew them well).

Anyway, so this post isn't just more of my diatribes, I'm reposting two of my favorite fan arts of GLORIOUS ELIZA OUJO-SAMA. Click the pictures to go to the source.

PS: at the risk of kvetching, I'm a little disappointed the guest gallery is like 70% Filia, 25% group shots mostly focused on Filia and 5% everything else.

If I woulda had the pleasure to contribute, I woulda made a difference.
This time it isn't a fan-art of mine... It's a fan-art a friend commissioned to another friend. Endogamy too much? Whatever, here is Fadri's Squigly.
Reposting these again for the new forum. Couple drawings I got from the L0 art team at the last Fanime Expo in Artists Alley.

Colored commission drawing of Annie wielding her sword.


Quick Filia sketch from Ahad as thanks for purchasing his art book collection the booth was selling.
Got a couple keychain portraits and other stuff at the booth too.

They had the original eight playable characters plus Squigly, Big Band, Eliza, Beowulf, and Robo Fortune I believe.


Just to mix things up, I also got a Persona 4 too for the other side.

Also got a mixture of Kingdom Hearts and Durarara bookmarks as well at the booth incidentally.
Hopefully I can go again and get some more drawings if they come back.
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Even though Umbrella got a couple of sweater puppies this Christmas...

...I got something much better.

Shames me to say that, many moons ago, when I saw EU03 posting on this board, I just had to seize the opportunity to ask him to put this illustration on his Pixiv account in such glorious resolution. Took some months but here it is.
Jubileus be with you, good Sir!
I just saw that comic on tumblr a while ago, lol

And if you don't think that this is the cutest thing ever then I don't know what's wrong with you.


Parasol Pict
Eliza Pic
I liked the Parasol Pic, espcially her face in the last panel.
And sorry to possibly insult but the whole ginormous boobs ruins the picture for me. The rest is great.
I liked the Parasol Pic, espcially her face in the last panel.
And sorry to possibly insult but the whole ginormous boobs ruins the picture for me. The rest is great.
Not to mention, what are breast physics?

Those straps aren't supporting that rack to say the least, they're like, supposed to be pushing down but they look lifted?????
Here are my contributions: (I drew all of them)

Up first is an old image of Squigly:

And here's a poster I made that is currently hanging on my wall:

Oh and a drawing of Filia eating:
Judging by the grease, Filia likes Five Guys.
All great pictures.
Stupid but genuinely legit question: shouldn't the breasts be slightly tugged upwards because of the arm raised? Or maybe that would require the straps to be near the shoulder area but they pretty much go neatly around the neck... I accidentally the boobs. (.__.)

They should but they would still be squished down like the strap suggested. I even did a chart.
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This'd be much easier if people just drew characters without breasts. Like Annie. Draw more Annie.
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Just when I thought Japan was losing steam, yuriyuri updates with a great set of 10 illustrations, that even in their simplicity manage to be great.
That's going on the short list of Eliza Fan Art that I genuinely like. No offense to the Egyption Vampiress herself, but people tend to overexaggerate her features, and to be frank it doesn't look that great. It's nice to see someone make her look like an actual beautiful human being. She also looks better without that tiara...
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Saw this on twitter


Now there's a tag team I can get behind!

Oh man, that looks AMAZING.
Also, a while back I made this during the polls. I should draw a new Annie picture.
So I tried drawing Oujo-sama herself. I think I'm starting to like her.

(also please excuse the rotation my iPod does that to some of my pictures and it's so annoying)
Nice drawing
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