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Guilty Gear Thread

Out of all the characters I played so far, it seems like Axl is one I can legitimately use (or rather, he was the easiest for me to pick up strangely enough compared to the rest of the cast.)I know his range game is top notch, but does anyone have any particular tips for going on the offensive with him? So far the only pattern I notice playing Axl is distance and attempted reads.
So, I'm starting to get really frustrated with Pot Buster. I can't seem to do it consistently. Like 90% of the time I get 6P or the jumping double punch move instead. The move is probably much easier on a stick, but I don't use one. Any pad player tips? I'm looking at my inputs in training mode, and I always miss one of the directions. Most of the time my input looks like :F::DF::D::DB::DF::F:, and other times it even looks like :F::D::B::F:.
I've found that you have to find the right speed for Pot Buster (or any half-circle motion in Guilty Gear for that matter), is the key to pulling it off at a better rate. I realized when I started playing Guilty Gear that games like SF4 and Blazblue had made me develop sloppy input habits since they have so many input shortcuts/assistance, cause I was having this exact problem trying to learn Potemkin in +R. Just keep plugging away in Training until you get the right speed and rhythm down, and you can get it down to more successes eventually. I personally was doing the motion too quick, and had to slow my input down a fair bit until I started to land the motion more often.
I've found that you have to find the right speed for Pot Buster (or any half-circle motion in Guilty Gear for that matter), is the key to pulling it off at a better rate. I personally was doing the motion too quick, and had to slow my input down a fair bit until I started to land the motion more often.
Ever get offered advice and upon taking the advice immediately solve the problem? I think I was doing the inputs really fast cause of how fast the game seems, but slowing down to make sure I hit every direction (which seems obvious now) works.
I started playing last night and noticed that input was flexible too. How long is it necessary to hold back on charge moves? It seems near instant.
How does one FDC? Is it just really tight and I just suck at this or is it more than just press dust and the plink 2 other buttons?
Its very tight. Its difficult at first, and its easy to get accidental bursts.
You've got the right idea. Make sure you plink the 2 buttons immediately after dust. Also hold back on the stick.
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Any Xrd Potemkin's I can look at when looking for good Potemkin examples? I seen a Potemkin on that channel Blaise posted, but he seemed like he was having a real hard time doing things. It was this one, vs Sol
yes, i actully hit axl out of the flame sickle with a note

Yep, notes traded with his sickles a lot but it doesn't shield you, they count as physical hits so often we both got hit. It is also really, really difficult to get notes out against this Axl. He played a pretty consistently aggressive game, he was always throwing out something but his reactions were really fast and tight, I had to feign movement or make a lucky read to make ground on him.

on a few occasions my whale super input was :D::DF::F::D::F: and it came out but if I saw :D::DF::F::D::DF::F::UF: or even :D::F::D::DF::F: I got nothing


The first one should have been correct, there is nothing in there to make it invalid, unless you mean you were just too slow and jumped into an air move. The second on you missed the down... so of course it didn't work.

Any Xrd Potemkin's I can look at when looking for good Potemkin examples? I seen a Potemkin on that channel Blaise posted, but he seemed like he was having a real hard time doing things. It was this one, vs Sol

FAB, FAB all day, FAB all the way.
As someone trying to pick up Axl, who should I look too to get a general Idea on how to optimize his gameplay, or some really good pointers I should look forward too?
Any Xrd Potemkin's I can look at when looking for good Potemkin examples? I seen a Potemkin on that channel Blaise posted, but he seemed like he was having a real hard time doing things. It was this one, vs Sol
FAB literally is the only one you should watch. When people say "Potemkin" they think of FAB. Does amazing things with a character that is so limited.
@Mike_Z would know more than anyone else here. If he isn't slaving away at a computer maybe he could take a moment to tell you a few things. Mike, if you're to busy, sorry for summoning you.
He's been nice enough to write stuff up for us before. He wrote a nice explanation on what Blazblue got wrong compared to Guilty Gear and all I did was ask. Dude knows what he's talking about.
so... someone wrote this


i haven't played xrd, can anyone share its thoughts about it?

things i agree in general, however:

1: Sometimes a game's system/charcater get too "dirty", with options and mechanics. When this happens, removing some attacks isn't a sin. KoF went through this sometimes (xii doesn't exists): some characters just had too many different attacks and options. That led to some unbalanced stuff (Angel, i'm looking at you), and some cool, but useless moves in the repertoire.

