• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

Hey guys my name is Rob. I don't normally play fighting games and KI was the first fighter I tried to take seriously. I bought this game a while ago after me and a friend played the demo but was intimidated by the average skill of the player base at the time. Now I'm giving it another try and I think I'm in love! Always looking for people to play with of equal or greater skill. I play sporadically through out the week usually after hours into the late mornings. Can't wait to play some great matches! :D
My name is Purple_Peahen, and er... hi. Feel free to call me ANYTHING but Turkey. Please. .-.
All that aside, I'm a 15 year old girl who plays Skullgirls. I was first introduced to SG a while ago, on the PS3, and I fell in LOVE with it. Skullgirls is the first fighting game I played and saw. I don't know what was so appealing about it. So, I got the full game about a year ago. I haven't really been playing it as much until recently, when I actually tried learing the game even more. As for Skullheart, I've been lurking here for a looong while, but haven't made an account until now. :P

Um, Skullgirls and Skullheart talk now.
I am in LOVE with Squigly, and I "main" her, in a way. I understand a lot because of reading some threads and watching a lot of gameplay videos on YouTube. >_> I'm not good at the game, I just understand it. So, I miiight be posting a lot in the Beginner thread.
As for Skullheart, I'll mostly be lurking around in the Gallery / lore area because that's what first got me into SG. The amazing art n' stuff. I can draw decently with pencil / paper, but... eh.

Okay! This post has been long enough, so to sum things up...
Nice to meet you all! I only have SG on the PS3, I'm bad at the game, and I'll be hangin' in the Gallery! ^_^:PUN:
Hi! Nekosaur here~
Had Skullgirls for awhile now but only just got into it. I still havent decided on who's my favourite Skullgirl to play as so i joined here hoping to get advice on who a beginner would pick to be in their team. I JUST got used to playing on my keyboard (kinda) but I'm switching to my ps3 controller soon.

My name is Noah! I am a typical gamer who enjoys fighting games aside from other genres of games. I am a fan of the fighting game series "Super Smash bros." but aside from that, I have hardly any knowledge for fighting games such as Skullgirls. Any help is appreciated and I am glad to have joined here!
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um Im Kimusabi and I just got and account around the time robofortune came out on ps3 but have been lurking since the SDE delays on Xbox 360 my only means of playing .Despite this long time witnessing skullgirls I consider myself lower intermediate. I'm don't know very well to communicate in sociable nature with new people. I play beowulf solo because he is my best character by far but i have played parasoul fukua Bella and BB. My first puppy serious Fite game was soul caliber 4 . I hope to compete with all yall
Hello everyone! i`m Lolipop and started early 2015 playing Skullgirls. I started to today in the forums and looking for some buddies to who want to practice Skullgirls on Steam. Best at Valentine and Cerebella.
Please give me tips by reply`s or messages.
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Call me V, or Shantih (or whatever); and I'm from the Gulf Coast region. I've been keeping an eye on the game for a while, and I'm happy to buy a copy of my own a couple months back. My preferred characters are Peacock, Valentine, and Squigly; I do goof around at random with other characters as well.
Greetings! People usually call me Gus or just parasite. I grabbed Skullgirls in 2013 or so, which was the only fighting game that intrigued me, so I picked up the genre and boy, am I glad I did! After being introduced well enough, I started looking deeper and dabbled in more games of the type, namely ArcSys fighters.

In Skullgirls my top preferences include Fukua, Double, Robo-Fortune as well as Filia and/or Valentine. Seeing how my skill in SkG isn't great, I'm looking to improve and learn more. That's because I've ended up being more used to air-dashers (Damn you GG!). Overall I'd call myself a beginner with just a small knowledge and understanding of basic stuff.

Putting all that aside, I'm interested generally in a wide variety of things, usually due to my love for diverse activities.
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Hey everyone! I'm Nik and I'm from the Chicago area, recently moved to Boston. Always wanted to get into the 2D fighting scene but never had anyone to play with, and none of my friends had the dedication to practice with me besides one who was obsessed with SSB (which doesn't really transfer.) I managed to find the FGC in Boston and I'm using this opportunity to make some friends and finally improve on this skill that I've been interested in for years.

