Things are getting tricky.
jlk -> jhp -> dash cancel -> jlk -> jhp does enough damage to stun, but is intensely vulnerable to diagonal skull trains or skull swarms
Vulnerability to Marie's attacks isn't a factor to take into consideration. If Marie decides to hit you, you'll get hit. The important factor is how much time you need to stun her, which has a direct impact of how likely it is that you'll stun her without getting countered.
How to know if your stun tech is efficient :
- it takes less time than Marie needs to attack with a grab or an exploding skeleton. If at round start, you can get the stun while marie went for that attack, you're good. It means it will also work if marie does a slight pause before attacking you with a skull attack. Having such a way to stun gives you a success rate between 33 and 50%. Copter dynamo meets this condition by a slight margin and has a success rate of 40-45%.
- either allows you to combo directly afterwards, or got you close to Marie and in a position to re-stun her very fast. That is why ground M sekh is probably not a good way to stun Marie, because you need to get back to eliza form, which will put you far from Marie again. IAD air M sekh --> H sekh sounds better though, as the airdash brings you close, and the following attacks won't push Marie further from eliza sarcophagus state thingy. So a sekh call will leave you close enough to Marie for a possible quick restun. Copter dynamo also meets this condition and allows a restun with a 95-98%% success rate.
Haven't been able to figure out number of hits to re-stun; I keep getting interrupted by errant individual skulls or diag skull trains or skull swarms.
Find a good way to stun first, then see if you can get an easy restun afterwards.
Keep trying.
Marie analogue for training mode : flying painwheel
I use standing BB. I didn't find yet something that hits Marie but not BB, and vice versa.
If you need to see what you can do after a launcher, I have a trick : set BB to walk forward as reversal, then do for example L spiral (that's eliza mini launcher right?). As these two attacks won't link but are done right next to each other, BB will parry the launcher, allowing you to train jump cancel follow ups while BB stays grounded. You'll know that way what will HIT after a launcher, but knowing what will LINK after the launcher will either require to do it on not-parrying BB, or on Marie herself.
Things that do over 2K damage:
Boat -> Butcher
sMK -> sHK (full)
Boat -> Osiris (any)
Boat -> Horus or Couch
3 sLP -> 2 sMK -> 3 sHP
Couch -> any standing heavy
Sekhmet's jMP -> jHP
sLK -> sMP -> 2 sHK
Gator -> Boat
sMP -> 3 sHP
jLK -> jHP -> dash cancel -> jLK -> jHP
Important note : there is no damage scaling on Marie.
And remember that when I said 2000 damage, it's a very rough estimation. You'll need to check on Marie.
Progress! A standing, looping or semi-looping combo could possibly do a Phase Skip, which would be awesome. I need to get better at the longer combos. Best I currently have is cLK -> cMP -> cHK -> jLK -> jMP -> jHP -> airdash -> jMP -> jHP, and even that's not the most reliable thing ever.
Git gud.
On the more positive, speculative side of things, something clever can probably be done with Upper Khat's invincibility frames to counter Marie's phase shift interrupts and keep combos going.
Either you're talking about 3rd phase skip (and then you're thinking waaay too far ahead from where you are right now), or you need to read again the explanation I posted with my 3rd phase skip video. Because if you're really talking about keeping combo going during a phase transition, you are terribly mistaken on something (that I consider) basic :
1) as long as Marie is stun, she can't go for any phase transition.
2) as soon as Marie isn't stun and her health is below a phase transition limit, she becomes fully invincible for the full duration of the transition.
So keeping a combo going during a phase transition is completely nonsensical...
Focus on stunning and simple marie combos for now.
Minor other thing: I think it's four hits to restun. Gator -> Boat -> Osiris Light restuns Phase 2, just doesn't last very long.
Stun will last as long as your attacks hitstun so...yeah L osiris won't put you at +60, but you'll be able to link lights behind it. You know, like against a normal opponent...
I'm getting worried.
Now I'm even more worried.
How good are you at eliza combos?