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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

Yeah I saw the tweet... was too lazy to link it <,> That artwork's pretty sick yo

Same here it was almost midnight and hot as fuck so I just went to sleep without asking for anything else fkjgd
And that's one nice looking art!! I love it and i was kinda curious to see how Yoshinari's Ajna would look like. I love the Heruka form here.
There's two of them though? A super super Heruka mode at the right with flaming hair and horns? I'm pretty curious now 'w'

On the content thing i'm really not worried, as people have said using Chrono Trigger as a reference is pretty good. I'm sure that game will have a lot of replay value too, so i'm not worried.

EDIT: A rather indepth article on the E3 demo (spoilers warning!) http://www.newgamenetwork.com/article/1702/indivisible-preview-e3-2017/
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You're very welcome!

I think we got a name for Ajna's doomed hometown, Ashwat! (wait that's not a thing to rejoice for, poor her;; I forgot if it had already a name too.)

And I wonder if the "phoenix" boss mentionned is still the Manote, or another new one.
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Are backers getting some kind of demo in the summer?

If so can I become a backer now (through IGG or whatever method there is...)? I didn't back during the campaign because I was broke.
"Giant Griffin"
according to the article.

Are backers getting some kind of demo in the summer?
Yes, backers are getting a build, but no actual date or time frame was stated, I think. But it should be soon since they said at e3 the build there should be sent to us sometime soon.
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"Giant Griffin"
according to the article.

I-I totally meant griffin and didn't mix up the two terms. :^)
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Are backers getting some kind of demo in the summer?
Spotted a more direct answer:
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On a sidenote, for those at AX, i hope you have a shot at playing the demo! 'w'
I hope they can get the Preview out before AX, like that Friday or something. That would allow more people with some real hands-on time with the game to go directly to their booth to offer impressions or feedback. It'd also hopefully keep a lot of Backers from holding up the demo line, and make space for newcomers to check it out.

In any case, I hope it's true that the panel might actually get streamed this time!
I was thinking the beta would be officially out after AX but if we get it later that's nicer.
Maybe next week? Though if we get it tomorrow that'd be amazing! 'w'

And yeah, Peter doesn't come here as often (though as i remember Mike was often the one coming on Skullheart to precise stuff and neogaf is more Peter's thing no?)

Also I was thinking we should update the lore thread with the new info Peter gave on that shacknews video. :o (Might do it myself actually)
I apologize for the double post but i watched the Shacknews interview with Peter and there was some nice stuff revealed (I think i'll post some on the lore thread it directly concerns it)

- Ajna's third eye works as a portal to her Inner Realm, characters
emerge from it in battle.

- Ajna can learn things from people inside her head and get advice
and stuff like that.

- axe can be upgraded to break floor

- spear can be used to stick it to the ceiling and crawl around the

- beginning of the game is a bit linear but gets more open with time.

- Mike has ideas for sequence-breaking stuff (:^) ).

- story will shed light of why is there all those ruins around Ajna's
village and they used to be.

- There will be a subterranean Aztec-like civilization (so Tenoch's region right).
- About half the characters you'll get are critical to the story, the
other half is optionnal, there will be stories planned for everyone in the form
of Mass Effect loyalty quests.

- About two dozens of playable characters (so ≈25 as said earlier, I wonder who will be cut amongst the original cast).

- You'll be able to recruit non-battle people for your Inner Realm which acts as a village.

- There will be situations where your Incarnations can whisper to them about what's happening. kind of like a mission control or can pop out to complain about various stuff.

- Unlike Skullgirls where most of the characters came from Alex, the
Indivisible cast was made by pretty much everyone in Lab Zero including Ajna,
they're all very happy with how she turned out.

- Obviously story is important but l0 want the player to be able to backtrack at
least within the area the story directs them into. Limits put in
how much you can explore until the end of the game.

- In the 2nd act of the game you will be able to play any of the 3
regions you need to go in the order you want. They're self-contained
and you'll get an ability in each of them.

- Razmi will teach you how to use exploding arrows thanks to her fire abilities.

- dark stuff will be part for the course. It is Lab Zero after all :p

- The day Switch was announced, fans were asking for L0 for Indivisible on Switch
seemed like a good fit and 505 agreed. (I think we remember this :p)

- About one year left of work (release next summer/autumn?)

- the animators and especially Mariel are pretty impressed by the fact they're gonna share a panel with Yoh Yoshinari for AX.

- Favorite aspect of the game for Peter is pretty much everything, but he's really loving Hiroki Kikuta's score the most.


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No big changes...
The belt changed and his scarf is longer? I'm a sucker for scarfs that dramatically flow even indoors.


So far looks like the most popular characters during the campaign are the ones changing the less.
I feel like the only one in the world who has never heard of Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, or any of those live action japanese franchises and therefore doesn't know what the big deal is about. I like his design though, so that's what matters.
I feel like the only one in the world who has never heard of Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, or any of those live action japanese franchises and therefore doesn't know what the big deal is about.

I would guess that it relates to people who like "Trying so hard to be cool it's actually kinda silly and VERY cheesy" kind of thing? Also FYI Power Rangers also belong to this genre if that helps you relate.
no real big deal really
he's a superhero and people like superheroes
I feel like the only one in the world who has never heard of Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, or any of those live action japanese franchises and therefore doesn't know what the big deal is about.

