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Guilty Gear Thread

So baiken does have her guard cancels, but they're more strict?
From what I understand, her guard cancel is a parry. If that parry catches an attack, she can do followups.

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So baiken does have her guard cancels, but they're more strict?

It isn't 100% clear yet but basically, she no longer has all the old guard cancels. Instead she has a new stance move called Azami. Azami can be done both in and out of blockstun so it can be used as a guard cancel. The stance can catch moves, though it has a strict timing and then do followups like the old Sakura stab or the new Kuchinashi, Anti-air slash or that new move you see in the last picture, Metsudo kushoudou. How the followups work is still a lot of ???s right now though.

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i couldnt be harder

I know they cant make her stupid like in xxs but a man can dream
She got a tetsuzanko in one of the parry followups
I love this new age of Daisuke giving us sexy versions of characters.

He wants to let errybody know what he likes.
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FYI I won't be home when the Loketest starts. I'll be home from work a few hours after. I'll start getting everything together then.
I love this new age of Daisuke giving us sexy versions of characters.

He wants to let errybody know what he likes.
I'm of two minds on the Xrd redesigns. Some are good, others are Potemkin. Then there is Baiken which is a character I'm fond of, but man if this redesign doesn't both excite and irk me. The new Kimono looks nice, still tatterd but what do you expect. Then you have the very, VERY, obvious change to her design.

I'm no stranger to artists changing their style over time but cmon man. This is not the same as putting a bucket on Potemkins head.

How does she look in motion though? I only have a single trailer to go off of.
And because this is hilarious, Here you go.
Just got home. Going to attempt to gather the rest of the info before I pass out.

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...Has she somehow become more stacked than I-No (though now I'm forgetting how big Elphelt's are)?

Speaking of which, I started up this game for the first time in awhile and paid attention to some of the animations, and goddamn, everything about I-No's look would fit right into Skullgirls. Just need to change all her quotes. :P
I saw some fanart of Baiken with her new design but her original proportions and it was honestly so much better

anime titties are ruining everything again
No, lets be rational. Maybe we should welcome this new age of Baiken Bosom?
bub if you didn't already know that Baiken has always been buxom i suggest laying off the anime and looking real people for a change
Seriously, dude. You're never gonna get this thing off your chest
I'm of two minds on the Xrd redesigns. Some are good, others are Potemkin. Then there is Baiken which is a character I'm fond of, but man if this redesign doesn't both excite and irk me. The new Kimono looks nice, still tatterd but what do you expect. Then you have the very, VERY, obvious change to her design.
View attachment 14170

Reminds me of a joke.

What do you call identical boobs?

Identitties. :PUN:
bub if you didn't already know that Baiken has always been buxom i suggest laying off the anime and looking real people for a change
This game is anime, ergo it can have anime tiddies if the creators want.

Vampires don't exists. Does that mean I can't like Slayer?
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Ky's new 6HS?


I guess this is the first frame of it.
Answer translated command list

Baiken's translated command list
Baiken's translated command list
So has she lost her hanafuda card follow up moves that could seal buttons? They were called Baku in +R but I don't see them on the list here.

No, lets be rational. Maybe we should welcome this new age of Baiken Bosom?
There is nothing I can do to change this except do what I have been doing and not playing the game. Daisuke can do what he wants with his characters, but man did he drink the post 2000 Anime Kool-aid hard. I've noted that a few designs look like they belonged in Blazblue but even characters like Raven got drastically redesigned to look more like Terumi.

Granted I never even purchased Xrd or it's subsequent updates so he can ignore my opinion for all it's worth.
I have to agree at least on
That Man's face design

but I don't understand the deal with Baiken. I think we're FAR from Blazblue level. We just have to hope any other character that comes with Baiken and Answer gets a reasonable design.

I'm just genuinely disappointed about the spoilered thing.
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I'm mostly joking around about the tiddies, chill. I'm actually excited to see Baiken back and can't wait to see what her new parry mechanics will do.


-Hitting enemy projectiles with the bat reflects them, not as themselves but as a unique projectile (Faust turns the enemy projectile into a baseball).

-Some of Faust’s items now have jackpot effects.

What the shit that's cool.
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but I don't understand the deal with Baiken. I think we're FAR from Blazblue level.
Perhaps I should have been clearer. Baiken isn't really a BB character in design. Characters like Raven, Ram, Kum, Bedman, Jack-O all look like designs I would find in BB. This isn't to say that they are bad designs mind, I just don't think they mesh well with the GG style from the older games. It's one of the reasons I didn't pick up Xrd.

