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Guilty Gear Thread

It's difficult to hate the Dizzy voters when we know the alternative would have been HOS.
The alternative would have been Bridget since he got 2nd place. But yeah, had they not shown the midway results, we wouls have gotten HOS. Or maybe the Dizzy fans were waiting until the last couple days to cast their vote in.
Don't they include the old GG themes anyway?

Yeah, but I always love the new themes added by ARC, but somehow they left me greatly unsatisfied with Xrd. I usually love like 80% of the music in their games while in Xrd it was like... 20%? The rest was merely OK for me.
or how x person should not even be here because they 'would have got in anyway' nonsense posts as if we know the developers.
Yes, they inexplicably specifically brought a character back from being locked away as a plot device and put her in for no reason, just like how Johnny, who also clearly wasn't going to come anytime soon, and thinking so would be nonsense.

I didn't say she "shouldn't be there", I said it was silly she won when she's already going to be in, no salt, even said "Dizzy players enjoy", none of my characters were going to win so it's pretty impossible to be disappointed, just think that people who aren't free kind deserved more attention whether or not I like them.

Are Dizzy players going to play Dizzy? Cool, hope everyone else gets whoever back eventually as well.
Was Dizzy likely? Yes.
No, you're just spouting nonsense as if you know the developers.
Joking aside yeah, she wasn't guaranteed to be the very next character but she was coming, she's just early now, and that's absolutely fine, they've said they want to get everyone in eventually anyway and as I said, my characters certainly weren't winning that poll, so it's not like I'm upset about the results, I just think that if a character is actually low enough on the rational spectrum of "definitely coming back" they might have needed the votes more. Though honestly Kliff is the only one who really fits that now and apparently no one cares, I know I don't.
If you're interested in the big picture of having the most diverse roster possible it makes sense to choose somebody who wouldn't make It in otherwise but is fun to play. But a character loyalist doesn't really care about that, they just want their character in the game. Not to wait for if and when that comes about in a future version down the line.

1. That post wasn't directed at anyone specifically in general [hence no quoting]. That was a general observation at the literal salt from everywhere. That was an inevitable conclusion regardless of who won the poll. Although I did get a chuckle at a bunch of HOS fans counting their chickens before they hatched with the mid-result poll which they should not have done as I explained in DL

2. They said they would "like" to have every character in the game eventually. That is not guarantee for multiple practical reasons. I would assume Dizzy players would want to be on the safe side by getting her in while the opportunity was present instead of gambling on however they usually decide characters. Popularity isn't a sole factor clearly. Jam, Johnny, and others got in before her.

3. Interview already confirmed [I'll find the link later busy atm or someone else could do it] that story significance alone is NOT playing a factor to who gets in or not. This is not Blazblue. The story is not pre-planned very far ahead. They will adjust as they go sort of like what Skullgirls did for the non canon heavy characters that got their scenarios. Why do you think Jam got in when she is pretty irrelevant in the big scheme of thing besides her restaurant running gag? Also story models would have to be redone and isn't close to a done character. That is the same argument for boss Marie who should be playable just because she has some stuff done via boss form or MKX should add the missing MK9 characters that are cpu in story mode despite them being nowhere near MKX standard. Ironically this can be said to HOS since the developers can literally recycle regular Sol's model.

3. I don't see why Dizzy voters won't play Dizzy? Would Holy Order Sol voters play Holy Order Sol? Would Baiken voters play Baiken? Etc? Kind of strange to bring that up.

Side note imo feel like only fans that have a legit reason to whine are Kliff fans. See too many HOS fans everywhere making a stink as if 4th place is not a notable accomplishment.
I don't see why Dizzy voters won't play Dizzy? Would Holy Order Sol voters play Holy Order Sol? Would Baiken pvoters play Baiken? Etc? Kind of strange to bring that up.

To play a devil's advocate, Dizzy does have more fan-service value than others.
Well considering this vote was not an online poll that the typical random fapper could take part in easy that never played the games [but like the doujins/fanart] and you had to go to the arcades instead like the other actual players that played/wanted x character. I would say that is also irrelevant to bring up.

I would agree though if it was your typical past popularity polls because otherwise it would just be a tossup between Dizzy or Bridget anyway no contest.

