I don't know, I'm not them. Do you know, without asking, why some other person won't eat spaghetti even though you will?
I doubt many of the SMALLER studios have had an experience as painful as the whole Juju thing was for us. Many do not realize that by accepting a fan suggestion you also associate yourself with that fan, which may be undesirable.
And I know the BIGGER studios always say on their contact pages "WE DO NOT TAKE SUGGESTIONS; any idea submitted to us automatically becomes our property." Even when they have contests, they say that. So I guess I'm curious where you get the idea they take fan things. :^|
The difference here being, these ideas are not submitted to us, they're just posted.
I understand the Lab 0 point,
@Mike_Z, and comprehend the way used to not need to worry about. And respect this.
I only want to understand more about, and, for this, I will make more questions about...
The Juju episode, if Im right, is about a character suggestion make for a "fan" to a unnamed character (the sniper called by Parasol), who gives name and physical attributes and an official L0 member draw the characters based in this. I dont know where (facebook, twitter) the suggestion happen.
Im still not understand HOW someone can make a SUGGESTION in an OFFICIAL GAME FORUM, using characters and mechanics from a game already copyrighted can sue someone because his suggestion are used! Other point is if an idea as SUGGESTED, is give, not selled. If you want sell an idea, make a MP post offering your product to a staff member.......
Juju episode is little diferent, the fan create a character in concept, one not existing in the game. Ok! But suggesting something about things already existing (like a new move for a fighting character) is strange... you are making a creation over a creation of another person, who dont give to you the license and you cannot do anything with your idea if the other don't want.
Now a problem: If I start to list all and every move or power all the Indivisible characters can do, as a suggestion, can I destroy the game creation, because L0 cannot use any? Probably no! Lab 0 can say this moves already planned and the suggestion are make after. This argue is safe? Someone still can sue Lab 0 (but can lose anyway). But Lab 0 can use this argue to any non specific suggestion (like shrink Bretto... is possible Lab 0 are thinking about this before I make my suggestion), but not with a high specific situation (like... well... I cannot think one without create some new character/dance/move/history). But I still think impossible halt a game suggesting too much....
As I said, is only to discuss. Is better simple avoid all this don't getting any suggestion. And has the ego problem Mike already said: If you use someone idea, this people can span in all forum "im important, they get my idea!" thing...
Im Marvel Heroes forum, them the character Blade Test Center topic are posted, someone readly said: "Hey!!!! They using a lot of moves I talk in my topic Blade Moves Suggestion". The staff answers something like: "Great coincidence! You are using the same material as us (comics) to make your topic! Great Minds think the same :D". But the guy insist and staff answers: "Well, the Blade project starts in end of 2014, and you topic are created in 2015... we planned a lot before you make your suggestions. Great suggestion, but we are already thinking about this a lot of time before". This can resume a lot of my wall of text. Sadly I cannot find the topic to link now :(