Pretty much all the redesigns of older characters barring Raven and Baiken's "enhancements" are faithful to the originals. Leo's design is really good new design so I know Daisuke hasn't completely jumped ship. I just don't like this influx of more outrageous character designs and this is coming from a guy who mains a tight shirted DIO cosplayer and a chick with a giant axe-key.

Then you have stuff like what happened to "that Man".

I'm mostly joking around about the tiddies, chill. I'm actually excited to see Baiken back and can't wait to see what her new parry mechanics will do.
Bro, everyone here is being very amicable. Nobody is actually angry and we're all having good fun. Character isn't even out and the only real judge of her worth will come from playing her.

Enjoy your anime tiddies.
So has she lost her hanafuda card follow up moves that could seal buttons? They were called Baku in +R but I don't see them on the list here.
Yeah those are gone.
Not that I really care too much, but you guys do know that Baikens chest has always been that big?

Have none of you played her story or mission modes?




In terms of sprite size in older games, I never got to look to hard because I was always Ouren'ing out of there, but I'm pretty sure both I-no and baiken are the same in the chest area. Baiken just used to have her sash lower.'

Les talk about AZAMI DOE, she seems to have kept dusloop and unthrowable 6k, which probably means she still has ass throw range. Hoping I can Yozansen yrc.

Anyone know if tatami goes away if she yrcs?

Anyone know it's durability? Is it like gunflame or hoop dolphin?

Does Suzuran have a guard point?
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Not that I really care too much, but you guys do know that Baikens chest has always been that big?

Have none of you played her story or mission modes?


In terms of sprite size in older games, I never got to look to hard because I was always Ouren'ing out of there, but I'm pretty sure both I-no and baiken are the same in the chest area. Baiken just used to have her sash lower.'
...That first pic doesn't even look like it was drawn by the same artist. Seems like it's official art, but it just looks so different.

Also, I'm pretty sure you don't get that anime tiddies effect from moving the sash up a little. Seems like her top would have to be a new one specifically designed to hold them a certain way, and unlike Elphelt, it doesn't look like it can do that. The second and third of the old pics look more like human boobs of that size.

But the new hairstyle and eyepatch make her 95% more badass.
All 3 are straight from gg games. And yes, if you bring up where the breasts naturally lay through force, that's what happens, thats how pushup bras work.


Did daiskue do this on purpose, yes, are her breasts any bigger, prob not.

Back to questions doe. Does she keep her cr.hs? Can jump k still crossup and pop people in the air? Does jump hs have more hitstun?(finally)
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Yeah those are gone.
Huh. Those are the moves are interesting to me and I never seem to grasp the best time to use them. I did like them because at least once I was able to screw a friend by using the counterhit curse and tatami matting him into the corner. Thank you guiltybits.
I wonder if they were removed because the devs felt they were underutilized? I don't see many Baikens at tournies.

Have none of you played her story or mission modes?
Actually no but I need to change that. I've never really touched anyone outside of Faust's story mode in Accent Core.

that's what happens, thats how pushup bras work.
The sash is in the exact same place and I know for a fact Baiken doesn't wear a bra. I hate to say it but it does look like she was enhanced. Either that or her kimono developed sturdier fabric around the chest region.

I'm really interested in how this redesign is going to work now. I've played with Faust in Xrd and he feels more or less the same. All his tools were there and they did give him new items to throw. All in all I liked him. I wonder how Baiken fans will fell after getting their hands on her?
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The sash is in the exact same place and I know for a fact Baiken doesn't wear a bra. I hate to say it but it does look like she was enhanced. Either that or her kimono developed sturdier fabric around the chest region.
Yeah, that's why I compared her to Elphelt in my post, because Elphelt does wear a pushup bra.
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Actually thinking about it. Being able to counter in midair is probably the most significant buff to Baiken she's ever received. Depending on how her followups interact you're looking at a much stronger air to ground approach much like how her anti-air counter is super good.

Yeah, that's why I compared her to Elphelt in my post, because Elphelt does wear a pushup bra.
Minor Tangent, I dig the name and Snow Crash is probably my favorite Stepenson novel.
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So Azami is 1f, and I'm hearing if you can Blitz well you can Azami well.

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