My name is Purple_Peahen, and er... hi. Feel free to call me ANYTHING but Turkey. Please. .-.
All that aside, I'm a 15 year old girl who plays Skullgirls. I was first introduced to SG a while ago, on the PS3, and I fell in LOVE with it. Skullgirls is the first fighting game I played and saw. I don't know what was so appealing about it. So, I got the full game about a year ago. I haven't really been playing it as much until recently, when I actually tried learing the game even more. As for Skullheart, I've been lurking here for a looong while, but haven't made an account until now. :P
Um, Skullgirls and Skullheart talk now.
I am in LOVE with Squigly, and I "main" her, in a way. I understand a lot because of reading some threads and watching a lot of gameplay videos on YouTube. >_> I'm not good at the game, I just understand it. So, I miiight be posting a lot in the Beginner thread.
As for Skullheart, I'll mostly be lurking around in the Gallery / lore area because that's what first got me into SG. The amazing art n' stuff. I can draw decently with pencil / paper, but... eh.
Okay! This post has been long enough, so to sum things up...
Nice to meet you all! I only have SG on the PS3, I'm bad at the game, and I'll be hangin' in the Gallery! ^_^