Pretty much everyone on top 4 had their own influential endorsers that separated themselves from the rest.
That post wasn't directed at anyone specifically in general [hence no quoting]
Eh. And if it wasn't clear that I was joking from the bit that I said I was joking, I was joking.

that story significance alone is NOT playing a factor to who gets in or not.
I never said it was the only factor that mattered, though I could pull up Daisuke talking way back about how story was an important factor for why certain characters weren't in and talking about Bridget's absence as well. Please don't make me, it was in Japanese and I don't even remember where. Of course story isn't going to make an appearance certain, but it is part of them being there. HOS and Kliff included, Axl just has to trip to make them "story relevant".

3. I don't see why Dizzy voters won't play Dizzy? Would Holy Order Sol voters play Holy Order Sol? Would Baiken pvoters play Baiken? Etc? Kind of strange to bring that up.
Not sure where I said they wouldn't?

Well considering this vote was not an online poll that the typical random fapper could take part in
Uh, where have you been? Not saying that's what made Dizzy win, especially since Baiken was leading in the online one (though closely followed by Dizzy), but it was online, you could vote every hour, nearly everyone in this thread probably voted at some point.
That online poll was insignificant to the overall factor hence why I didn't even bother to mention it. Ignoring the fact that it didn't even start until the late part of the contest [past the mid results] even if hypothetically Kliff got all the votes it still wouldn't have done jack shit for him. The overwhelming bulk was the arcade players FYI can't be denied legit votes where a Dizzy vote is no less "not a real player vote" then x character. The only argument based on final results was it could have made a difference of Dizzy or Bridget getting 1st. A possibility that wouldn't have happen without the players at the arcade doing the heavy lifting. *see below*

In the event that people are unaware of the specifics of the e-sports runner 5-character selection poll posted earlier on this page, it's to decide who gets 100 votes added to the actual Xrd character poll and who gets 10 votes added. First place in that web poll gets 100 votes while second gets 10. Additionally, you can vote once every hour. So over the course of 24 hours, a single person (excluding any proxies or VPNs), can give potentially 120 online votes for a mix of characters in this online poll (which again, will translate to 100 proper votes for the winner, and 10 proper votes for the runner up). So while this may not potentially mean much for the characters outside the top 4 (HOS, Baiken, Dizzy, Bridget I believe?), it can possibly shift things once the poll ends since I believe HOS and Baiken (I forget who the second place was at the update) were only 400 votes apart or so.

Baiken got high in that poll too. Are we gonna deny the possibility that there are people that fap to Baiken that is gonna ''corrupt the vote"? A simple google search can be enlightening.
The overwhelming bulk was the arcade players FYI can't be denied legit votes where a Dizzy vote is no less "not a real player vote" then x character.
Baiken got high in that poll too. Are we gonna deny the possibility that there are people that fap to Baiken?
I'm not even sure if you're talking to me or not at this point since I pretty much said "Dizzy players have fun with Dizzy since she's in" and that "the online poll probably isn't what made her win". Never said anyone got in on a fap vote, nor implied it.
Baiken got high in that poll too. Are we gonna deny the possibility that there are people that fap to Baiken that is gonna ''corrupt the vote"? A simple google search can be enlightening.
I'm not saying people fap to Baiken.
that said, she seems to have a lot of people who don't main her.
and some that just like Baiken because of aesthetic alone.

granted, that can be said for almost anyone in the cast.

hell, look at my main.
I'm not saying people fap to Baiken.
that said, she seems to have a lot of people who don't main her.
and some that just like Baiken because of aesthetic alone.
Personally I think her playstyle is interesting and cool, especially because it completely changes how a lot of characters have to play when fighting her, but she's never a character I'd bother to learn though, I enjoy too many other characters a lot more.

Also, Jam is super underrated as far as playstyle goes, she is a ton of fun to play and has some interesting tools.

Actually, expanding on that, in terms of "waifu characters", I don't think there is a single character in Guilty Gear that doesn't have something interesting and fun in terms of gameplay so I don't think there are any characters whose actual fanbase is entirely waifu based. At least I hope not.

Also a lot of people seem to forget when talking about how much X character was played during AC is that the scene for AC has been pretty dead outside of a dedicated community for a long time so a lot of characters who don't have a lot of players didn't necessarily always have so few.

