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Ink's Training Thread (I think....)


Baby, I'm the trouble man!
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Beowulf Fukua Robo Fortune
Yes this is a thread where I write down what I can do so far with this cruddy "computer",honestly it's part iPad and pretty much new garbage.Anyways that's it.Also I don't understand the lingo you guys use,so trying to use it would be pointless.I think a more accurate depiction would be this:

That's all.Also there might be some complaining.
Trying to learn new Fukua combos with this thing.It ain't easy.I wish the other computer was working,I had an easier time using Love Dart,Inevitable Snuggle,and Forever a Clone then.

I haven't got very far.*sighs*
Also no online play,fighting other people online scares me.
Airdashing is key to Fortune's air combos!Err,well,mine anyways.I've been practicing,it's coming out pretty nicely.Needs more work though!As for the combos,eh,they're okay,her jumping heavy punch is a pretty good combo starter.
.Also I don't understand the lingo you guys use,so trying to use it would be pointless.
If you have any questions, just ask.
My beginner's guide has an introduction which explains lots of commonly used terms, so if you see something you don't understand, referring to it might help.

Airdashing is key to Fortune's air combos!Err,well,mine anyways.I've been practicing,it's coming out pretty nicely.
It helps to know that PP is a button command for dashing, so it might be easier to do in combos then forward > forward. You can also set it to a macro so you can do it mid-combo easily. It also helps with IADs.

As for the combos,eh,they're okay,her jumping heavy punch is a pretty good combo starter.
You might find some good combos here, which is Ms. Fortune's combo thread. Also check out her compendium. Usually c.LK is your basic starter, but IAD > j.HP is also useful because it hits high. Alternating between the two can help keep your opponent off guard.
If you have any questions, just ask.
My beginner's guide has an introduction which explains lots of commonly used terms, so if you see something you don't understand, referring to it might help.

It helps to know that PP is a button command for dashing, so it might be easier to do in combos then forward > forward. You can also set it to a macro so you can do it mid-combo easily. It also helps with IADs.

You might find some good combos here, which is Ms. Fortune's combo thread. Also check out her compendium. Usually c.LK is your basic starter, but IAD > j.HP is also useful because it hits high. Alternating between the two can help keep your opponent off guard.
Alright first off,thank you!For the combo thread and guide.I'll need to read the guide so I can understand most of these things

I have no idea how to set a macro yet.Or at least find a way so my computer doesn't crash when I try to.

I'll take a look at her compendium too!I need all the moves I can get!Just as long as the combos don't involve using her special moves and blockbusters.Can't pull off blockbusters when I want to and I won't be able to use Fortune's (or anyone's) special moves due to my computer.
You know This is Skullgirls?And how I repeated the same combo?There's a good reason for that in a two part answer.
1:I am not able to link them up with special moves.And if you say "Well,why don't you try?",then I'm gonna need you to read the first line of the first post on this thread.

2:My wrists.Something happened a couple years ago that made them so screwed up,so I'm not able to do anything complicated and my reflexes are very slow now.

Anyways,for my Painwheel combos,I have to rely on her super armor moves to make up for the fact that I can't hurl a projectile and fly.Sad yes,but not much I can do there.I've got a good air combo but it keeps ending after her :U:+:MK: kick.I keep forgetting to add a punch.Or maybe it requires a special move.In that case,nevermind.

How come I haven't seen anyone perform a combo when she tags in?It's kind of combo starter.All you really need to do is :D:+:LK:,then :D:+:MK:,and then launch them into the air and do your normal Double stuff!
2:My wrists.Something happened a couple years ago that made them so screwed up,so I'm not able to do anything complicated and my reflexes are very slow now.
ouch, that sounds like a pain... :c
Do you play on stick or on a controller?
I play on a ps3 controller and you don't really have to move your wrist unless you have to adjust your hold on the controller itself.
Best part is that you get 2 movement options, the analog helps with more fluid movements for your specials moves and neutral while pad helps with cardinals and other things.
Worst part though? Hitting multiple buttons at the same time is hard, luckily you have macros and right-stick assist to compensate!
How come I haven't seen anyone perform a combo when she tags in?It's kind of combo starter.All you really need to do is :D:+:LK:,then :D:+:MK:,and then launch them into the air and do your normal Double stuff!
Man I don't know who you're fighting, but not converting off of a hit tag is kind of a waste of good damage. :c
1:I am not able to link them up with special moves.And if you say "Well,why don't you try?",then I'm gonna need you to read the first line of the first post on this thread.
You don't really "link" specials, in this case you "chain" them from normal moves. What this means is that, for example, you hit with a :HP: then perform a :D::DF::F::MP: that :HP: is interrupted mid-way through it's recovery for that :D::DF::F::MP: to hit.
I have no idea how to set a macro yet.
You go to settings and there are two macro buttons you can set c:

Sorry if some of that sounds condescending, I don't really mean it, it's just that I don't know how much you really know...
Anyways, sidetrack here, using the input button thingies (:HP:) is nice and easy to read but I think it wouldn't hurt to learn notations! (At least how I learned them...)
Here we go!
:LP: lp or st.lp or 5lp :D:+:LP: cr.lp or 2lp :U:+:LP: j.lp or 8lp :UB:+:LP: 7lp :UF:+:LP: 9lp
:MP: mp or st.mp or 5mp [Everything's like what you see above]
:HP: hp or st.hp or 5hp [Again, like above]
Aaaand it basically goes on like that!

"B-but what are those cr. and st. and numbers?"
Well, cr. stands for "crouching" and st. stands for "standing" I'll get into the number bits later.
Other fighting games also have moves that change depending on your distance to your opponent this leads to c. and f.
c. stands for "close" while f. stands for "far"

Now what are those numbers?
Well, there numpad notations, named after your numpad. If you look at your numbad you'll see
Numpad notations takes those numbers and uses to represent directions, always presuming that your character is on the left side of the screen facing right. So, 5 becomes neutral with no directional input, 4 becomes back, 6 becomes forward, 3 becomes down-forwards and so ona nd so forth.

With numpad notations outta the way let's get to motions.
:QCF: is qcf (quarter circle forward) 236
:QCB: is qcb (quaretr circle back) 214
:DP: is forward dp or 623 (Do people call it dpf or whatever? people usually just refer to it as a dp)
:RDP: is backwards dp or 421 (again, is it dpb or something?)
:B::F: is a charge move, in notations it's usually referred as [4]6 with the brackets representing holding the direction for a charge
:D::U: is a down-up charge move, notated as [2]8
:HCF: is a hcf (half circle forward) or 41236
:HCB: is a hcb (half circle back) or 63214
:360: is commonly referred to as a 360, in notations it's 63214789

Other things sued in notations:
xx ,This means that you interupt one move with another, for example a Fortune combo notating [cr.lk xx 236lp] is telling you to hit with crouching lk then immediately cancel to her lp quarter circle. Unless your me, though, I prefer to jsut sue move names; some people don't remember the anmes of their specials though.
xn or xN , Basically, it stands for the phrase "Repeat as necessary," for example, [snap back, cr.lk cr.hp]xN means that after a snapback you follow-up with cr.lk into cr.hp until you kill the character.

Anyways, that's all.
At least all that I can remember right now.
I hope this at least helps a bit...
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ouch, that sounds like a pain... :c
Do you play on stick or on a controller?
I play on a ps3 controller and you don't really have to move your wrist unless you have to adjust your hold on the controller itself.
Best part is that you get 2 movement options, the analog helps with more fluid movements for your specials moves and neutral while pad helps with cardinals and other things.
Worst part though? Hitting multiple buttons at the same time is hard, luckily you have macros and right-stick assist to compensate!

Man I don't know who you're fighting, but not converting off of a hit tag is kind of a waste of good damage. :c

You don't really "link" specials, in this case you "chain" them from normal moves. What this means is that, for example, you hit with a :HP: then perform a :D::DF::F::MP: that :HP: is interrupted mid-way through it's recovery for that :D::DF::F::MP: to hit.

You go to settings and there are two macro buttons you can set c:

Sorry if some of that sounds condescending, I don't really mean it, it's just that I don't know how much you really know...
Anyways, sidetrack here, using the input button thingies (:HP:) is nice and easy to read but I think it wouldn't hurt to learn notations! (At least how I learned them...)
Here we go!
:LP: lp or st.lp or 5lp :D:+:LP: cr.lp or 2lp :U:+:LP: j.lp or 8lp :UB:+:LP: 7lp :UF:+:LP: 9lp
:MP: mp or st.mp or 5mp [Everything's like what you see above]
:HP: hp or st.hp or 5hp [Again, like above]
Aaaand it basically goes on like that!

"B-but what are those cr. and st. and numbers?"
Well, cr. stands for "crouching" and st. stands for "standing" I'll get into the number bits later.
Other fighting games also have moves that change depending on your distance to your opponent this leads to c. and f.
c. stands for "close" while f. stands for "far"

Now what are those numbers?
Well, there numpad notations, named after your numpad. If you look at your numbad you'll see
Numpad notations takes those numbers and uses to represent directions, always presuming that your character is on the left side of the screen facing right. So, 5 becomes neutral with no directional input, 4 becomes back, 6 becomes forward, 3 becomes down-forwards and so ona nd so forth.

With numpad notations outta the way let's get to motions.
:QCF: is qcf (quarter circle forward) 236
:QCB: is qcb (quaretr circle back) 214
:DP: is forward dp or 623 (Do people call it dpf or whatever? people usually just refer to it as a dp)
:RDP: is backwards dp or 421 (again, is it dpb or something?)
:B::F: is a charge move, in notations it's usually referred as [4]6 with the brackets representing holding the direction for a charge
:D::U: is a down-up charge move, notated as [2]8
:HCF: is a hcf (half circle forward) or 41236
:HCB: is a hcb (half circle back) or 63214
:360: is commonly referred to as a 360, in notations it's 63214789

Other things sued in notations:
xx ,This means that you interupt one move with another, for example a Fortune combo notating [cr.lk xx 236lp] is telling you to hit with crouching lk then immediately cancel to her lp quarter circle. Unless your me, though, I prefer to jsut sue move names; some people don't remember the anmes of their specials though.
xn or xN , Basically, it stands for the phrase "Repeat as necessary," for example, [snap back, cr.lk cr.hp]xN means that after a snapback you follow-up with cr.lk into cr.hp until you kill the character.

Anyways, that's all.
At least all that I can remember right now.
I hope this at least helps a bit...
((I'm getting the easiest things to reply to out of the way.))
I don't own a stick or controller,I can't afford either.Probably costs a lot of money,which we don't have.I play it on the computer.I'm not even sure if my computer could classified as computer.I really don't know much about the mechanics of Skullgirls,still learning.So I did try to set a macro but my computer just shuts down when it does.

Yeah,the whole link thing.I meant chain,I just didn't know how else to put it.

As for the Double tag in thing,I'll have a video ready.I'm still trying to learn the terms like Bnb and other things,so I don't know what converting is yet.

The notations,that's a lot of stuff to take in.Oh boy that's a lot of numbers.Gimme a minute on that one.
I don't own a stick or controller,I can't afford either.Probably costs a lot of money,which we don't have.I play it on the computer.I'm not even sure if my computer could classified as computer
What do you use to play? A USB keyboard, or a digital one? Getting a physical keyboard can really help your execution.
A good stick is usually around $100. If you do decide to get one, try to avoid cheap ones ($60- as they usually don't last long and usually have bad parts).
Pads are cheaper to my knowledge, usually around $50-100. Controllers also work fine, you can just use a normal Xbox or PS3 controller.
What do you use to play? A USB keyboard, or a digital one? Getting a physical keyboard can really help your execution.
A good stick is usually around $100. If you do decide to get one, try to avoid cheap ones ($60- as they usually don't last long and usually have bad parts).
Pads are cheaper to my knowledge, usually around $50-100. Controllers also work fine, you can just use a normal Xbox or PS3 controller.
I use this thing.
It's for something called a Nextbook,it's basically part iPad,part computer,and an absolute horror to use.It's supposed to connect to the main part of the computer,which is the iPad part I mentioned.The up and down arrow keys are small,which doesn't help.

$100 bucks?I can't afford that!Or any of the shoddy and cheap ones you mentioned.I can't afford that pads or controllers you mentioned.
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It is a normal keyboard, so you'll be okay for now. One thing I'd recommend is for you to set your layout to WASD for movement, KL; for punches, and ,./ for kicks, since your up/down keys are very small.
Also, if you can, please spoiler large images as it makes threads more tidy, thanks.
I did try that a few months ago,but it made moving awkward and not easy to get used to.So I set it back to normal.

Added the spoiler!I was debating on that.
I did try that a few months ago,but it made moving awkward and not easy to get used to.So I set it back to normal.

Added the spoiler!I was debating on that.
you could try the hitbox layout, I personally do it with QWE being back, down, and forward and space set to up.
Set your normals to any other buttons you find most comfortable then, I'd personally say numpad but you don't seem to have one :^)
I'm still trying to learn the terms like Bnb and other things,so I don't know what converting is yet.
BnB is basically a combo that you can do about 95% of the time from basically any starter
To convert into something basically means transitioning into something.
So to say something like "He hit him j.hp and converted to a standard BnB" is to basically say that someone went from hitting with j.hp directly to his standard combo.

Hey meow, how 'bout settin' up a sort of jargon/slang compendium for beginners?
Having just entered the FGC and fighting games in general for about a year I can attest to the fact that one of the biggest hurdles is learning the jargon, and there weren't really any big comprehensive lists of the stuff so I had to lurk around in gameplay sections until I learned through contextual clues. Not everyone has that patience :v
you could try the hitbox layout, I personally do it with QWE being back, down, and forward and space set to up.
Set your normals to any other buttons you find most comfortable then, I'd personally say numpad but you don't seem to have one :^)

BnB is basically a combo that you can do about 95% of the time from basically any starter
To convert into something basically means transitioning into something.
So to say something like "He hit him j.hp and converted to a standard BnB" is to basically say that someone went from hitting with j.hp directly to his standard combo.

Hey meow, how 'bout settin' up a sort of jargon/slang compendium for beginners?
Having just entered the FGC and fighting games in general for about a year I can attest to the fact that one of the biggest hurdles is learning the jargon, and there weren't really any big comprehensive lists of the stuff so I had to lurk around in gameplay sections until I learned through contextual clues. Not everyone has that patience :v
Hitbox layout???QWE???I haven't got that far into the compendium.
Oh!I do have a numpad!It's the second row of keys.
Okay,I now understand what Bnb means.
Meow's linked a compendium here,I'm still reading it.
Hitbox layout???QWE???I haven't got that far into the compendium.
What I mean by a hitbox layout is you set left to Q, set down to W, set E to left, and space to up.
It gets some getting used to but it's the best layout for a keyboard imo
Unless you're planning to make it yourself hitboxes are real expensive though so stick with keyboard >~<
Meow's linked a compendium here,I'm still reading it.
Damn, didn't even know we had a collection of common terminology
When is that beginner's hub getting some work on it anyways
What I mean by a hitbox layout is you set left to Q, set down to W, set E to left, and space to up.
It gets some getting used to but it's the best layout for a keyboard imo
Unless you're planning to make it yourself hitboxes are real expensive though so stick with keyboard >~<

Damn, didn't even know we had a collection of common terminology
When si that beginner's hub getting some work on it anyways
Here's the Double tag in thing I talked about.Yeah,like the little video word box says,I'm not the best person to do this.Also I had camera nervousness.So it didn't do as well as I planned.You'd need someone with better reflexes.But the word boxes should tell you everything.Under a spoiler just in case.

I keep backdashing during a combo with Filia.It's annoying and is actually a pretty bad thing if I did online play.But I'm gonna take a break,my wrists need it.I will,however upload a couple of my videos,I seemed to learn a few things from watching them.
This is Skullgirls Episodes 1 & 2.Heads up about episode 1,it has lag.Mostly because my computer does that.A lot more than I'd like to admit.Also I keep forgetting to block,I need to work on that.
As for Episode 2,the word boxes go away really fast and if you see the one talking about Beowulf,it was in the wrong place.

Episode 1

Episode 2
Slight airdashing in Episode 3.The video's not private,the thumbnail just didn't show up.Head came off by accident.I have no idea how that happened.Squigly combos still need lots of work.I don't care how exausted I get.
There also a good reason why my airdashing was not so good.My wrists are acting up badly today.
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There also a good reason why my airdashing was not so good.My wrists are acting up badly today.
Have you tried using a dash macro?
It's basically just setting a macro to at least 2 punches, which makes you dash.
If you still can't set macros just go practice pressing 2 punches at the same time to dash until you're comfortable.
Have you tried using a dash macro?
It's basically just setting a macro to at least 2 punches, which makes you dash.
If you still can't set macros just go practice pressing 2 punches at the same time to dash until you're comfortable.
No,I still haven't be able without the computer crashing.
Okay,I'll do that soon.
I got to use the other computer today!Things went a heck of a lot smoother on that than this thing.The up and down arrow keys were a godsend.But it's been months since I've been on it and I sort of had to get used to the mechanics again,Fortune's El Gato didn't rear it's head when I wanted to and that was kinda sad.But everything else like Fukua's special moves and Squigly's Fallen Woman and Dragon's Tail + Breath:absolutely golden!
Things went a little better with my computer today.I still hate the keyboard attachment,it's ridiculously tiny and that's hell on my wrists.But I kind of have to put up with it whether I want to or not.So eh,so much for that.

Anyways I goofed around arcade mode with a :VAL:,:PAI:,and :PEA: team today.Nothing too special happened but playing as melee Peacock is fun.I mean melee because of the whole "I can't use special moves with this dumb thing and it's donkey turds" thing.I can't believe I typed that last part....
I'm gonna be frank here,or bob.
I haven't really been able to train as much because of this computer + my wrists,however! I have been doing more arcade mode runs (still on sleepwalk by the way,anything else ends up hurting my wrists) and I can say I've been getting better. I haven't really been able to hold a combo until the release of Robo-Fortune.

But now:
Oh boy where do I begin. Sure the special moves and blockbusters are still off limits,but hey,that happens! Anyways,some of the longest combos I've gotten came from Robo-Fortune and Fukua,who I've picked up recently. Not that the combos matter,or if they do,I'm not sure it's your call. Anyways,Robo-Fortune plays like a dream and makes a very good pair along with Fukua and Double,or any other person I choose to use.

Oh and when I was playing as Double,I was doing a combo and during it I did an air grab and I got to do an entirely new combo! If I can remember that's called a reset. Well at least my game is getting better!
Took Valentine on a solo arcade run and practiced some more. Combos are flowing together nicely. However I noticed I keep knocking people into the air to do or continue my combo and it kind of feels like I shouldn't be doing that and that it feels like a bad habit. I know that other players do use their launchers to continue a combo,but it may be once in a while,I'm not sure. I need to stop constantly doing air combos and yet I keep doing them. A bit of a habit if I say so.

I need to delve into resets a bit more,but that'll be after I master the timing of the frames of each move as well as combo timing. I always seems to be a bit off when it comes to adding my next moves. Might be slow reflexes on my par though. Resets do interest me as well as a few other things in gameplay. It's like a piece of candy that I want yet I'm not the right level for it. Or maybe it's like Rare Candies which level you up! (And by you I mean Pokemon,I know. X was my first Pokemon game. Well actually it's the only Pokemon game I have. Besides Pokemon Rumble World. Anyways.)
Most of Val's combos involve going into the air. You aren't doing anything wrong dw.
Oh thank goodness,I thought I was. Well at least I learned something new about playing one of the characters.
just finished skimming through your diary. Really sorry you don't have a better computer to play Skullgirls. I really hope you continue to enjoy playing this game. If you ever need any help with something, you're free to add me if you wish.
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just finished skimming through your diary. Really sorry you don't have a better computer to play Skullgirls. I really hope you continue to enjoy playing this game. If you ever need any help with something, you're free to add me if you wish.
It's okay,hopefully the good computer will be fixed soon. I am going to keep playing SG though. It's actually a heck off a lot of fun. Alright,I'll add you if I need to. And figure out how to.
Steam has a Friends Tab. After you click it, it will bring you to a window "Search The Community". If you type in 'blossoms' (without the ' '), it will bring up everyone with the alias. My profile is one with Elphelt (a female anime character in a white wedding dress with a gun).
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Steam has a Friends Tab. After you click it, it will bring you to a window "Search The Community". If you type in 'blossoms' (without the ' '), it will bring up everyone with the alias. My profile is one with Elphelt (a female anime character in a white wedding dress with a gun).
Alright thank you! I'll add you sometime! Sorry if that sounded like I was yelling.
Reinstalled Skullgirls after Mom reset my computer for no reason. Again... anyways. Here's a thing. It's two parts. That's about it. Getting kind of better.

Part 1

Part 2
Quick update! I'm not gonna be able to train and post what I've done in this thread. The reason why is because my computer decided to bite the dust. Still a touch miffed because now I want to play the game. And scream angrily.
Quick update! I'm not gonna be able to train and post what I've done in this thread. The reason why is because my computer decided to bite the dust. Still a touch miffed because now I want to play the game. And scream angrily.

Well, that sucks. At least you're lucky you don't have my computer. Which can't hold that much gigs, lags a lot, and has a keyboard handicap.
Okay so I've been able to play on the good computer and lemme tell you it feels great to be able to do special moves again. It's gonna take a bit since I have to relearn them but eh, I'll get there. Also being able to dish out slightly technical combos is freaking magical.
Learning to play Squigly properly. I'm doing pretty well actually! The only problem is that is freaking suck at implementing her charges into combos. Well I mean the whole charge thing is okay it's just at inopportune times. Man that was poorly worded. Anyway I just need to work on it a little more.

Also tried doing online play. No one wanted to fight me ;_;
Update: Finally found someone who wanted a fight. It was a good fight, even now if it was laggy at the start. I have no idea how I managed to win. I was freaking out the entire time but still to the guy I fought. Good game.
Found another fight. The guy I fought didn't even move the entire time. Maybe his controller or keyboard wasn't working? Either way that felt really dirty to get a victory like that.
Found three more matches! I lost all of them! Oh well. At least I took out Eliza. And I got my butt handed to me but I'm not even upset. I didn't know fighting people online would be exciting or fun! They were still good games even if there was laggy and it just means I need to practice and get good. I think that's how the saying goes.