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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

Hypothetically, the party guild won´t be so broken if we attack perfectly- mastered/practiced the cooldowns between the part members and always attack the enemy to reach 0 HP?
Could you rephrase that so I can actually understand it? :^S

If I had to guess, you're asking: What happens if you attack like A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D...instead of A+B+D+C, wait, A+B+C+D...right? To keep the enemy from being able to attack, or something, even if they had 1,000,000 HP, until they died?
It doesn't work like that.
All time bars fill simultaneously, so if your bars are filling, so are the enemies'.
The bars only fill when nobody is doing ANYTHING - in other words, only while nobody is attacking or returning to their spot, and when nobody (you or the enemy) is in hitstun. And at that time, while your bars are refilling, the enemy can attack. There is no way for you to fill another attack without the enemy also gaining bar.
It isn't like a fighting game, where I can knock you down, wait for you to get up, then knock you down again and you never get to do anything. If all 4 people in your party had 3 attacks, you could only do 12 in a row without having to wait for more, either as a combo or separately, but that's it.

Does that make some sense? Maybe I got your question wrong...
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Mike, can you tell what's your final goal on voiceovers? Will it be like SG - fully voiced battles, none in the dialogues? Or dialogue voices would be stretchgoal?
Also any chance for Russian translation? =3
Mike, can you tell what's your final goal on voiceovers? Will it be like SG - fully voiced battles, none in the dialogues? Or dialogue voices would be stretchgoal?
Also any chance for Russian translation? =3

That reminds me of what I was going to ask

If there is going to be voice overs or just text boxes or will it be like persona 4 where its voice overs and textboxes?
That reminds me of what I was going to ask
If there is going to be voice overs or just text boxes or will it be like persona 4 where its voice overs and textboxes?
Voice + text, it'd be weird to have just voices. Even DVDs offer subtitles...

Mike, can you tell what's your final goal on voiceovers? Will it be like SG - fully voiced battles, none in the dialogues? Or dialogue voices would be stretchgoal?
I actually don't remember! I don't think FULL every-single-cutscene-even-the-short-ones-where-you-talk-to-NPCs-about-the-weather voiceover is a goal, but at least Valkyrie-Profile style stuff where important scenes have voiceover is definitely a goal. However! I don't remember if that's a stretch goal or part of the budget. I am the wrong person to ask, because I've been much too busy working on the prototype. :^P @Ravidrath?

Also any chance for Russian translation? =3
Nonzero chance, possibly!
Voice + text, it'd be weird to have just voices. Even DVDs offer subtitles...

I actually don't remember! I don't think FULL every-single-cutscene-even-the-short-ones-where-you-talk-to-NPCs-about-the-weather voiceover is a goal, but at least Valkyrie-Profile style stuff where important scenes have voiceover is definitely a goal. However! I don't remember if that's a stretch goal or part of the budget. I am the wrong person to ask, because I've been much too busy working on the prototype. :^P @Ravidrath?

Nonzero chance, possibly!

Now i'm extremely curious of something, will this game present you dialogue between boss battles?, let's say you reach the end of a dungeon, you start a fight with the boss, and during the battle the enemy will have a small chat before fighting you, any plans for something like that?
Could you rephrase that so I can actually understand it? :^S

If I had to guess, you're asking: What happens if you attack like A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D...instead of A+B+D+C, wait, A+B+C+D...right? To keep the enemy from being able to attack, or something, even if they had 1,000,000 HP, until they died?
It doesn't work like that.
All time bars fill simultaneously, so if your bars are filling, so are the enemies'.
The bars only fill when nobody is doing ANYTHING - in other words, only while nobody is attacking or returning to their spot, and when nobody (you or the enemy) is in hitstun. And at that time, while your bars are refilling, the enemy can attack. There is no way for you to fill another attack without the enemy also gaining bar.
It isn't like a fighting game, where I can knock you down, wait for you to get up, then knock you down again and you never get to do anything. If all 4 people in your party had 3 attacks, you could only do 12 in a row without having to wait for more, either as a combo or separately, but that's it.

Does that make some sense? Maybe I got your question wrong...

Thanks, that´s exactly what im asking, and thanks for the response!
Thanks for answers! I would be asking Peter, but he's infrequent on soc.media, does not post here and answers everything on NeoGaf BUT NeoGaf just doesn't let me post >_>
Thanks for the answers I was curious if it would be text box only, voice only or both.
Loving the combat system so far but I don't get the point of increasing distances or distances being so big at all. Do each attack really need to send the enemy so far away? It's kind of awkward to see the characters come back to their position on every turn, it's very slow and kind of useless
I dunno if you noticed but characters actually did move their idle position a bit forward during the fight (Razmi at 1:10) so distances aren't increased.

I also don't see much alternative without the attacks losing some feeling of impact.

Mike, will there be any tactical value in not blowing all your bar into one big combo instead of being more reserved? (Might have been asked already, sorry if it was)
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I find it to be actually a good thing. Makes the fight look dynamic, instead of static and kinda unrealistic the way most turn-based JRPGs looks.
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Isn't it still kind of excessive? The camera constantly needs to move, and there's more walking around than fighting
Maybe that's part of the balance intentional? Since you would spend more time walking back and thus less time to build ATBthingy? I-dont-know. Looks cool anyway.
I find it to be actually a good thing. Makes the fight look dynamic, instead of static and kinda unrealistic the way most turn-based JRPGs looks.

Not sure, the trailer did kind of make me think "wow, there's almost as much running back and forth as there is...fighting". Might've just been me though.
I am the wrong person to ask, because I've been much too busy working on the prototype. :^P

So is work on the prototype complete or do you have to do more?
I don't mind the walking back and forth too much because you expect them to need to get into the opponent's face to attack, since a lot of them fight with close-range weapons. I did find it a bit odd with Zebei, though, considering he runs forward just to fire from afar.
The music in the trailer was fantastic especially what I'm assuming is the battle theme.
its strange to me that lots of people are assuming that this is the battle music. I just assumed it was the title music since it was in the debut announcement trailer first.
Since the crowdfunding hasnt actually happened yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd only arranged for Kikuta to compose one song that will sum up the flavour of the rest of the soundtrack at this stage. Don't forget that the same music played during the platforming demo video.
I think we'd be lucky if we had more than one song in the playable prototype.
its strange to me that lots of people are assuming that this is the battle music. I just assumed it was the title music since it was in the debut announcement trailer first.
If you listen carefully it is different from the previous theme, more upbeat and, uhhh, intense.
its strange to me that lots of people are assuming that this is the battle music. I just assumed it was the title music since it was in the debut announcement trailer first.
Since the crowdfunding hasnt actually happened yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd only arranged for Kikuta to compose one song that will sum up the flavour of the rest of the soundtrack at this stage. Don't forget that the same music played during the platforming demo video.
I think we'd be lucky if we had more than one song in the playable prototype.
There's actually two tracks in the battle trailer, the first being the music from the first trailer, the second being a new track that starts when you enter battle. Since it starts when you enter battle I assume it will be the battle theme.
There's actually two tracks in the battle trailer, the first being the music from the first trailer, the second being a new track that starts when you enter battle. Since it starts when you enter battle I assume it will be the battle theme.

Does it not just cut to an earlier part of the same song? By the time it gets to the part in the video where Zebei joins in it sounds exactly like the music from the reveal trailer.
Does it not just cut to an earlier part of the same song? By the time it gets to the part in the video where Zebei joins in it sounds exactly like the music from the reveal trailer.
No, it is a bit more intense/upbeat like Fumako mentioned.
I can't stop watching. the game's coming along nicely.

Can you interrupt an enemy action and make them waste a time slot? Can they do the same thing to you?
I watched the battle and While I like it, The Delay between After the Attack and them turning around and returning to their positions strikes a nerve, like it's slightly uncomfortable to watch. I did enjoy learning about it though.
okay, the combat is really reminding me of Chrono Trigger.
especially the combo system, except turned on it's head and explored more than what Chrono Trigger could hope to offer with the dual techs and triple techs.
It seems werid but the way the battle is reminding me of project x zone with how flashy they move.

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I'm kinda sad the SG impact sounds aren't staying, but then again I won't have to have flashes of horror from the Fukua drill every time I get attacked by that ghost lady WutFace

Battles look very busy at this stage and I love it; I wanna fill the screen with stuff and watch my attacks rend my enemies asunder

Edit: loving Ajna's hands in her pose, the over and underhand are pretty nice
I noticed how the music went from a calm to increased tempo when battle was initiated, that's another favorite quirk of mine when it comes to RPGs
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I feel it'd be an improvement, in this day and age where the Wilhelm scream is so overused in everything, I feel a sound team should try to be as original as possible.
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Honestly the SG sounds dont really fit fr this type of game Im glad they're using something new.
Budget is currently only for battle VO, but we'd expand it to dialogue as a stretch goal.

As Mike noted, we're not going to do every little NPC and sidequest conversation voiced. So likely any critical path things or character-specific quests will be voiced if we get the expanded thing.

And, yes, that is the battle music.

We're doing this Kingdom Hearts-style - exploration music, transitions into start of the battle music when you enter battle, and it returns to the exploration music where it left off after battle.
*types "Anja" in the search engine to find and correct all my posts*
It seems werid but the way the battle is reminding me of project x zone with how flashy they move.

Come on... mike will berate at you for comparing the game system with jugglefest battler crossover.

That being said, it brings tears to my eyes to see Mega Man X and Zero in such glorious sprites and know Capcom won't make anything worthy of the characters anymore
I agree that the characters' back and forth movement should be sped up a bit, although some variation would be cool as well. For example, when the floating monsters want to intimidate you, they could move up more slowly before they unload one of their more deadly attacks. You see those sorts of little touches in games like CT too.

Right now I really like how the characters' neutral positions aren't rigid during battle. They won't always return to the same spot after an attack, and it looks like they even inch their way forward if the enemies are pushed back enough. If the arena shifts according to the characters' positions, and the player actually has some slight control over these advancing/retreating distances, then I could see that adding a cool layer of strategy. Defensively, you could use that to help space out your party members and mitigate splash damage from enemy attacks. Offensively, you could direct your party to slowly advance on opponents until you could knock them off the edge of a platform, or into a wall of spikes. If the enemies could apply the same strategy against you, that might be kinda scary.

Of course, there's plenty of stuff going on in the battles already, so I'm definitely not looking for it to be overly complicated. I'm just excited to try it out!
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Come on... mike will berate at you for comparing the game system with jugglefest battler crossover.
it's just a comparison thing. it's basically just something we're using to identify, and in a way, I can agree that the battle system does have it's similarities with XZone, not exactly, just similar.
That being said, it brings tears to my eyes to see Mega Man X and Zero in such glorious sprites and know Capcom won't make anything worthy of the characters anymore
not here, please. this is not the place for that spiel.
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Guys fine-tuning minor details about the combat is probably really low on the priorities list. This is a prototype, remember?
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There's a few comments worried about time spent re-positioning and battlefield distance that I didn't even think about watching the video. I don't see what they mean. Looks fine to me; attack and recovery, like any decent RPG.

The way they sent the enemies back was exciting. Think of the possibilities. Maybe you can get some environmental damage, a wall bounce, or other benefits of cornering an opponent. Maybe even a "ring out" insta-death by knocking 'em off the platform.

Don't forget, there was a blog post that came with the video:
There's even an illustration of Dragon-somewhate-Kamen-Rider-type-guy (I wish I knew their names!) demonstrating advanced attack controls.
Loving the combat system so far but I don't get the point of increasing distances or distances being so big at all. Do each attack really need to send the enemy so far away? It's kind of awkward to see the characters come back to their position on every turn, it's very slow and kind of useless
There's a point where they show Zebei returning to position, about 0:42 in, where he then turns around and immediately fires before the enemy can do anything. Perhaps repositioning will still allow further actions. I agree maybe it needs to sped up a tiny bit, but there may be hidden mechanics we don't know about to help keep up the pace.

Though I get where this is all coming from. It's not a big deal, honestly. Tweaks can be made to the speed to help keep it smooth. At least we're all voicing this early on and fairly casually, though, since it's just showing concern for things that can easily be fixed or have purpose behind it.
There's even an illustration of Dragon-somewhate-Kamen-Rider-type-guy (I wish I knew their names!) demonstrating advanced attack controls.
I vote for Kamen-Rider Incarnation to be the one to demonstrate any features.
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yep, that's a Kamen Rider.... or an Ultraman depending on how you wanna look at it.