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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
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Valentine Cerebella Parasoul

All things Halo.

To start off:

It's actually pretty okay. Now everyone hates me. I just don't think it's that bad, not something I'd spend hours playing, but it's certianly not as bad as some people make it out to be.
Started with Halo 3, ended with Halo: Reach.

My favorite FPS franchise of all time, although I can't remember all the shooters I've played.
Marty O'Donnell just got fired from Bungie. He's the guy that composed every piece of Halo music up until 4 (Which was done by another guy). He's been there for 20 years. :/

I hope we get more info about why this happened. :/
I love Halo. I owned CE back when my family used a lone Windows desktop. My best friend and I were actually good. We could have gone pro if we actually focused on the competitive scene. Halo Reach is my favorite out of the series. And, Halo 4 was an abomination that I should never have pre-ordered/own. I am not a fan of 343. I never will be. I made that mistake once...nevermore,
I love Halo. I owned CE back when my family used a lone Windows desktop. My best friend and I were actually good. We could have gone pro if we actually focused on the competitive scene. Halo Reach is my favorite out of the series. And, Halo 4 was an abomination that I should never have pre-ordered/own. I am not a fan of 343. I never will be. I made that mistake once...nevermore,

Yup, this will be the first Halo I won't be getting. They need to fix things up in 5, and maybe, just maybe I might get Halo 6. I'm skipping Halo 5 for now though. I got shafted pretty bad with 4. The only things I really liked were the new Jackals and a few of the gun sounds (not all of them though, I hate the new Needler and Plasma Pistol, those ear-piercing things gave me a headache when I shot them).^^;

Played first trilogy, heard it went downhill from there, dont know the reasons why though.

There's a huge list, but it boils down to too much change, basically. It's like they wanted to experiment and make a completely different game, but they kept the Halo title because of its popularity. In Halo 4, everyone has sprint, armor abilities, loadouts, individual perks, and way too many things you'd expect from other games, not Halo.

No need for map control when you can call in a Rocket Launcher or Beam Rifle to your position, and no need to chase people down when you can equip yourself with a DMR and snipe them from your side of the map. You can even spawn with a one-hit kill weapon if you want.^^;

343i tried to fix matchmaking with an update but I had already sold my 360 by then. Took way too long, and they would never talk to the community on their own forums for long periods of time (think months at a time with no announcements) or even acknowledge certain issues existed. Then they show up 6 months later (no exaggeration) and announce an update. They could have said they were working on improvements (They probably WERE working on them) but they just never talked to anyone, so players just thought we were being ignored. :/
So HalofDuty happened eh? Not dissing on CoD but what i liked about the Halo multiplayer was its classic pick up and play style, no need to grind for perks or anything, just pick a map, everyone has the same tools and the best one won.
So HalofDuty happened eh? Not dissing on CoD but what i liked about the Halo multiplayer was its classic pick up and play style, no need to grind for perks or anything, just pick a map, everyone has the same tools and the best one won.

It's frustrating because you can still 'feel' Halo in Halo 4. The controls, some of the guns, the way the camera moves, it's still Halo deep down there somewhere but it's buried beneath so much unnecessary garbage. D:

Gah, I thought I had forgotten all about it by now but it's making me genuinely upset. I miss Halo. I really tried to enjoy Halo 4. I really, really tried lol. :,(
I played Halo from CE to Reach and I've played the game's multiplayer so much that I've probably got hundreds of gameplay hours clocked in. Halo is the only shooter I really got into competitively and I still play it, but I don't own Halo 4 because it just didn't connect with me like the others did. I look forward to Destiny when it comes out September 9, 2014.
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I'm sad to say that I'll never play Halo again because my Xbox 360 is locked away in my closet and the only reason I'll ever pull it out is to sell it. I'm hoping that Destiny will become the new Halo for the PS4, it's being made by Bungie and judging from the gameplay videos the combat is very Halo inspired.

One of my favorite things about Halo combat is how flexible it was. Everyone has their own unique style of playing. For example, I liked fighting long distance with the DMR, but what I really loved is hand-to-hand combat. One of my favorite tricks to use at melee range was to bounce a grenade off the ground in front of me, then retreat a little bit. If the grenade knocked out my opponent's shields I would rush in through the smoke to finish him off with melee.
I always felt unique using that trick and I just don't get that feeling with Call of Duty.

Don't get me wrong, I always enjoy a Call of Duty game, I just enjoy Halo a lot more.
I like Halo, and all the games have their good and bad points.

I think I like Halo 4 more than most, but I really disliked the loss of firefight and theater mode for single player and co-op.

That said, when I first saw they combined Reach's space combat bit and The Maw into the trench run at end, my jaw was on the floor. That was radical. So, if 343/microsoft manages to learn from all their issues in H4, I'm still interested in playing H5.

Especially since I don't need to buy an XB1 since I have relatives who already own one.

I got into Halo when Reach came out. I played SWAT mostly. I still pick it up from time to time, but I'm pretty much burned out on Halo. That and 4 pretty much killed any interest I had in future installments of the series.
I love Halo.
Dude we'd be like best friends in real life.

Or rather I should say in person, I consider these interactions real.
The DMR was the best of all the weapons.
Dude we'd be like best friends in real life.

Or rather I should say in person, I consider these interactions real.

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Bought Halo 2 to my laptop a while ago. Still good.
But did I miss dual wielding needler and boss battles on the later installments (343 Guilty Spark on Halo 3 not counting)! Tartarus is a sweet challange on Legendary if you don't pick up Needler.
Fingers crossed for a Halo 2 Anniversary announcement at E3 next month. :3

Mine have been since I heard a rumor. Latest rumor, says supposed to get a Master Chief Collection with Halo 1-4 in it. Which hey, I'd be totally down for.

