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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

can't wait to see this game get speedran.
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my guess is that there might be a poster of Cerebella's Circus Act that is on tour in some Towns or something. that would be neato

other than that i don't really expect SG references in Indivisible. I kinda want this world to stand on it's own. You know?
Don't get me hyped more than I already am please..
I'm hyped about this game, i was a bit cautious about thinking that would be turn based, but even if it was, i would still play and love it.

I trust lab zero.

I want to see this prototype. And i hope this game is like skullgirls in the specs sense, not needing a super computer to run it well.
There's probably more references in SG than unique frames of animation. If not SG references, than surely SM or VP ones. If SG had hat tips to other fighting games, Indivisible will probably have some Metroid/action adventure or RPG nods as well.
@Kai do you know what Alex Ahad's ethnicity is? Indivisible is clearly based on Southeast Asian culture and I heard from a good friend that Alex is Filipino, and I'd just like some confirmation on that because it's super interesting to me.
What is with people and the assumption that anime looks all the same lmao

All anime "looks the same" in the same way that all fighting games play/feel the same. That's probably the kind of blanket statement those guys mean.
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Three entirely different rants about why DS's storytelling sucks.

What is this??? Are you trying to say you prefer everything plot related served to you on a silver platter? Or that you would perfer a Navi-esque companion to give you some steady exposition without revealing everything? I realize i'm 2 pages late but it's kind of surprising to see someone explain this much on why they don't like a game's storytelling without comparing it to what their ideal narrative experience is. (KH? Zelda?) If this is too offtopic we can take it to another thread.
can't wait to see this game get speedran.
@Dolfinh take a break from ecco 2 once Indivisible is out and speedrun it.
@Kai do you know what Alex Ahad's ethnicity is? Indivisible is clearly based on Southeast Asian culture and I heard from a good friend that Alex is Filipino, and I'd just like some confirmation on that because it's super interesting to me.

Alex Ahad is of Burmese descent.
@Kai do you know what Alex Ahad's ethnicity is? Indivisible is clearly based on Southeast Asian culture and I heard from a good friend that Alex is Filipino, and I'd just like some confirmation on that because it's super interesting to me.
Funny thing, he had just gotten back from a trip to the region when I arrived to record the Beowulf lines. Guess it was a research trip? :P

My memory's hazy (we had some of the local palm-tree-tasting bootleg liquor he brought back, lol), but I believe he said it was Myanmar, and he mentioned family, so I'm gonna go with that.
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My memory's hazy (we had some of the local palm-tree-tasting bootleg liquor he brought back, lol), but I believe he said it was Myanmar, and he mentioned family, so I'm gonna go with that.
Thanks Kai, that region is also Southeast Asia, so I expect to see a familial as well as emotional investment from him in this game. This is all really exciting.
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guys guys guys it's going to be heavy on the Hindu culture. Ajna literally means third eye. She has a third eye when she goes into her monster girl form. It's perfect.
Thanks Kai, that region is also Southeast Asia, so I expect to see a familial as well as emotional investment from him in this game. This is all really exciting.
Oh, yeah, I know where it is, lol, but I don't know much about it. I'm much more familiar with Thai stuff, owing to my time boxing. Still, knowledge of regional sport isn't knowledge of the region, so I'm as fresh as anyone, I suppose. I'm looking forward to what you mentioned, the emotional investment. I'm always happy to see a culture represented by somebody who knows and cares about it, even as a fantasy setting.
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guys guys guys it's going to be heavy on the Hindu culture. Ajna literally means third eye. She has a third eye when she goes into her monster girl form. It's perfect.

It's Southeast Asia dude, so I would think it leans more towards Buddhism. Though, I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about that culture in any true detail, so I suggest we all read up on it.
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It's Southeast Asia dude, so I would think it leans more towards Buddhism. Though, I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about that culture in any detail, so I suggest we all read up on it.

Yeah, being Myanmar (Burma) is 80% Theravada Buddhism and only 2% Hindu, I'd expect more Buddhist influences within this fantasy. Although I do realize Hinduism and Buddhism do share some similarities between each other.
Sorry i don't know crud about the religious cultures in SouthEast Asia. I'm sorry for assuming that Indivisible would have Major Hindu ties given if Buddhism is more common in that region of the world.
Sorry i don't know crud about the religious cultures in SouthEast Asia. I'm sorry for assuming that Indivisible would have Major Hindu ties given if Buddhism is more common in that region of the world.