Fighting game history? Played a bunch of 3D fighters including Soul Caliber, Tekken, and DBZ (Boudikai?) when I was in middle school, was terrible, fell out of it in high school. Where I consider my history to really start was when I started playing MVC3 when it was first released. Love at first sight. Later learned that it is pretty much the worst fighting game to start out with ever made. Got actually pretty decent at MK9, but didn't like the system very much at all so I had trouble getting into it. Then I got REALLY into Playstation All-Stars. Played that game super hard for like 6 months, turns out it is a really good game at introducing you to fighters. The competitive scene was trash though, 1v1 no items/no stage hazards doesn't actually teach you how to do FFA. Kind of ruined the game for me. Went to another fighter though (P4A?), and all of a sudden I was actually doing things. I was actually playing better my first time than any of the times I had played any other fighter.

Really looking forward to learning Skullgirls with anyone who is willing to practice or teach! Feel free to add me on Steam or Skype, if you ask I will do my best to get on and play! My plan is to learn Parasoul solo first, and then work my way into learning Valentine and my point. Nice to meet you all!
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Hey everyone!

I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Vega and just recently bought Skullgirls...before it went on sale on the Humble Store for 75% off :(

A little history about myself. The only fighting game I've played somewhat seriously in Super Smash Bros., specifically Smash 4 (even though I'm not that great). With regards to traditional fighters I've only played a little bit of an arcade Marvel vs. Capcom game and Soul Caliber II. Even though I own Soul Caliber II, I've only really ever button mashed and never tried to seriously learn combos and the like. After watching EVO this year, mainly because of Smash, I really wanted to try to seriously learn a traditional fighting game so that I know what it's like just because it's a genre of games that I've never really gotten into. When looking around I found Skullgirls and decided to go with it because of the semi-extensive tutorial (I find the character tutorials really nice) and the overall, unique cartoonish look of the game.

That leads us to present day. I'm hoping to learn a lot about this game and fighting games in general starting with Filia. I really like the community I've seen so far around here on the forums and on the reddit page with streams like Get Good and I'm really excited to play with you all and improve a lot! I hope to see you all around! :PUN:
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Sup guys I heard all the cool kids come here to talk about street fighters and super smash brow brawl

I'm in NorCal and like to dabble in fighting games on PS3/PS4 and PC. Skullgirls has held my interest for longer than any other fighting game I've ever played and with 2nd Encore out on PSN I've gotten back into it again along with a friend of mine who is much newer to fighting games.

I kinda fell in love with Beowulf the very moment I opened his tutorial so even though I'm not fantastic with him yet he's my current, solo main -- I figure I can worry about team-building when I've got more of the basics down.

I have the same name on Steam and PSN and I can play on both PC and PS4 but prefer PC because PS4 doesn't have lobby play yet. I usually use Mumble for voice comms when gaming on PC but I can use Teamspeak, Raidcall, Skype, or others.

Looks like a lot of the tournament action is away from me (East Coast, SoCal). That's unfortunate. But I do try to follow along with online events and tourney streams.

I have an active Twitch channel but it is mostly devoted to playing Touhou games. If that's a thing you like, you can watch me try to clear various games on Normal-to-Hard difficulty with some frequency. I'm marginally an anime fan but I don't have time to watch recent stuff.
Hail fellow well met.

I'm new to the fighting game genre, but I've heard praise for Skullgirls being newbie-approachable (and all-around good) on numerous occasions. I'm planning on buying the game whenever it's released on Vita.

In the meantime, I've been reading around the forums a bit to get a decent feel for what characters I might like. 'Currently debating how insane it might be to try Squigly from the get-go considering the rep I've seen for her being difficult/bad.

Anyway, I'll mostly be lurking until I buy.
Currently debating how insane it might be to try Squigly from the get-go considering the rep I've seen for her being difficult/bad.

