• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

Hello i'm pretty sucky at fighting games in general but skullgirls seems to be a somewhat exception. I pretty much am addicted to sg so if anyone wants to play or add me,instant yes!

Here's some games i've played:

Super Smash bros. (melee and 3ds)
Street Fighter (SUCK MAJOR)
Elsword(I know it's a beat em' up)
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (lol yes it's a beat em' up)
King of Fighters
BlazBlue(Continium Shift and the one before or after)
Mortal Kombat (Snes)
Persona 4 Arena
Killer Instinct
Soulcaliber (the gamecube one)
Mike Tyson's Punchout (Only managed to beat glass joe :'c)
Cartoon Network's Punchtime Explosion (yup...)

And others i'm too lazy to list and equally suck at
Before you ask i'm 13 but happens to love older games lol also I love me some Rpg's

Well I got a bit off topic; I'm looking for friends,training buddies,senpai's etc to help my scrub brush self

So...I guess that's the end of my tale,add me! ^-^ (btw;I live in west coast north america)
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Hello. I'm Domayv. I'm a fan of various fighting games, most notably the Arc System Works fighting games (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue) and Mortal Kombat 9 & X.
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Hello everyone my name is Pillz and I have some "casual" experience with fighting games such as jjba:hftf, Tekken, Street Fighter. I have been watching Skullgirls related stuff and I have been hoping to get it someday and now I bought it on summer sale. Hopefully I get to know the game well and have a pleasant experience with the community :)
Whats going on my good people. Names Ladontae but you can call me Greed. Ive been playing skullgirls for awhile now. I just never came around to making a skullheart account. Im a really decent player thanks too my homies. (CatKiller. Duckator and Kai) Repping that team Chicago! Always up for matches and to meet new people. (I also play street fighter for those who care lol)
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I hope everyone is having a nice day. I'm Amy but people also call me Mothra due to my occupation or Janvier. I was introduced to Skullgirls a little over a year ago but I play casually which is why I am only just now getting on here. As you can see by my avatar I also cosplay from Skullgirls. So far I have only cosplayed Bloody Marie but my next plans are Filia and Parasoul with my boyfriend as a Black Egret.
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Hi guys. Like a lot of others, I picked up this game during the sale. This is my first real fighting game (other than smash) and it's been great sinking my teeth into the game. There are a lot of resources and I always feel like I'm improving whenever I spend time on it, even if it's just beating up a bot in training mode. The game is a lot of fun and I hope you see you guys around. Add me on Steam (Antifate) if you ever want to play. I'm from the eastern US.
Greetings everyone, I am Orpheus! Pleased to meet you all!

So in terms of traditional fighting games I really don't have any professional experience with the genre at all. Sure I've played casually with Marvel, Injustice, Persona 4 Arena(in Japanese no less), and a few old school Street Fighter games(I think II and III), however I've never actually sat down and decided to get seriously competitive with them. Mostly because I lack the proper systems for them.

Though I have been working on my competitive Smash game lately so that's something at least. I picked up Skullgirls on a whim because it was about 4 bucks on Humble Bundle and I did like the game. Plus it could actually run on my laptop and look decent. I am having fun total fun with the game, and I plan on getting more serious with it once my fightstick gets in this Tuesday. So I look forward to learn all about the ins and outs of Skullgirls since it's my first traditional fighting game that I'm getting into competitively.
Hello, I'm Eisenkugel, and I'm fairly new to fighters in general. I'm an architecture student and I've enjoyed the styling of the game, along with the interesting characters. I hope to learn Big Band.
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Hey , i'm apokalo.

I picked up Skullgirls a couple of years ago , but just recently started to get more into it. I didn't spend much time with fighting games befor, just casually playing some Tekken with friends. After i got my first arcade stick for my birthday this year i started practicing some BnB combo's. Still have to get one done though. I registered here to find some people to play , because fighting the AI got boring. And finding quick matches is really hard here in Germany.
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Hey guys, I'm KakashiKopyKat and I'm completely new to Skullgirls. I come from a Street Fighter background..it's been my main game for years. I also play Tekken. Tbh I was always interested in Skullgirls since it was release but never really bothered to buy it. Then when I saw it was coming to the PS4 I told myself I have to get it lol. So far I'm really loving the game. Originally my first character was going to be Cerebella before I bought it but Parasoul grew on me, so I'll be learning the game with her. Anyway, I joined the forum to learn more and also make friends. Feel free to add me on PSN. I'm willing to take the L's to get better.
I've been here for sometime but I forgot to really introduce myself.
So Uh, hay.
hey everyone, im MIxAveon and ive had the game for some but just started getting into fighting games heavy and looking to get good at the game and compete. im s novice with not much game exp under my belt but want to learn. been practicing and getting some combos down until i watched some pro matches and wow i got alot of work to do. if anyone would be willing to take the time to train and teach i would love that. i like the anime fighting games more then the realistic fighter. ummm well thats all i got so i hope to hear from any of you. thank you
Hello, friends. My name is Troggy. I just got Skullgirls (Along with Beowulf) and I'm currently trying to git gud. Please help. I'm useless. I can't even beat Chapter 4: Lesson 1 for god's sake.
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Hey skullheart people! I'm Ruby and I just picked up Skullgirls a few days ago. I'd always wanted to get into fighters, but i found them utterly impossible to figure out as it was really hard for me to find a noob-friendly place. Then I saw a friend playing skullgirls, saw that the tutorial system was incredible and I feel in love with the art style and music, so I had to get it. I'm playing on the Agetec Dreamcast fightstick and will probably upgrade at some point. Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning how to play!
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Hey all.

I've been a member of this site for a while now but never got around to posting. Took a long hiatus from Skullgirls and now I'm looking to get my feet wet again. I'm still working on my team, but I'm liking my Fukua + Squigly composition so far. My neutral and resets feel much better on my Fukua, but her punish and combo game is lackluster compared to my Squigly. Needless to say, both my characters need work, but that's what I'm here for, I suppose!

I don't have a long history of playing fighting games, just a few here and there throughout my life. I do remember the first fighting game I played though, which was MK4 at my old neighborhood friend's house. I was so young that I had to keep it a secret from my mom that I was playing it since I knew she'd be pissed if she ever found out, haha.

...she still doesn't know to this day...

Anyways, I'm always willing to play anybody of any skill level if I'm available; feel free to add me on steam and we can work something out!
I guess it's about time I left a little something here.

I'm primarily an Arcsys player, with Blazblue being my main game (I also play Guilty Gear, go figure.)

Anyway, I've been a fan of Skullgirls since its console launch so many years ago. I was instantly won over by the amazing animation and awesome cast. Now you would think that having said this, I would know a thing or two about the game and have some experience under my belt, but that's not really the case. In my local scene here in Winnipeg, there is quite literally zero Skullgirls presence. I am for the most part the only one who gets hype for it. Because of this, I've spent more time grinding the Arcsys fighters in the 2 years I've played competitively.

When the Kickstarter for Encore started, my interest was piqued in the game yet again. I donated a large amount to the campaign and messed around with the beta. This time, I learned significantly more, enough that I felt I could try to play in tournament. So I took my team to UFGTX in Chicago and got bodied in front of Mike Z, which was as hilarious for me as it was painful. After giving me a little pep talk, Mike encouraged me to keep at it (he even gave me the nickname "Winnipeg" since I was the only person in our scene who plays the game, which I loved).

After realizing that I have as much fun supporting the game as I do casually playing it, I took it easy for a while. But now, a spark of hope has risen. SG is slowly gaining a presence in my scene, enough that I want to actually get serious. So that's why I'm here.

As a player, I have always loved hyper aggressive rushdown with absurd mixup potential. My first main in any game was Valkenhayn in Blazblue, and I still play him to this day. When I got into Guilty Gear, Millia won my heart immediately. Both characters have a trifecta of design quirks that I like. Great mobility, footsie based neutral, and scummy vortexes. Naturally, Valentine has always been my main girl in SG, I love her crossup shenanigans and hilariously safe pressure (cr.lp is +6 wtf.) I always used Parasoul pretty much for her assist alone, but Ive taken a liking to her strong pokes. My final character who I only recently started using is Painwheel, and oh lord is this character great (Anything into safe flight cancel overheads, hold that s**t!).

As an aside, I'm also an aspiring voice actor with several steam game and game mod roles under my belt.

Yeah, so thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. I love all of you in this community, I love this game, and I'm overjoyed to have a reason to play again!
Hello! I'm Mr. Marowak, Mary for short, and I simply love Skullgirls. The art style, the voices, the music, it's all incredible. There's just one problem.

I suck at traditional fighting games. A lot. Aside from emulating old Street Fighters, Mortal Kombats and the like, I mainly play Smash (it's the only fighting game on a system I own). The fact that a modern fighting game can even run on my lackluster computer is astounding, much less it be one with such intricacy and finesse. But I still don't know a whole lot about actually playing fighting games. Some of you may look at the characters on my sidebar and think "wow, that's like the worst synergy." And it might be. I couldn't argue if it was or wasn't. Fortunately, joining these forums will provide me a chance to really learn what I'm supposed to be doing.

and hopefully i'll run into someone with enough cash on hand do get me the rest of the dlc packs
Fortunately, joining these forums will provide me a chance to really learn what I'm supposed to be doing.
Top tier advice:
Get bigband, get L beat extend assist, mash SSJ when comboed. :^)
Top tier advice:
Get bigband, get L beat extend assist, mash SSJ when comboed. :^)
Hey everyone I just got Skullgirls after about a year of wanting it, I'm coming from a mostly Smash Bros. Melee/PM background with some MvC 2/3 experience.
I hope I'm not a scrub for choosing a Peacock/Fukua team. :P
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i don't get it
If you play enough of the game you will feel the pure, unadulterated wrath caused by Bigband assists and SSJ mash. c:
I hope I'm not a scrub for choosing a Peacock/Fukua team. :P
Nah you aren't a scrub!
I wouldn't hesitate to call you a sadist, though
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Been here for technically a year or something, I don't remember but never posted (or actually used the forum [garbage can]). Been playing this game on and off for a bit just with myself since online isn't an option for me given bad internet. I'm utter garbage at this game but wouldn't mind actually getting good at it at a minor competitive level. Looking to just relearn the entire game tutorial and up.

RIP Pre-Johns
My keyboard on this new laptop is ghosts harder than Scoobie-Doo so it's hard as balls to play who I like to play.
I just got the game during the sale right before summer hit. Just found out about these forums today. I love this game(even though I kinda suck) and its art style and characters. I'm currently doing terrible with keyboard controls but I'm expecting to pick up a fight stick pretty soon. I'm online most of the time so give me shout on Steam. Pleasure to meet y'all.
Hey everyone! Posted on the other thread, but I'm 8bit, have zero experience in fighting games, heard that Skullgirls was a good place to start, and it's dling on my PS4 right now!

Hit me up and then wreck me, my PSN is to the left, haha. Or for Smash, which is something I'm actually good at, since I've been playing since I was 4 years old.
Yes hi,I'm MirrorByte.
A person from a dumb and small town that wouldn't know normality if it stared them in the face.
Anyways,Skullgirls is my first fighting game and I'm still getting good it at.Except for right now.I have a dumb iPad computer hybrid.
I've stopped being a shy potato and posted me playing arcade mode as part of a series (which is just one episode right now).If you're ever looking for it,just type up This is Skullgirls,I'm sure you'll find something.
Hey I just joined today! I'm looking to learn and get better at this game and fighting games in general. Let me know if you are interested in playing sometime.
Hi everyone, I'm tsuchinoko861!. My fighting game background is dabbling in some Melty Blood Act Cadenza and Actress Again, along with playing persona 4 arena ultimax for about 4 months. I did play Kirby in Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64 and spent some time playing Sheik in Super Smash Bros Melee, for all it counts.
I want to get into Skullgirls because it has the full deal; likable lore, engaging characters and most importantly, much care into detail, like allowing my PS3 V3 HORI stick to work.
I look forward to battling in Skullgirls for a long time.
Hey there I'm Sonicgx101 and I'm a gamer that likes anime and manga (I also like to draw but I only do it occasionally)
I'm not a stranger when it comes to fighting games amd I have played the following games:

Super Street Fighter 2

Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3

Street Fighter 3rd Strike

Ultra Street Fighter 4

Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers 3)

King of Fighters 2002

Marvel Super Heroes

Marvel vs Capcom (1 and 2)

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Capcom vs Snk 2

Snk vs Capcom

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

Super Smash Bros Brawl and 3ds (not sure if they count)

Dead or Alive 5 (only have core fighters for now)

And played some "different" yet still fun ones:

Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix

Sonic the Fighters

If you want to play with me, you can feel free to let me know (doesn't have to be just Skullgirls) but I am currently using hotspot but will get my wifi back soon
Hello, friends. I'm Iron Caliber. I've been playing Skullgirls since before the IGG, back when I had it on my Xbox 360, but have since migrated to the PC version. I'd like to call myself "decent" at fighting games, with experience in Guilty Gear XX, Blazblue (a long time ago, CT and CS), Smash 4, and, of course, Skullgirls. I used to main Squigly, and picked up Eliza as a teammate, only to realize I liked playing Eliza more. Still trying to work out a good team around her, and combo optimization and whatnot. Hopefully I can come here very often as I try to get better and meet other people who have a lust for improvement like me.
Hi, skullfam. I'm Jawnsunn (translator's note: means "johnson")

Got into traditional fighting games a month ago with this game's free weekend and oh god this was the best $3 ever. I played other fighting games casually, though I played Smash 4 somewhat seriously on 3DS, but SG is one fighting game I really like learning and improving in.

I play mostly Filia and Cerebella. Confident in my scrubby rushdown Filia, but I'm still learning how to use Cerebella. Not really expecting to be a competitive player here, but I wanna hold my own on strong opponents. Hit me up on Steam if you want to fight, or talk about video games.

Or both.
What's up guys. I'm a 09 street fighter player who comes from a mostly capcom background. I've been one of the strongest players in my town for9 a while (till the scene kinda died and damdai moved to town....He owns me in street fighter free). I've loved SG since vanilla on xbox and played a ton when it first came out. Now I'm getting back into it on ps4 but I'm kinda scrubby on a ps4, I'm still grinding it it until I can save up for a ps4 stick. In vanilla I played peacock and bella and I'm trying to figure out who I wanna play in second encore.
Now I'm getting back into it on ps4 but I'm kinda scrubby on a ps4, I'm still grinding it it until I can save up for a ps4 stick.
You can play Skullgirls on the PS4 with a PS3 stick!
Yea I know but I'd rather just spend a little more and get a ps4 stick seeing I only have a 360 stick and I'm not really into modding. I know alot of games use the lab zero drivers for the work around but I know eventually ever body will need next gen sticks down the road
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Yo guys I'm Zedreamcast I started playing fighting games around November of last year with Ultra Street Fighter IV have since then played Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Guilty Gear Xrd, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, and my most recent game is SkullGirls and it quickly became my favorite fighting game. I still need some more practice in general so im always up for some friendly matches though the week of me posting this is no good.
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Hey everyone. Still don't have the game yet but I'm gonna definitely get it now. Just watched a few twitch streams for curiousity's sake since I've heard and read a bit about it and wanted to know what all the buzz was about. Instantly liked it.

Decided to make an account here for use in the near future when I do finally get the game. Hopefully I'll get the latest entry sooner rather than later and play to my heart's content. See you all in the arena.
Hey everyone. Still don't have the game yet but I'm gonna definitely get it now. Just watched a few twitch streams for curiousity's sake since I've heard and read a bit about it and wanted to know what all the buzz was about. Instantly liked it.

Decided to make an account here for use in the near future when I do finally get the game. Hopefully I'll get the latest entry sooner rather than later and play to my heart's content. See you all in the arena.
If you haven't purchased it yet save yourself some money and buy it on Green Man Gaming for $3.74

It's 75% off right now on sale!

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Hello everyone, my name is KidFinish (same as my gamertag). I just got back in to Skullgirls with the PS4 release and I'm looking to get into some games with people who want to learn the game along with me. I come from a SF4 background mostly, although I've dabbled in a ton of different fighting games over the year. Feel free to send me a friend request, I play a couple of nights during the week and I'm located on the west coast. Cheers!
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