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Injustice 2.

Well from the characters shown so far Swamp Thing looks the best for me.

Good I won't be forced to go back to Catwoman, who I liked only cause of gameplay.
Catwoman was by and large the weakest character inclusion I feel, I felt there was no reason, storywise or gamewise for her to be there, I really hope she's on the cutting floor
Unless she has an amazing character arc in I2 I'm not looking forward to her
Yeah I'll agree to that. Same for Nightwing really. He was only there to make a big shocker about being Damian Wayne.

Killer Frost was also one of those characters. Grundy didn't get almost anything...
Yeah I'll agree to that. Same for Nightwing really. He was only there to make a big shocker about being Damian Wayne.

Killer Frost was also one of those characters. Grundy didn't get almost anything...
Grundy at least had some references to that JL Episode where he fought Cthulhu
(Thought Birdnose was friend!)

Agree with Killer Frost though, very weak character inclusion, she didn't gel with the game at all, all she did was leave you wanting Mr. Freeze or Captain Cold
And we're getting that game so bitch got the boot at least
Grundy at least had some references to that JL Episode where he fought Cthulhu
(Thought Birdnose was friend!)

That episode made me cry damnit. ;_;
One of many reasons to like Grundy and why I hope he comes back in I2, even if he's DLC
Hoping we get some news on that DLC roster, I WANT To get I2 Ultimate Edition but...

Grundy vs Swamp Thing quotes would be great
Gonna be honest, after hearing about the gameplay from a good friend who got the beta, I'm pretty much uninterested if its still gonna be super simplistic and slow like it was before...hopefully they pick it up from the first.
Finally a character reveal to get hyped about :y
That leak is starting to look true, but I don't think it's the ENTIRE roster, I think it's a tiny bit (plus some premium costumes), IE: Mr Freeze is in, but as a premium costume for Captain Cold (again, I'd buy that shit, Heart of Ice baby), and a premium costume of Catwoman for Cheetah (or the other way around).
I actually really do hope parts of it are true, because I would LOVE to play as Scarecrow, I'm still riding off some mad respect for him from Arkham Knight (and Arkham Asylum), and if his super move changed depending on the characterit's used on (IE: If it was a Fear Toxin super we'd see what the character feared most before getting a hit from a giant Scarecrow (Asylum ref) ) that'd be fucking amazing.
I just hope they don't go the lazy route and say "haha he's a yellow lantern isn't that cool?" Because if that's the case I'd rather it just be Sinestro again
So my friend has been playing the beta and let me get in a game. Like it more than I thought I would. But um... Does the game default to gears being on unless both players turn it off? That's stupid and ruins it for me. If I want a fair match some asshat with legendaries can just walk in and do 50% of my health in a 4 hit combo...

Netherrealm please stop pushing this stupidity as innovation. I want to support you but you make it so haaaaaard sometimes...
Swamp Thing looks super interesting. Also I really want Catwoman, she was one of my fave characters to play in the first game so i'd love to have another shot at maining her.
So my friend has been playing the beta and let me get in a game. Like it more than I thought I would. But um... Does the game default to gears being on unless both players turn it off? That's stupid and ruins it for me. If I want a fair match some asshat with legendaries can just walk in and do 50% of my health in a 4 hit combo...

Netherrealm please stop pushing this stupidity as innovation. I want to support you but you make it so haaaaaard sometimes...

They confirmed on last stream that Ranked matches will always have gear turned off.
They confirmed on last stream that Ranked matches will always have gear turned off.
and it's an option in player matches for both ppl to decide if its on or off
I think we're still gonna get quite a few Batman characters in I2, But with the roster being "The biggest DC roster in a game yet", I think the ratio won't be as fucked up (8 Batman characters in a 20 something character fighter in the first one)
But then again it's possible we'll still have a big ole' Batman Jamboree.

Valentine's Day Trailer up, confirms two new characters

Cheetah appears to have Catwoman's old moveset (Claw city), while Catwoman appears to be getting a new moveset focusing more on a whip and motorcycle, I'm totally fine with that, that's one way to recycle stuff from Injustice 1 while adding new things, Though I could be wrong, I only played Catwoman in Arcade once
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So does this confirm that one leak

I mean IMO Cheetah was a rather unlikely guess, so leaker must have some solid info after all.
They confirmed on last stream that Ranked matches will always have gear turned off.
That's good. I still think gear is a stupid idea especially since I have this inkling that you'll be able to get gear via mincrotransactions in the full game...

The Valentine's trailer does make me look forward to the full game though. Its roster looks solid, even if I'm not a fan of the way of lot of other stuff the game has going.
So stoked for Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Black Canary. I've been playing a bunch of canary in the demo and I'm so excited for this game.

I think i'm most excited for poison ivy though
Hm, hoped for a less... bulky design. At least he has the scythe I wanted.

Gonna have to wait to see him in movement to make the final decision.
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They already confirmed no microtransactions
Welp most of my concerns are now out the window with this game. Thanks :D. Hope they tone down the gear system so its not as one sided as it makes it sometimes. But otherwise...looking good lol
Cyborg. This design isssssssssss okay. I'm just glad he's in though

that cyborg looks like he doesn't wanna say booyah
I'm calling it now.

The Scarcrow that's in this game is a fear gas hallucination or a nightmare of some sort.

Injustice Scarecrow is not only dead, but he's a regular dude. He doesn't look like this guy.
it's also possible that he uses the fear toxin to assume the form before the fight, having already hit his opponent with it
Again, hoping we get some cool Fear Toxin Hallucinations that depend on the character, but I doubt NS is willing to go the extra mile for simply one character, it's not like Erron Black having his name on the Bullet of every character
maybe the CSS animation is he gasses the opponent, to set up the idea that the fight is already under the effects of the gas to the player in a meta sense
I still think we got a few surprises to go roster-wise, the leaker must've been taking stuff from an early version of the mobile version, when not everything was in, and its entirely possible the mobile version lacks some characters entirely, at least in the earliest release version, hopefully there's a Red Hood somewhere in our future

Pretty much digging the roster as is though, it basically gets rid of a lot of the characters I felt contributed nothing to the game/were just jobbers and adds a lot of new ones while improving old ones.
Plus if the roster sucks we're guaranteed 9+ DLC characters

I'm also curious how they'll have Joker come back, because clearly a lot of the characters in I2 are from the Injustice universe with mainline/prime characters appearing to stay in thier own universe, you think someone put Joker's body in the Lazarus pits?
I honestly only have 3 wishes at this point
  • Big Barda
  • John Constantine
  • Booster Gold
literally those three and I will not have to throw eggs at Ed Boon
I want Scarecrow and I really want Inque from batman beyond but I know for sure that will never happen. She's my fave dc character but nobody knows her tbh
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I honestly only have 3 wishes at this point
  • Big Barda
  • John Constantine
  • Booster Gold
literally those three and I will not have to throw eggs at Ed Boon
I am fairly certain Constantine is under consideration for DLC due to Justice League Dark, his appearence in Justice League Action, and the upcoming animated CW show, now's as good a time as any.
Some people also think that Scarecrow might be the new Avatar of the Black, which is the manifestation of death.