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Guilty Gear Thread

Something tells me Jacko is evil now. Look at her grin in the trailer.
Can I get Ramlethal's civilian clothes as a fighter costume now

And Dizzy's
One could hope. Also Dizzy continues to be the best girl/wife/mom/final boss in fighting games.
One could hope. Also Dizzy continues to be the best girl/wife/mom/final boss in fighting games.

Unless you are hoping to win with her in Xrd... zing!
Unless you are hoping to win with her in Xrd... zing!
maybe REV2 will improve things on that? right?
maybe REV2 will improve things on that? right?

She did get a freaking ton of buffs, so we'll see. She's got a lot of distance to make-up compared to the top tier though.

Of course, I'm only a Dizzy fan so long as A.B.A isn't in the game.
Something tells me Jacko is evil now. Look at her grin in the trailer.
Probably not. She has no reason to turn, and that smirk was part of her original intro animation.
those moves make me ooze
It'll be Shin S-Ko
The redeemed version of the ghost girl possessing Zappa
Or Fanny but with a bearable face and a mechanic similar to Valentine's vials.

No actually that would be a char I'd play. No sarcasm.
-different tech timings
-mash to tech


-oki infested

It also doesn't have Street Fighter buttons, horrible game.
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Comparing it to marvel just to me sells I the aesthetic beating gameplay lol. Considering Marvel is a massive mess in gameplay that has its upsides, but a fuckton of balancing issues and the occasional infinite or gameplay mistake
Hell fucking yeah I play guilty gear for the aesthetics, hold that blazblue.

Alot of his issues on GG are subjective. Completely disagree in regards to defensive mechanics requiring meter, since you need to go with GG's offensive flow(move forward!!) to gain meter. Though I definitely agree with the amount of things you need to learn in this game to deal with a basic matchup. Danger Time is shit though, why didn't they take that out in Rev 2?

At the end of the day, who cares I play what I like. Gear is fun.
He's complaining about "amount of things you have to learn for a basic matchup" when- oh wait he said he plays BlazBlue, not ACR+, I can't use that argument.

But I can use this one. Games that emphasize learning your own stuff more are considered better for pro competition. The "how do I stop my opponent" still exists, but it requires a larger amount of knowledge and input skill that can fail under pressure. But shield pressure IS really strong in this game...

I want a better "basic fighting game" myself, but Guilty Gear has never been that, and Xrd steps miles in that direction with a basic tutorial designed to get players to move around and a comprehensive advanced tutorial that taught me a lot, in addition to combo trials.
From GameFAQ's:

Here baiken ans Answer instant kills

Possible spoiler about story mode, new characters have been spoted Anji is seen in baiken story it seem, and need to be confirmed, but some say they saw justice in her normal mode, no more giant

sorry can't find the [word] to hide stuffs.

So, this makes the top four candidates for the third Revelatory 2 spot Anji, Bridget, Justice, and Robo Ky.
Being real and probably feeding the trolls:

I agree with most of his points. I'd have rather had a +R remake than Xrd. At the very least they could do a good thing by gutting YRCs and adding ABA (or Zappa)... or Arcsys could do the right thing and let +R be added to Fightcade, but I digress.

I don't know that I would agree that BB is a better game, though I think it is by far a more interesting game. The Drive button gives it a lot of leeway to do fascinating things. GG has solidly different characters. BB has radically different characters. Arakune couldn't exist in a game like GG.

Of course, both of them having delay means that ultimately they are doomed to failure for me since only a fraction of their tiny populations is actually playable. So I'll do my usual hype/depressed cycle before giving up and going back to playing SGs, KI, or SFV which despite all of the latters short comings actually allows me to play my buddy that lives most of the country away from me.

Fortunately, I'm in the up/hype swing right now, so if anyone wants to play a super delay ridden game with me, add me on Steam!
At the very least they could do a good thing by gutting YRCs
I'll probably regret asking, but I'm curious what you mean specifically here. Last I checked Rev2 is making getting hit during YRC or PRC a counterhit, which I guess is meant to discourage empty YRCs as a way to avoid mixups. Honestly I like the flexibility of the YRC system, though I'd be fine with Mike's suggested buffered FRC system, but empty YRCs allowing mixup dodging with little risk and the burst bait OS (which I think still exists in Rev) are definite issues the openness of YRC brings.

I don't know that I would agree that BB is a better game, though I think it is by far a more interesting game. The Drive button gives it a lot of leeway to do fascinating things. GG has solidly different characters. BB has radically different characters. Arakune couldn't exist in a game like GG.
That's fair, though I've noticed that BB requires a lot more combo training with a given character to understand them (on account of having longer, and often more character- or situation-specific, combos than Guilty Gear, along with not really having a clear 1-2-KD basic combo for everyone at midscreen). Mind you, I'd probably be playing BB a lot more if Noel wasn't totally gutted and left to die by the dev team.

Of course, both of them having delay means that ultimately they are doomed to failure for me since only a fraction of their tiny populations is actually playable.
I was holding out hope that the talks between ArcSys and MadScientist about rollback integration in Melty Blood would bleed over into ArcSys's own games, but I'm not even sure Steam MBCC has rollback yet. I'm kinda lucky in that I live in the Pacific Northwest, since AFAIK the main GG and BB scenes are within 50ms of me.
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Don't regret asking... we're just two people with a different opinion.

I dislike YRCs because they are too non-commital, and I dislike the slowdown.

For the first part, I think MikeZ said it well: " If you backdashed and baited someone's slow attack or throw attempt on wakeup you got a punish or at least could press your advantage. Now, they YRC and are safe. You can input a YRC after any superflash in case the opponent bursts, with the super connecting as usual if they didn't." It just feels wrong to bait a DP/super and not get a punish. It is a tragic thing to read a jump-in and 6p only for YRC IAD to save them (or worse... allow them to hit you).

The slowdown is also problematic. First, it chews up inputs which is maddening. I can't imagine that was a design decision, but now that's beside the point. Second, I get that Xrd wanted to be more approachable, but do new players need that much help? Like you pointed out (and MikeZ said... well, typed), there are better ways to clean-up FRCs.

I was holding out hope that the talks between ArcSys and MadScientist about rollback integration in Melty Blood would bleed over into ArcSys's own games, but I'm not even sure Steam MBCC has rollback yet.

God, you and me both. I still get a twinge of hope every time I see that Melty has an update. I think that would definitely represent the start of a good thing.
I don't know that I would agree that BB is a better game, though I think it is by far a more interesting game. The Drive button gives it a lot of leeway to do fascinating things. GG has solidly different characters. BB has radically different characters. Arakune couldn't exist in a game like GG.
But, y'know, Guilty Gear has better aesthetic. :P

The not-so-great designs in Guilty Gear are just like "BlazBlue! Get out of my game!" :^)

I have yet to actually try a BlazBlue game... planning to, for both story and checking out the gameplay.
I still hold the opinion that Elphelt is more aesthetically appropriate for guilty gear than Ramlethal
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Arakune couldn't exist in a game like GG.
I mained Arakune in BB and I'm going to have to disagree here. Arakune has a similar feel (to me) to Zappa and that is one of the reasons I gravitated towards the two characters. Rushdown, solid pressure, and lots of deceptive play based on what tools are available. The biggest difference between the two is that Zappa wants to use certain moves add stacks to himself and get to his broken stage, Arakune wants to put his resource on his opponent to build up his broken stage. Both characters have a limited time in which they have the best conditions to attack.

The biggest change would be remapping his bugs to S/HS but that's not too big a hurdle and just adding motions before button presses.
I still hold the opinion that Elphelt is more aesthetically appropriate for guilty gear than Ramlethal
What about Kum in her robo man, he doesn't have any belts or spikes!
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Bleh I misread, I thought he said Elphelt is more appropriate for BlazBlue.

Yeah actually I kinda agree with Ruin. Just remove the bunny-ears on Elphelt's veil and she's good. I like Ram for her personality and gameplay, nooot her outfit.
I like Ram for her personality and gameplay, nooot her outfit.
I sorta hope she'd get a playable version with her story mode outfit, but I don't know about that since her cape is used in a few of her moves.
Ram's design is okay, at least if you compare it to worse offenders like Bedman.