I'm actually curious about this too. While I've been playing Fukua because she's beginner friendly and I liked her at first, after playing a bit I don't like her as much. I've been liking Squiqly because of some of her moves and also just her overall character design.
Little late to this, but hello everyone! My name is Emi. I'm from Washington. I bought Skullgirls back in 2013 when I went on a fighting game craze, forgot about it for a year, and started playing again early last year. Saw these forums a couple times but never thought until joining until recently. Now I like Skullgirls more for its characters/lore than for the gameplay, but that's just because I'm bad at fighting games and as much as I would like to Get Good at Skullgirls I always end up losing motivation.

As you can probably tell my favorite character is Painwheel/Carol, I tend to draw her a lot. Can't play her for the life of me but I love her anyways. I usually play Valentine, Eliza, and/or Peacock.

I'm most active on Twitter but I'm more involved in the Japanese side of Skullgirls fans than the American side. Mostly I'm just here to lurk and look at fanart, ahah...
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Hey, I'm Bryce. I go on internet as 41bja & Pixlllpro. I have a very strong passion for fighting games and the work I do hopefully reflects that. I just recently started a fighting game YouTube channel (under my 2nd internet alias) where I play series of matches in Skullgirls, Smash Bros., & Street Fighter. I also endlessly search for other channels on YouTube that love Skullgirls as much as I do (finding Youtube fighting game channels is pretty hard). Someone message me, if you know someone who regularly produces Skullgirls content on YouTube. Thanks. :)
. Someone message me, if you know someone who regularly produces Skullgirls content on YouTube. Thanks. :)

I dont know many, but dekillsage and poccola post gameplay videos pretty often.
I post a bunch of stuff on my channel.
Mainly tutorials, but recently match videos too.
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Gonna keep this short and sweet lol.

My name is James, I'm from New Jersey, and I just bought Skullgirls about 2 weeks ago. Right now I'm playing with Filia and Eliza, and trying to figure out who to use as a third. Please, don't hesitate to add me, I need a few people to play with lol. xD

My PSN ID: IIIAzure (I play on PS4)

I've been playing fighting games since I was about 12, but I'm trying to take them more seriously starting this year. Looking forward to playing with some of you.
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Hello, I'm Ty from Pennsylvania, I haven't been into fighting games much, but I'm getting back into it. So I started playing Skullgirls and I pretty much enjoy it. I've been playing for 4 months now and I'm a decent (at best) player. I mostly have a Peacock/Cerebella team, they're the characters I feel comfortable playing and I have this swell little combo thing I came up with for them. Anyway I want to get better at fighting games but I can never have the time to do so.

I like playing against people so feel free to add me on PSN: Flipnote_Turbo
Hiya. I go by tossle, and I've always been a competitive player with most of the games I play, though I haven't gotten around to FGs until very recently. I'm completely new to the genre, but so far I'm enthralled. I picked up Skullgirls a good bit of time ago on the loose idea I'd eventually play, and now I am. Currently main Val, though dying to get my hands on Eliza.

I'm willing to go against anyone for the sake of improving, so don't be wary of adding me on steam. (/id/t0ssle)
Hi! I'm Holden, a pad player from the midwestern USA. I main Valentine+Double and occasionally Solobella. I'm not super great at fighters, but I have tons of fun with them and love talking to other people who like fighters. Or really just anybody in general. I also listen to metal and love dogs.

If you wanna play, my PSN ID is NightcastleX7, and my Steam id is joedavis.

Hey everyone, im pretty sure im the only person on iceland that plays skullgirls regularly.

i got skullgirls 2nd encore on ps4 a month ago along with a new controller so me and my little brother could play.
he somehow learned how to play robo fortune faster than me...