No need to apologize, we're all learning as this project gets underway; which is why this fantasy setting is exciting because it's exploring a region in Asia that's not as popular in being portrayed in media as Japanese or Chinese mythology.
... It's totally fine dude, you don't have to apologize, wow.
looking at stills from the trailer
This king kittan lookin motherfucker has my attention, let alone all the other very appealing looking ladies, like that hair mermaid. And this is only like half of the friends.

Based on so many of the characters shown off, I imagine "globe spanning journey" isn't an overstatement.
I can't wait for Lab Zero to become Treasure: 21st Century American Version.
You just made me think of a Lab Zero Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier, oh good lord, imagining Epsilon and the bosses drawn by Alex Ahad would be a dream!....A DREAM I TELLS YA!
my guess is that there might be a poster of Cerebella's Circus Act that is on tour in some Towns or something. that would be neato

other than that i don't really expect SG references in Indivisible. I kinda want this world to stand on it's own. You know?
Agree, while a reference or a few jokes here or there may be nice, I'd like it to stand on its own and have its own identity.

looking at stills from the trailer

This king kittan lookin motherfucker has my attention, let alone all the other very appealing looking ladies, like that hair mermaid. And this is only like half of the friends.

Based on so many of the characters shown off, I imagine "globe spanning journey" isn't an overstatement.

Whoa, all the characters looks pretty awesome, thanks for sharing this still, I'm curious as to the story and what connection these drastically different fighters will have. (Loving that tokusatsu-looking dude).
Knowing them, I would be flabbergasted if there weren't at least some references.

That girlie there has an axe

Need I say more
Man or Woman, every single person appearing behind Ajna in the trailer all look totally unique.
I'm happy that Lab Zero is exercising it's reputation of having creative and beautiful characters.
I can't agree more with this. I'm really happy to see a diverse cast of characters. Lab zero never disappoints!
I usually don't back games out of principle, I never have, but since I'm familiar with Lab0 now I don't see where this could possibly go wrong.
Also considering Konami isn't involved.
@Mike_Z By the way, will there be development streams for this again? Thoroughly enjoyed those.
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What is this??? Are you trying to say you prefer everything plot related served to you on a silver platter? Or that you would perfer a Navi-esque companion to give you some steady exposition without revealing everything? I realize i'm 2 pages late but it's kind of surprising to see someone explain this much on why they don't like a game's storytelling without comparing it to what their ideal narrative experience is. (KH? Zelda?) If this is too offtopic we can take it to another thread.
Ok, this is the last time I'll bring up DS. I was tired and in the mood to rant last night. Plus I'd been hearing constantly how amazing the DS series was from a friend and just...in a mood I guess. But no, I don't want the entirety of the plot served to me. If you read the rants, you'd read that I dislike being forced to have to speculate and dig for the story. I don't really have a preference for my ideal narrative, I just know DS isn't it. The story has to at least be present and active. It doesn't necessarily need to spoon feed you everything it's saying, but it also shouldn't, IMHO, just leave so much open to interpretation. I prefer a story I can recieve and enjoy on at least a base level. Preferably one that does require a bit of digging to understand everything, but isn't so buried you're spending the entire game trying to figure out what the story even is. That's my issue.
Consider my "rants" dropped with this, shouldn't have done them in the first place, they were probably off topic. Just because I don't really like one method of story telling doesn't mean it has to be the exact opposite. That's just silly.

now with that...I'm looking forward to the game. L0's artistic skills and gameplay genius might just be able to add a new coat of paint to this 'genre.' Honestly, a breathing and moving 2D world with the Metroidvania styling of the world sounds gorgeous. Honestly I've just kinda tired of the "old school" pixel graphics games, especially the ones of the Metroidvania genre, that I'm happy to hear of something like this. Hoping for some more dynamic camera angles, or since its 2D for the camera to react more fluidly. Plenty of things I'm looking forward to. I'll keep the rest of my giddiness in check till we see more :D
Are we going to ignore the one guy who looks like the manliest fucker Alex ever drew

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How can you say that when Beowulf exists?
I want to see this prototype. And i hope this game is like skullgirls in the specs sense, not needing a super computer to run it well.
It won't be Doom 3 (yay for old benchmarks), but there will not be an option for 2D single-image backgrounds this time, there's no way we could do that...so if your computer can't handle 3d SG stages you're probably out of luck.
Frameskip if your computer is slow will still be a thing, though, and will matter a LOT less than it does in a fighting game.

By the way, will there be development streams for this again? Thoroughly enjoyed those.
It depends. Those are probably harder to do for a story-based game without showing plot points, but for mechanics and stuff if we can show off things before the IGG and be cagey about it afterward, I would very much like us to do that kind of thing again. This time we have to get permission, though...
Well, i'm out of luck then. xD