Terry's power dunk is an example: in a game where juggle combos are so prevalend, why would they want to keep a (rather slow) anti-air move that just brought the enemy back to ground and finished the combo?

Before 2002 many characters had A LOT of special moves, like every quarter circle had to do something. (Ryo is a good example. his special move cound suffered a big cut in later versions)

(By the way, KoF itself could use some cleaning... there are a lot of different cancels and juggle states. some more "universal" choices and less juggles could be intresting)

2: Option selects are a weird mess: for me they go in the same category as Plinking in sf4: unintended system peculiarities/bugs used as advantage. It was cool back in the nineties, when it allowed the invention of combos, but more often than not, it just creates an artificial depth layer in the game.

3: Excessively tigh frame window to do anything is bad: 1-frame links shouldn't be on the core of the character's gameplay. EVER. things like this should be featured on those long-*ss combos, not in your everyday BnB. and artificual solutions like Plinking doesn't cut.
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Interesting to read two very different perspectives. I definitely agree more with MikeZ.
I really agree with the whole "no fights in story mode" thing.

I really get the feeling that Arc had fights in the story mode, but then they took them out at the last minute. The most obvious being the confrontation at the very end where there's even a scene transition where a fight could have totally occurred.

It looks just like Blazblue final story mode events when you say "This is when they start playing the opening theme and things get hype!"
honestly I like when characters have a lot of special moves
not in like
a gimmicky Dante way
but just like "this character has a lot of stuff and you can just use them however"
As someone trying to pick up Axl, who should I look too to get a general Idea on how to optimize his gameplay, or some really good pointers I should look forward too?
Shuuto has one of best Axl's in the business so I'd watch some of his matches. There isn't a lot of Xrd footage of him though.
WARNING: The quality of the footage is terrible
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Sorry if i break into your discussion like this, but i'd need to know if someone here has ever played GGX
GG*X*? The only things I remember about GGX are the Mist Trap because you couldn't tech OTGs (JO, combo to sweep, coin, mist, meaty 2H, unblockable Mist Finer, coin, mist, repeat) and that you can FDC anything by inputting any move -> during hitstop crouching Dust (Down+S+H in GGX) -> Faultless Defense. That and Potemkin's shield super dizzies you in one hit.
And this

If you want really stupid basic, Ky is Ryu, Sol is Ken, Potemkin is Zangief, and you shouldn't be making comparisons like that very much because they don't really work hugely well.

FRC (false roman cancel) = do a move, then during a specific window, usually 3-5 frames, press 3 buttons simultaneously and cancel out of the move for 25% meter.
YRC (yellow roman cancel) = any time the opponent is not in hitstun or blockstun and you are not in an attack that has already reached an active frame, press 3 buttons and cancel whatever you are doing (dashing, jumping, startup of an attack, standing there doing nothing) into standing there doing nothing plus slowing down the opponent briefly.
OS (option select) = when you do one input that could be interpreted multiple ways and the game chooses the correct one for the situation. I think they're bad and should be gotten rid of as often as developers can, most other developers don't agree or are too lazy to do so.
So... could you compare the FCR, YCR and OS with the Wavedashing and the L-cancel, from Smash Melee, Lord Mike Zaimont?
All this talk about GGX made me look up some old vids of that game.

I got reminded of how it has probably the best versions of most of the cast's themes. GGX Awe of She is SO GOOD. (I mean the heavy rock versions of course.)
For a completely different take, Mike Z gives his complete thoughts on the game.

checked that one too... it was intresting to check different views of the same game. more than that.

honestly I like when characters have a lot of special moves
not in like
a gimmicky Dante way
but just like "this character has a lot of stuff and you can just use them however"

Same here, check 97 ryo, for example: he got an amrored anti air (qcb+punch) and an overhead that went right above prejectiles (qcf+kick). that was intresting in that game, even if it helped little with combos.
then, see my power dunk example again. Moves must be useful, and useful in the specific game they're in. not just put there for nostalgia sake
For everyone else...ehm...i didn't mention that i need a rundown for every character, did i? Because...well...i need it. But, like, an "instruction manual" type of runback, with moveset, how to use the character properly and a pair of BnBs.
You know there's a whole website for that kind of thing...and I am legitimately surprised you're asking here.
Not sure why you'd use GGX instead of AC or Xrd since they are more readily available, but whatever.

So... could you compare the FCR, YCR and OS with the Wavedashing and the L-cancel, from Smash Melee, Lord Mike Zaimont?
They are not at all related in any way, other than the fact that L-cancel cuts off some of your landing recovery and the RCs cut off your recovery. But for different reasons and in different situations and for different costs. Not a lot of terminology from Smash carries over except some of the neutral-game stuff.
Is that...somehow helpful?
Good god, that article by Sirlin gave me a headache.
I enjoy how he tried to imply that it was a good thing that Potemkin was made "simpler", and didn't bother to mention the fact that Pot lost a lot of the moves and properties that he really benefited from. Or the fact that while characters like Zato, Millia, and Sol got new moves and tech that have made them better then they already were, other characters were left in the dust in terms of improving their playstyles...
As I told you, losing moves that don't fit the game flow is not such a bad thing. Losing GOOD moves that don't make the character overpowered or cluttered (think Dante) is bad.
I enjoy how he tried to imply that it was a good thing that Potemkin was made "simpler", and didn't bother to mention the fact that Pot lost a lot of the moves and properties that he really benefited from. Or the fact that while characters like Zato, Millia, and Sol got new moves and tech that have made them better then they already were, other characters were left in the dust in terms of improving their playstyles...
Can't say I'm surprised you guys don't agree with him. I don't think he's ever actually played much Guilty Gear competitively, so it wouldn't surprise me if there's some sort of disconnect between his mindset on GG and the general competitive community's mindset on GG. Plus, it seems like he values simplicity over everything but balance when GG has never been simple or meant to be simple.
But is Xrd really simpler, though? I feel like it's just convoluted in a different way than Accent Core was. At least AC felt fast and smooth; it seems to me Arc just wanted to move away from what that game represented which was the appearance of being overly complex. Xrd makes it easier for less experienced players to feel like they're having an impact on a match but given that they didn't really remove that many system mechanics and mostly just changed the characters in a horizontal sense, is the game really that much simpler? After the next installment of Xrd I really doubt the game will still have the appearance of beginner-friendliness.
So... could you compare the FCR, YCR and OS with the Wavedashing and the L-cancel, from Smash Melee, Lord Mike Zaimont?

If your talking just them as terms that new players aren't familiar with, then yeah, but in terms of functionality none of those things are movement options, though I suppose that you could argue Roman Cancels serve a similar purpose to L-Cancels (Making unsafe moves safer), but then I would argue they do so in such a different way that it's not really comparable.
i think ultimately you gotta remember that fighting games are also an industry and the days of "making something for the fans or the community" is falling on the fans or the community themselves to accomplish whereas the actual companies producing the games are gonna try and sell their product to as many people as they can, as any business would try and do.

so if Xrd is dumbed down or slower like people say it is
then chances are they're trying to sell it to people that they know aren't already gonna buy it
but sometimes they do have the sense to listen to the community and make changes to the games in order to make people happier while not alienating the new audience

that's my 2 cents on it, at least