Im considering getting skullgirls on steam but all i got is this laptop, so ill save money until i can get a proper PC along with a fight-stick, or a piloting stick rigged to play both fighting games and games that include dogfighting to save on money.
piloting stick rigged to play both fighting games and games that include dogfighting to save on money.
I'm not sure but I think a regular piloting stick could be used for skullgirls thanks to rebind-able keys, but then again I've never had a piloting stick. Would that even be comfortable, though?
Have you considered just using the ps4 controller even for pc? Last time I checked it's still quite fiddly (read as unplayable) due to unusually strict diagonals and quick motions straight-up ignoring the diagonal.
The software might've improved since the last time I checked though.
Hi people! I'm a gamer from Michigan who doesn't even own this game! Not because I'm a dick, I just don't have a PS4. I'm here because I absolutly fucking LOVE the Skullverse and all its characters. I hope that, after Indivisible, we get Skullgirls 2, or at the very least the canon storyline. Also, Adam is the best waifu. Case closed.
I'm very late to this but here, I suppose.
Hello, I'm Meow-Professor. I like Jubei Kokonoe.
Seriously, though, I started playing Skullgirls a few years ago. Easily my favorite fighting game, in front of Persona Arena. I play mostly Arcsys fighting games. I don't like Street Fighter and games similar to it.

I really have no hobbies except for drawing and fighting games. I don't play a lot of games that aren't fighting games, but I also love city builders. And god games, but not quite as much.
I love my offensive zoners/rushdown characters with a lot of speed/mobilty, so usually who I use in fighting games are some form of that playstyle.
I'm on fightstick and I main Squigly because of how much I like Leviathan, but I also use Filia for how she feels and Cerebella because I've never actually used a grappler much in a fighting game (usually do to low mobility).
I am the zealot fish and MS.FORTUNE MS.FORTUNE MS.FORT--

...Back on track, I'm from the Atlanta area, and I had conflicted interest in this game until now. Now I want to get a fightstick really badly, and I'm really curious what Lab Zero will always do next. Outside of the game, I'm mostly quiet, and my hobbies often revolve around building or designing stuff whether it would be vivariums or electrical circuits. Also I've wanted to get into programming, but the most I know is a bit of Lua.
(Geez, i swear i was in this forum, but for some freak reason, my previous account is gone.)

Well, i'm Ado, but call me like you want (Dark Matter Paint Boy, Adeleine clone, etc.)

I'm a dude, don't get me confused!!

Favourite characters: Lucario, Pharaoh Man, Mondo Oowada, Ado (yeah), Adeleine, Gold, Tails, Nitori Kawashiro, Peacock, Filia, Yun, Yang, Yasuhiro Hagakure.

and... yeah... i play Skullgirls sometimes.
Hi everyone I'm Brian. I got into skull girls and fighting games quite recently and have been having alot of fun. I come from a background in high level tcg play mainly yugioh (lol) in fact I got my first "major"(ycs for those of you if any play) top 8 in that game last year. but since the start of this year I have not been able to travel as much as I used to due to health issues. While that sucks I have alot more time to play skullgirls I am awful at this game right now but im not a scrub so I hope to improve quickly. My biggest problem as a game player is my ego which tends to get inflated quite easily I am trying to work on it though so if I say something douchey please call me out on it. sorry for the long winded intro I hope to improve alot here and maybe make some new friends.
I'm very late to this but here, I suppose.
Hello, I'm Meow-Professor. I like Jubei Kokonoe.

For the longest time I assumed your avatar was your own character since you draw and all. I don't play Blazblue clearly.
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Hey there guys, I'm LtScrublord, but you can just call me Scrub ^-^. I've played many different fighting games, but I'm trying to master one and I'm picking SG. Manly for your community you guys seem so nice, unlike the persona arena O-O so much salt. I love me so Cerebella and really need help on her and picking a second, I really want to run a duo. Guess that's it, Hope to have some fun here.

Spin To Win ^-^
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I've been lurking for a little bit now, thought I should actually make an account. :p

My screen name changes frequently, but for now I just go by Whisper. I play on PC, although mostly online because nobody cares about Oregon. I don't really have a team yet, but I definitely have a strong grasp on Beowulf's playstyle when compared to the rest of the cast(too bad solo Beowulf is trash). If you guys have any suggestions, I will GLADLY accept them! Add me on steam if you ever want to play, 'cause I'm always looking to improve my mediocre gameplay. :]