Also, not saying "waifu" factor doesn't exist, we all know Bridget didn't make second because people like fighting him or as him.
Baiken is so bae.


You cannot deny.
I'm glad that a respectable amount of characters are going to be added, it will make it a worthwhile version to play.
This is cute and all but who is trying to get counter hit into dizzy from like half and hour to an hour from now?
People really hate Order Sol, huh,

don't really get it, he's a crazy all out rushdown character with all kinds of flare and style. Usually people love those characters.
No he got 4th where he had quite a gap on 5th and below. He is just not quite as well liked compared to the other 3 above him.

Characters like Kliff deserve the word 'hate' associated with him.
I just hate him because he's a remake of a a character I hate. Sol is boring and uninspired and throwing him into a white robe doesn't change that. His gameplay could be the best of all time, and I'd still hate him.

Especially in a game with an absurd amount of great characters.

But I was going to hate anyone that wasn't Dizzy, A.B.A, or Zappa.
ITT:People deciding entire character rosters on aesthetic and aesthetic alone.

Yeah, Sol is real uninspired with his 3-4 moves unique to him and never seen in a fighting game except for him.

The only thing he has that's bog standard is a dp, I guess if you want to count gunflame as a "traditional fireball" I'm not going to argue you. Everything else he has is unique to him.
I just hate him because he's a remake of a a character I hate. Sol is boring and uninspired and throwing him into a white robe doesn't change that. His gameplay could be the best of all time, and I'd still hate him.

Especially in a game with an absurd amount of great characters.

But I was going to hate anyone that wasn't Dizzy, A.B.A, or Zappa.
Why would anyone hate Sol when all the crazy stuff is able to happen because of his existence?
Also, saying you hate his gameplay and that you'd hate his gameplay I it was the greatest of all time is not really fair at all.
Why would anyone hate Sol when all the crazy stuff is able to happen because of his existence?
Also, saying you hate his gameplay and that you'd hate his gameplay I it was the greatest of all time is not really fair at all.

Well, first is because I don't like the GG story... so none of that matters to me.

Second, I don't hate his gameplay. I'm not even talking about his gameplay. I hate his aesthetic. I hate Justice's gameplay. I really hate Testament's gameplay. I'd still rather have both of them in the game than HOS.
He dropped 3 spots because it was revealed he was in the lead.
He had a mere 100~ votes lead. 1.5% is hardly a comfortable cushion to have and call him the winner at the halfway point. Baiken was only down by only around 6% and she was in 4th at the time. Even if it wasn't shown his lead was hardly solid once the votes got over 30k per top character in the end. His lead could have already be narrowing for all we know before the reveal.

If Holy Order Sol actually had a much wider lead when the results were revealed he would benefitted from that because bandwagon people would vote for him now so they could be apart of the 'winning team' and would suck out the gas of voters below him with reduced morale since they would have that 'waste of time/money' now with that defeatist mentality. Holy Order Sol fans honestly dropped the ball by not making it a commanding lead and giving the three below him a prime shot at him.
I just don't want another version of the same character in the game.
I'm not sure if you have ever played HOS, or even seen one? He's kinda not anything like Sol at all? They have kinda similar game plans I guess but their tool kits and methods are entirely different.

They are basically as similar as Milia and I-No are, they have the same goal but they aren't anything like each other.

Unless you mean aesthetically? Didn't really dawn on me because I don't care about that really, but is everyone in here hating on him for appearance? Is that all it is?
I'm not sure if you have ever played HOS, or even seen one? He's kinda not anything like Sol at all? They have kinda similar game plans I guess but their tool kits and methods are entirely different.

They are basically as similar as Milia and I-No are, they have the same goal but they aren't anything like each other.

Unless you mean aesthetically? Didn't really dawn on me because I don't care about that really, but is everyone in here hating on him for appearance? Is that all it is?
I mean appearance. Really, I just wanted other characters in before him.
Unless you mean aesthetically? Didn't really dawn on me because I don't care about that really, but is everyone in here hating on him for appearance? Is that all it is?
Aesthetics are a big thing for a lot of people. It isn't that interesting visually when you have two technically different characters with different gameplay and movesets, but that look the same except one is wearing a coat.
I also didn't want him in. I very much dislike when you have the same character but two different versions, despite gameplay.