They're called tokusatsu!
And those heroes are pretty much the equivalent to american super heroes, both popularity and what they represent wise. Even if some series are definitely less popular than others, characters like Ultraman and Ultraseven or the original Kamen Rider are pretty much pop-culture icons. Plus i mean they're not that different than say, a Captain America :o

And i think the nice thing in it is that unlike, say, dead serious superhero movies like *cough cough* zack snyder movies, they know what they are, a bunch of dudes in costumes beating the shit out of each other, and despite it they manage to be really moving and great shows in general.

I know Alex and a bunch of guys in Lab Zero are probably toku fans, i remember Robo Fortune using the Ultra Beam in SG for example. And I love those shows myself so i'm really happy to see it referenced in general!
Spotted some interesting if very blurry of course stuff during the plushies from Line series of pics!


Some enemies concept art ? I recognize a few guys in there, the Kabandha, the spider monster that was in some streams, and that elephant cyclops thing that was in pre-production concept art if i remember well.


And also and updated character chart? Looks like it's the new designs... Bar the characters that were revealed already i don't recognize anyone lol (and also is it outdated? dfkfd i'm just craving for lore information and such but it will come in time i guess.)

EDIT: Nevermind i think i spot someone who looks like Lanshi at the bottom right, just over the plushie.
And those are such adorable plushies btw, you guys are luckyyy
And also and updated character chart?
Now, from your Character Speculation thread:

Note that that board is very old and no longer has relevance to our current production. We now use it to cover up the window.
Feel free to speculate, though!
"Board is very old and no longer has relevance [...] We now use it to cover up the window."

Argh, can't wait for the demooooo
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I was going to mention those twitter photos. It looks like you can see a model sheet for Kala on one of the monitors as well. Thats my guess at least.

@Shan good spot on the chart of the different characters. I wonder what the way they're divided could mean. To me it looks like:
Top row - Dhar, Razmi, ??, Zebei, Tungar, ??
2nd Row - Qadira, Thorani?, Baozhai, Yan, ??, ??, New Tenoch design?, Vasco?,
3rd Row - New Sangmu redesign?, Ren, ??, ??, Naga Rider, ??, Lanshi
And then some Ajna's at the bottom
Now, from your Character Speculation thread:

"Board is very old and no longer has relevance [...] We now use it to cover up the window."

Idk i think it was about the older pic i posted before (the one where you still had the campaign artwork) so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT : http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2017/0...-platforming-with-rpgs-in-indivisible/261908/

Some new stuff in that interview, I guess Zahra got a soft reveal 'w'.

And a vid by YoVideogames, Maximillian and Simmons's channel for non-fighting game stuff :
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I'm glad Zahra appears to be a lock, I liked her.
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well shit Ajna's Dad is confirmed dead. By Dhar's blade no less. This is going make for some really awkward moments for Ajna and Dhar.
well shit Ajna's Dad is confirmed dead. By Dhar's blade no less.
I feel like this has been confirmed the entire time?
not exactly. It wasn't really confirmed, but everyone suspected as much. But now we know for real.
I'm glad Zahra appears to be a lock, I liked her.

Likewise, i've been both a fan of her looks and concept.

And i assume Dhar will atone for what he did. I don't think he's a full blown villain.
Maybe he didn't have the choice and regrets it later and/or it was a duel and the dad was ok with losing and Ajna will understand that or something. Idk but that relationship they'll have is something i'm really waiting to see.
this is totally do-able!

when that backer beta pops out, there are gonna be a ton of videos about it and people are gonna want to get it!!!!

makes me happy!
Who ever's in charge of the Backer kit info should update the item descriptions. The drop down menu has the Switch listed, but the desc doesn't:
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Yeah, at this point hitting the last stretch goal is very possible. It took way more to reach the Japanese VO for SG last year.

Remember, for that goal they had to raise $400k in only two weeks from strictly people interested in owning a Sony physical disc. But for Indivisible here, it's now at less than $200k, with still six months to go, more tier options, and an excited audience across four platforms. The Backer Preview just needs to be good and draw enough attention, and so far the responses from E3 sound pretty reassuring.

And also and updated character chart? Looks like it's the new designs... Bar the characters that were revealed already i don't recognize anyone lol (and also is it outdated? dfkfd i'm just craving for lore information and such but it will come in time i guess.)

EDIT: Nevermind i think i spot someone who looks like Lanshi at the bottom right, just over the plushie.
And those are such adorable plushies btw, you guys are luckyyy

As I recognize one of the postures even from a distance I would hazard a guess that the three images from the left of the forth row down might be all of the backer Incarnations.
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Technically they can't answer that... as it kinda lands in the "NDA" field. If you haven't receieved an email, it's prob still too early to build the backer chars as they might be focusing on primary stuff first, then backers later (followed by guests last, since those was determined "dlc" and "after/near end story bonus")
To me it looks like:
Top row - Dhar, Razmi, ??, Zebei, Tungar, ??
2nd Row - Qadira, Thorani?, Baozhai, Yan, ??, ??, New Tenoch design?, Vasco?,
3rd Row - New Sangmu redesign?, Ren, ??, ??, Naga Rider, ??, Lanshi
And then some Ajna's at the bottom

I realized there's some other characters under the backer Incarnations (ie at the very very bottom) and one of them looks like either Kampan or Hassam from a distance...