Ah. The SMG/PlasmaRifle Combo. :D A true and trusted friend of mine, especially in the early days when you started with just an SMG. lol
I had a custom called Pink Knives...just Needlers, the bane of my friends. I fire it up constant groans and bitching, it was wonderful.
The Noob Stick? Yeah the Plasma Sword was pretty dominating. Shotgun, unless you were host. Was always a coin flip. I pull the trigger and would say "Heads!" on Kills, "Shit, Tails." on just damage...which I followed up with Melee. So sometimes I still won.
Those Rockets on Beaver Creek were pretty important, but if you could take the guy down or get them on next respawn. Tide could easily shift. Always about that team coordination difference. Lockout. I never used the Sniper really back then, so I usually played defense crouching in some spot close to our sniper with Sword/Shotgun/orSMG+PRifle combo. Over time though, I picked up on how important the BR was. So I got more aggressive with my playstyle.
Looking back...I enjoyed pretty much every map in H2 except for Backwash. I was so excited for a Swamp MP level based off H1's Campaign level...but I got this. Not to mention. They took away my beloved grenades at spawn...I might rage with my fist held hight for CTF Relic...but Backwash as a whole...ugh.