But Halo 2 Anniversary is higher on my want list. The nostalgia is too strong for me to ignore.
Mine have been since I heard a rumor. Latest rumor, says supposed to get a Master Chief Collection with Halo 1-4 in it. Which hey, I'd be totally down for.

But Halo 2 Anniversary is higher on my want list. The nostalgia is too strong for me to ignore.

They better release that collection for Steam! We already got that top-down shooter so there's always hope!

I'm worried that Halo 2 Anniversary will have Halo 4's multiplayer. Like how they put Reach multiplayer in Halo CE Anniversary. :/
Anybody else here think that Halo Wars was a steaming pile of guano?
Anybody else here think that Halo Wars was a steaming pile of guano?

The best part of that game was how you had a SPARTAN TEAM with you. There would only be like 2 or 3 of them at a time but they would just wreck Covenant armies all on their own lol. It's so awesome. And aside from the graphics at the time, yup, didn't care much for the game.

Hated the voice-acting, cutscenes (They made the Spartans look like Power Rangers), most of the main characters, and the gameplay was too slow for me. Even Bungie themselves said these guys ruined Halo lol.



Originally the game wasn't even supposed to be about Halo, but Microsoft told Ensembled Studios to make it a Halo game.^^;

Some people like it though.
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I was like 16 when I played it and I was going through a moody and violent phase so real-time strategy games weren't my favorite.
I'm worried that Halo 2 Anniversary will have Halo 4's multiplayer. Like how they put Reach multiplayer in Halo CE Anniversary. :/

Shhh. Shhhhhhhhh. Lets have none of that talk. Halo 2's mp was pretty legendary. Id like to believe 343 has SOME intellegence to include the mp untouched, with all maps(including pc exclusive ones), and dedicated servers for matchmaking.
I was more a CQC kinda guy. Ivory tower, lockout, and warlock for days.
Man I don't recognize any of these names, I started with Halo 3 and ended with Halo: Reach.
I now feel old, lol. Alot of them were remade.

Reflection = ivory tower
Blackout = lockout
Hemorrhage = couagulation

With differences of course.

Halo and I have a bit of a personal backstory that started way back when Halo 2 was being hyped up. I made a promise to someone. And though, I fulfilled the promise long ago. The franchise has taken me on quite a ride. So regardless if Halo 5 is GOTY for real or a slam dunk in the trash, you can expect me to go and get it. ("I gotta knows wha happnz wit mah boy, masta cheef!" <- Read in your thickest redneck accent and lol)
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Dual-wielding all day.

SMG + Plasma Rifle
Needler + Needler

The only maps I didn't like were Beaver Creek and Lockout. Beaver Creek was hard to control once someone else got to the top with the Rockets, and on Lockout there was always some spider monkey sneaking around.^^;

And lets not forgot the plasma sword, that thing was a monster.

Oh, and Zombies on Coagulation.<3
Dual-wielding all day.

SMG + Plasma Rifle
Needler + Needler

The only maps I didn't like were Beaver Creek and Lockout. Beaver Creek was hard to control once someone else got to the top with the Rockets, and on Lockout there was always some spider monkey sneaking around.^^;

And lets not forgot the plasma sword, that thing was a monster.

Oh, and Zombies on Coagulation.<3

Ah. The SMG/PlasmaRifle Combo. :D A true and trusted friend of mine, especially in the early days when you started with just an SMG. lol

I had a custom called Pink Knives...just Needlers, the bane of my friends. I fire it up constant groans and bitching, it was wonderful.

The Noob Stick? Yeah the Plasma Sword was pretty dominating. Shotgun, unless you were host. Was always a coin flip. I pull the trigger and would say "Heads!" on Kills, "Shit, Tails." on just damage...which I followed up with Melee. So sometimes I still won.

Those Rockets on Beaver Creek were pretty important, but if you could take the guy down or get them on next respawn. Tide could easily shift. Always about that team coordination difference. Lockout. I never used the Sniper really back then, so I usually played defense crouching in some spot close to our sniper with Sword/Shotgun/orSMG+PRifle combo. Over time though, I picked up on how important the BR was. So I got more aggressive with my playstyle.

Looking back...I enjoyed pretty much every map in H2 except for Backwash. I was so excited for a Swamp MP level based off H1's Campaign level...but I got this. Not to mention. They took away my beloved grenades at spawn...I might rage with my fist held hight for CTF Relic...but Backwash as a whole...ugh.
Ah. The SMG/PlasmaRifle Combo. :D A true and trusted friend of mine, especially in the early days when you started with just an SMG. lol

I had a custom called Pink Knives...just Needlers, the bane of my friends. I fire it up constant groans and bitching, it was wonderful.

The Noob Stick? Yeah the Plasma Sword was pretty dominating. Shotgun, unless you were host. Was always a coin flip. I pull the trigger and would say "Heads!" on Kills, "Shit, Tails." on just damage...which I followed up with Melee. So sometimes I still won.

Those Rockets on Beaver Creek were pretty important, but if you could take the guy down or get them on next respawn. Tide could easily shift. Always about that team coordination difference. Lockout. I never used the Sniper really back then, so I usually played defense crouching in some spot close to our sniper with Sword/Shotgun/orSMG+PRifle combo. Over time though, I picked up on how important the BR was. So I got more aggressive with my playstyle.

Looking back...I enjoyed pretty much every map in H2 except for Backwash. I was so excited for a Swamp MP level based off H1's Campaign level...but I got this. Not to mention. They took away my beloved grenades at spawn...I might rage with my fist held hight for CTF Relic...but Backwash as a whole...ugh.

Speaking of maps, if there's one level they ABSOLUTELY MUST INCLUDE, it's this one: