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I was also thinking that people could upload their fan art on pixiv; I've noticed a lack of drawings there and this could draw the attention of the Japanese gaming comunity. Sadly, I have the artistic skills of a wet bread. What about Skullgirls Japanese VAs? Could we get Sugita to promo the campaign?
I think this has been asked before, but I just noticed Steam has a "Free to Play" feature. Since the prototype is as well polished as it is, would it be practical and helpful to list it there?

And yeah, any help from Japan would be awesome. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to make that happen. And I, too, can't draw to save my life. Which is a shame, 'cause I have ideas that might help (Ajna and co in a rocketship- "Prepare for liftoff! Donate today!"; Ajna and the Prince of Persia, hanging out on a wall; Thorani selling household cleaning products).
I do know of an artist, though, maybe all of you already know her? WaterMystic. She's taking commisions right now; you can donate 30 bucks, send a screenshot of your verification mail and she'll draw a full body colored pic of any Indivisible character. Sadly, nothing way too elaborate.

I actually asked for a drawing of Razmi wearing a tiger-stripped bikini cause why not? Taiga waifu fan service might get some moneh.

EDIT: Okay, so here's my suggestion, I don't know if it's good or not but I'm squeezing my brain here. So, the Japanese gamers love Marie, right? The Skullgirls fan art is also really popular on Pixiv, so... let's say someone with awesome drawing skills draws a crossover pic of Marie and Razmi (cause they both look tired, pale, serious, you know...), upload it to pixiv, tag it as Skullgirls (hey, is not a lie, Marie is in there) and basically make Indivisible popular in Japan THROUGH Skullgirls. We could write the description in English, but someone with Japanese knowledge would be a great help.
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I do know of an artist, though, maybe all of you already know her? WaterMystic. She's taking commisions right now; you can donate 30 bucks, send a screenshot of your verification mail and she'll draw a full body colored pic of any Indivisible character. Sadly, nothing way too elaborate.

I actually asked for a drawing of Razmi wearing a tiger-stripped bikini cause why not? Taiga waifu fan service might get some moneh.

EDIT: Okay, so here's my suggestion, I don't know if it's good or not but I'm squeezing my brain here. So, the Japanese gamers love Marie, right? The Skullgirls fan art is also really popular on Pixiv, so... let's say someone with awesome drawing skills draws a crossover pic of Marie and Razmi (cause they both look tired, pale, serious, you know...), upload it to pixiv, tag it as Skullgirls (hey, is not a lie, Marie is in there) and basically make Indivisible popular in Japan THROUGH Skullgirls. We could write the description in English, but someone with Japanese knowledge would be a great help.

Alas, if I had that kind of money in my budget it would've probably gone straight to Indivisible. I, too, am kind of broke right now. Online business failed/moved across across Texas to be closer to family/need to find a job/currently living on savings/etc, etc. (Seems to be a common theme around here? Not entirely sure why.) I think I'll increase my donation after November starts and I'm on a new month's budget, but it's still not much compared to the total. (Shut up, Dave! Every little bit helps!)

Where was I? Popular crossover art would be a great help. Good idea about Marie. Maybe get her to share an umbrella in the rain with Razmi, that way you also get the Totoro reference.
That would be a sweet drawing, the one with the Totoro reference. Bom as a huge Totoro-like tiger would be awesome. What about the short-lived Ajna climbing things meme? Did it work? I saw someone posting the template of Ajna looking in the distance and made some "postal cards". Those worked a little on tumblr and I even encouraged people to make their own.





What about the short-lived Ajna climbing things meme? Did it work? I

Not really, nope. Super Milk Chan did some cool stuff with it, though, so that's nice. The postcard/looking-into-the-distance thing looks better anyway, but I like the idea of crossovers for siphoning people from other fandoms. On the other hand, reposts are a time-honored tradition for Reddit, so if someone else wants to grab my Shop, feel free. Probably with a better title- "Climb, Girl, Climb!" might get more attention.
Sorry for the double post, but someone said he wanted to donate 10k because original character, but then he said he couldn't convince himself it's a worth while investment. Then he donated 30 bucks. Not sure if simple boasting or potential Divinity.
Sorry for the double post, but someone said he wanted to donate 10k because original character, but then he said he couldn't convince himself it's a worth while investment. Then he donated 30 bucks. Not sure if simple boasting or potential Divinity.
When someone goes from 10k to 30, it's likely boasting :P
May--- shit sorry Maybe you can be really active on Playstation 4? A recent update might help:

edit: hey uh... anyone on PS4 know how to change the background color? It's been stuck on red for like... forever T~T

Edit 2: I just noticed this on the front page:

That's... a lot of viewers. I don't reconnize the streamer name
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I recognize him, he does a lot of Youtube clickbait stuff, mostly dumb Smash 4 DLC 'leaks'. But hey, if he can use his clickbait powers to do some good this time, I guess I can't complain.
May--- shit sorry Maybe you can be really active on Playstation 4? A recent update might help:

edit: hey uh... anyone on PS4 know how to change the background color? It's been stuck on red for like... forever T~T

Edit 2: I just noticed this on the front page:
View attachment 11992
That's... a lot of viewers. I don't reconnize the streamer name
If I recall correctly, he was the first youtuber to have a video on it. He has 220Kish subscribers. EDIT: Dont remember his name though
I recognize him, he does a lot of Youtube clickbait stuff, mostly dumb Smash 4 DLC 'leaks'. But hey, if he can use his clickbait powers to do some good this time, I guess I can't complain.
Well He LOVES the game. Like he LOVES LOVES it. Then again Etika has been known to stream the hentai from time to time. But he's got a whole network of homies so this is great in my eyes. (he fumbled around with the axe climbing and using supers but he figured it out with in an hour) Shame he didn't go for the secret boss. Might have to poke him about that and see if he's willing to make a click bait reaction video of seeing someone beat the boss. cause you know, that might help, also I love the way he pops off, the dude looks like he creamed in his pants (which i think he might have do when he started to do combos in the prototype)

Also his name is Etika.
That Mike guy from Kotaku sounds kinda tired... like he kinda doesn't want to do a video on this.
That Mike guy from Kotaku sounds kinda tired... like he kinda doesn't want to do a video on this.
Dude, I think you're projecting. He was absolutely glowing in the accompanying article. There could be many other reasons he might 'sound' tired.
There's a lot of....whining about why it isn't on Kickstarter which is weird considering that you don't need an account you just pay through paypal.
People are always complaining, to be honest. At least we reached our first quarter of the goal, and we just need another 25,000 before we get to officially meet Naga Rider.
People are always complaining, to be honest. At least we reached our first quarter of the goal, and we just need another 25,000 before we get to officially meet Naga Rider.

and the crazy thing is, yan was just revealed yesterday (unless I got drunk and blacked out for a while, but I don't drink so that's outta the question)
we definitely picked up the pace seeing as Rider is like a day and a half away
That prediction, though...
the site is pretty bad with predictions, don't trust it. Everything else with the site is pretty good, I've been using it to keep track of the campaign. The campaign does need a much higher average as of now though.
Alright. Still, I have this very habit of thinking things too much. I'm currently reblogging as many Indivisible posts as I can on tumblr, and it's been good, lots of people reblogged them as well and even I got a message encouraging me. However, one of these guys said that "when people don't flock around your game even after the big youtubers reviewed it, there's something very wrong with your product". Gonna be honest here, I wanted to bash them in the head cause yes, I'm kind of volatile, but at the same time, I wish to know what else the L0 crew is doing to spread news of the game, aside from the streaming. I still feel like Japan is hiding a lot of potential, but those darned moon runes...
Is there an outlet that publishes Japanese gaming news that we can go to that would be open to English messages? If so, we could message them and htey could create a full blown article. Alternatively, if anyone knows Japanese or can at least translate into it, we could redub the Mike Z stream and/or a few other Indivisible videos and pass them along to the Japanese fans we do have on the boat.
However, one of these guys said that "when people don't flock around your game even after the big youtubers reviewed it, there's something very wrong with your product". Gonna be honest here, I wanted to bash them in the head cause yes, I'm kind of volatile, but at the same time, I wish to know what else the L0 crew is doing to spread news of the game, aside from the streaming. I still feel like Japan is hiding a lot of potential, but those darned moon runes...

A leap in logic. If issue can't be people not noticing or not having money or not wanting to spend money or simple lack of interest or something else, it's the product/ If there is something so very wrong with Indivisible then it would've been so nice of them to point it out. And if there was by chance a major problem with Indivisble, then all that would have to happen is fixing that problem. That's how criticism is supposed to work.

Sorry if my rant was out of place, but perhaps it may serve as a future counter argument. Anyway if any of you do have a future plan of tapping into any future potential from Japan there's a few videos on Nico Nico which might be worth linking to. The third has deals with payment options so that might be more important that the others. I hope this helps.



The weird thing about that chart is it says nearly half of the campaign's backers donated in the past 24 hours.
Looks like the just got a data hiccup. Everything before that big backer day is gone for the week of the 14th, so it probably got mis-dated and stuffed into yesterday.
Well, if Lab Zero's busy, what can we do to almost double the amount of donations per day? What about triple? Frankly, I want Lab Zero rolling around in money if it's at all possible.
  • I like the Japan idea. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to contact or implement the Japan idea.
  • Someone on Reddit mentioned appealing to console owners. Unfortunately, all my boxes are last gen, so I don't know how to contact them, either. Much less get them to play the (computer) prototype.
  • Are there any other major markets? India? China? Russia? (Wales! We could use Wales, guys!)
  • Any other ideas? How on Earth could we infiltrate the Minecraft crowd? Notch? (Is Notch still a big part of that? I thought he mostly retired.)
  • Major Twitch personalities, maybe? Again, not too familiar with them myself, but based on the Baer Taffy stream vids I saw, Twitch audiences seem somewhat willing to spend their money. So that's nice.
  • Music fans? The soundtrack seems to be a major selling point that hasn't really gotten sold very much.
We have pretty good YouTube coverage. We have news articles now, even. But something is blocking it. I can even hear it saying, "Not enough!" What are the "nuclear options"?
So, the Japanese know about Indivisible, but something's keeping them from donating more money... I wish we had a plan B, you know, in case the campaign fails.
Inspiring, but I'm running out of ideas. I still say L0 should put a special bonus boss, like Marie 300%. Right now what we need is some bait, to be honest. Yeah, sure, the last days are always the best ones, but I don't think we'll make it in time if we have much less than a million by then.