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Guilty Gear Thread

considering we can have 3D models, I'm sure we could get more from HOS.
hell, who's to say that HOS wouldn't get a new idle pose?
I mean aesthetics mean a ton. Or else why not just skin every character the same and call it a day?

I know some people pick based on tier. Others pick based on game style. But I (and a lot of others) pick by aesthetics. If I don't like any of the characters, I simply won't play the game.

Gotta like what you're looking at, you know?
Gotta like what you're looking at, you know?
No, I don't, I certainly don't play Hugo because I like looking at him.

Still, I understand that's something that other people feel, but that doesn't make it less silly to disregard a character for being visually similar to another, is K' redundant because of Kyo? Better yet, this is an SG forum, does anyone here think that Filia and Fukua are the same character?
No, I don't, I certainly don't play Hugo because I like looking at him.

Still, I understand that's something that other people feel, but that doesn't make it less silly to disregard a character for being visually similar to another, is K' redundant because of Kyo? Better yet, this is an SG forum, does anyone here think that Filia and Fukua are the same character?
How different do ky and robo ky play? Ever seen 13 kyo and ex kyo?

In other news, I've been playing may for almost a decade now and just realized she changed clothes in xrd.
And the vote is over!

Our winner is...

The hell?


All character votes are trash, there will never be a good outcome.
didn't even know he cared about Guilty Gear.
He might not, I know of at least one person in this thread who "doesn't understand what anyone sees in Guilty Gear".
You know, I wouldn't mind if there ends up being multiple forms of EX characters in the console version of an upcoming Xrd revision. One could represent the moves they have or would have had in AC/+R, while another would be the more typical EX moveset.
You know, I wouldn't mind if there ends up being multiple forms of EX characters in the console version of an upcoming Xrd revision. One could represent the moves they have or would have had in AC/+R, while another would be the more typical EX moveset.

but then people would only play AC/+R mode chara-
ooooooooooh I get it
That's... not what I was trying to imply. At all. I was just wondering how well the +R characters would fare against the Xrd ones.
>Play I-no in Xrd
>literally none of the CPUs i've faced completely block a dash jS jK - 2K 2D mixup, to say nothing of Note oki

I really would like to believe I-no is this easy.
Okay uhhhhhh... it's been a while since I poked at GG XX +R

and... uh... is this an okay Jam BnB?

I mean... aw geeze...
funny thing about Jam,
she can be played well even if you're bad at BnBs.
even if you're an idiot.

I mean, hell, I can play her.

if you want my opinion, her mobility can make up for not knowing long extensive combos (if she has any, I dunno, I'm stupid)
so as long as you can learn stuff through muscle memory, you should be good.

but to answer your question, looks good to me. you took off almost a third of Ky's health with the first one.
looks good to me. you took off almost a third of Ky's health with the first one.
I understand... I mean I just run around poke the opponent until I have enough meter for a Force Break Card Draw and then I just go HAM.
like, learn how to play safe with Jam if you want to rely on getting cards.
that's all I gotta say.

and if you aren't using her super moves (or meter at all), you can do the dust input and get one of each in this version.
My bigger question (being that I'm a Jam sub and Millia main) would be "should you even be using supers outside of the kill combo, or just save for FBs and RCs?"

Judging by tournament footage, FBs and RCs are the way to go, but every time I mention it to my RL friends they just say "RCs aren't useful at our skill level" (despite being ways to get out of bad blockstrings or, at least with FRCs, to make certain options work, i.e. Millia's Iron Saviour/TK Bad Moon mixup).
RCs are always useful. I'm pretty trash at GGxrd, but I still use RCs to form combos, make my stupid mistakes (which I make a lot of) safe, and help me make up for being way to offensive and not blocking enough.

But I'd say the super depends on the character, for someone like Millia, her Supers support combos a lot better, though her AA super can be a good priority AA, though she's got other tools many see as better for that which you can use to go into her super during a combo XP

If we're talking about Jam specifically, dun ask me. Never had any interest in her, never played her, still don't have any interest with Revelator in playing her XP
If you don't have a K card for corner carry you usually go for 5H, 6H, 6P, 5H, knock down however, in the corner do 6H loops.


RCs are always useful. I'm pretty trash at GGxrd, but I still use RCs to form combos, make my stupid mistakes (which I make a lot of) safe, and help me make up for being way to offensive and not blocking enough.
Bear in mind, out of my group of friends, I'm the only one who has played Xrd (everyone else hasn't played past AC+R), and none of us have a copy of Xrd. AC+R doesn't have the slowmo post-RC, so while it's useful, it doesn't feel as useful (unless you keep in mind everything it does unrelated to combo extension) when experimenting during a match.