goddamn tit mouse yooo we need this goal
Yeah, looks like that one is at 1.9 mil
Nice that we are already blown past 8k over the goal. Hopefully the IGG is updated soon with this so more people know. This is funny since this is just the later America hours right now. Last 48 hours should be fun to watch. Anyway first stretch goal is very doable if we maintain current momentum which is very likely to increase more based on trend.
tit mouse responsible for cartoons like motorcity worked on
Maybe? For reference the SG character stage/music/story stretch goals was a fraction in comparison so I imagine there will be a ton more then.
So is that with or without the stretch goal? or is it that there will be more varied music opportunities once stretch is reached? Also depending on how deep you are following KH's formula: Is that same area gonna have variation assuming stretch is hit? Example is Twilight Town where the travel/battle theme changes whether your Sora/Roxas.
its best to keep things like that to yourself
Only recently? And you are on a fighting game forum?
— Mike Zaimont (@MikeZSez) December 2, 2015
Huge thanks to everyone who backed #IndivisibleRPG! :^)
(Socks by Skarmand.) pic.twitter.com/LXp73uhAMr