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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

"turn-based combat"
"battles are separate from the game world"
Sure are a lot of assumptions flyin' around in here.
Valkyrie Profile's combat is not "pick an attack and wait", it's "choose your target and do a fighting-game-style combo". With you having to time attacks and juggles and stuff.
There are combo videos:

And anyway, that's just the inspiration, not the goal.
Yeah sounds more like DMC but instead of equipping weapons you attack with you are choosing deities as abilities. Not turn based.
I am mindblown, the hype i'm feeling it's too much, that's all i can say, i know some Metroidvania so it's not a problem or anything for me, the only thing that worries me about the game is that it will probably be very pricy, but it will be SO worth it, gotta start saving now.
"turn-based combat"
"battles are separate from the game world"
Sure are a lot of assumptions flyin' around in here.
Valkyrie Profile's combat is not "pick an attack and wait", it's "choose your target and do a fighting-game-style combo". With you having to time attacks and juggles and stuff.
There are combo videos:

And anyway, that's just the inspiration, not the goal.

Mike, are there any other games besides Super Metroid and Valkyrie Profile that are the inspiration? I play a shit ton of SM but have never touched VP so I'm curious if any other specific individual titles are serving as the foundation.

Sorry for asking but I'm a bit confused, is the indiegogo gonna open soon in the next weeks or in early september?
Inspired by Valkyrie profile?! *Opens up case of PS1 titles from custom case to remember nostalgia*


I had to remember the good times for a moment. I will definitely support this new title.
Valkyrie Profile inspired, Secret of Mana composer and Lab Zero sweet 2D animations?

Am I dreaming? Because if I'm dreaming I dont want to wake up.
Man, can you imagine if Indivisible was actually set in the skullgirls universe.
Like, a hidden rusty robo-fortune somewhere in the background, a children's book about a "star child," maybe a post-game boss.
Actually, add Annie in.
Now everyone's happy. c:
I'm so excited for this game. Kudos Lab Zero for catering to my two favorite genres of video games XD
How about that, a 2D(2.5D?) platformer/beat-em-up action rpg with comboooooos, those don't come around as often as they ought
I'm just glad that that beat-em-up/platformer mode/branch that Mike coded for the Z-Engine a ways ways back gets to be used, I remembered that being showed off and thinking how cool and potentially awesome it would be, and now it just might happen. Fingers crossed when that IGG hits.
Metroidvania? Cool.
A gameplay in the same vein of Valkyrie profile with an ambiance that takes from secret of mana? Awesome!
Lab zero finally getting their big break with a publisher and everything? It's about time!

That reveal really makes my day, i'm very curious to see how it will turn out!
Yo,yo,yo, LZ who let you visit my head when I was sleeping?

Cause that game is straight out of my wildest dreams.

But it doesn't look anything like Federation Force.
This is why I drink to forget...
I cannot wait to support this game. This game is going to be fantastic :)

It's gonna be nice to see how you guys handle an RPG
I have no idea how I've been oblivious about this until right now.
I'm extremely excited for this! While I am tired of the "Metroidvania" genre, this looks really interesting. I love the look of the announcement trailer.
I'm happy we are finally past Skullgirls. While I love that game, I'm excited it is finally finished and Lab Zero can finally move on to other things.
I just wonder if there is gonna be a completely different forum site for the game or it could be added to Skullheart.com as one of the main forums.
Looking at those videos of Valkrie Profie reminds me of the fighting in Project X Zone. That was very fun, and if its anything like that, with a metroid style overworld, then I am set.

Was there any word on who their publisher is for this, or are they saving it?

I am already 100% behind them. While I have not spoken much of skullgirls here, or haven't played much recently due to distractions, I still am happy I went for the highest teir in their last Indiegogo. I love Alex and Mike as people, and will support them and the rest of the team again...

The question now is when do I back and how much can I back... I can't back as much as last time sadly :(
Well, im very exited for indivisible, its a fresh air for L0, gonna backet it asap.

I think its a win for all.
i don't think it'll be a standard "metroidvania". i figure it'll set it self apart as its own thing.

until there's more info, i'll just call it a "2d Exploration Action RPG"

2017 seems so far away now.
I'm also very curious about who the publisher is, especially considering that SG's lack of a publisher willing to fund the big bucks is a big reason why the game is “stopping” this Tuesday after 2nd Encore/Robo Kitty. Considering how much bigger metroidvanias are today, and the success of the Bloodstained kickstarter, I personally expect Indivisible to rake in more munnies than SG did, which means, HOPEFULLY, more SG in the future (though certainly not the near future).
Very good. Love me some Metroidvania and the aesthetic already got me.
Give me anything vaguely Eastern and you catch my attention because I'm a loser like that
So is the PSP version of Valkyrie Profile worth getting or is the PS1 version better?
Oh, cool you won't just focus on fighting games (And I mean that sort Skullgirls is) and do something entirely different.

I have never played or maby not even heard about Valkyrie Profile. Soo that will be interesting to know more about.
And the art is very simular to Skullgirls soo I must ask. Is Ahad the art director (or whatever the fancy title is called) or is it someone else?
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no Alex Ahad is not the lead Artist for Indivisible. They just got someone who can match Ahad's style perfectly and made him do all the character designs.

Oh course Ahad is in on this project he is the main fonder of Lab Zeros right next to Mike, he wouldn't leave this for the world and I'm glad that this game is being made. Ahad is just bursting with awesome characters who all look amazing with a large amount of personality behind them. I suggest you look up some of Alex's work online and get his Monster Girl Art Books. THEY ARE GREAT.
And the art is very simular to Skullgirls soo I must ask. Is Ahad the art director (or whatever the fancy title is called) or is it someone else?

Judging by the art and character design, I think it's pretty safe to assume Alex is the art director. Despite being heavily "Anime" influenced, his style is still pretty distinct.
Oh yeah: and +5 hype for Secret of Mana composer. If this means we might get another "Distant Thunder", "Fear of the Heavens", or "Into the Thick of it", then this game needs to come out yesterday.
I'm so excited for this game, whatever kind of game it is I know it's gonna be amazing.

Though I'm feeling sick to my stomach that some people are doubting that Indivisible will be a great game.
Seriously, Doubting Lab Zero. The cynicism is baffling.
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You know how Skullgirls took out all the annoying shit from fighters, and that made for a pretty great fighting game? Imagine the same process done to the Action RPG genre. We're two years away from another awesome game from Lab Zero.

They shouldn't have made such a good game the first time around if they didn't want my expectations set so high ;)
When I think of if Lab zero would make nothing short of an amazing game I realize; with the shit luck they've had and the amount of love Skullgirls has gotten with no budget I expect the same amount of love for this game.