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Japan's views on the characters populairty (NOT GAMEPLAY)

What fish is Minette Exactly? Because maybe they just refer to her as what fish she is.
What fish is Minette Exactly? Because maybe they just refer to her as what fish she is.
A tadpole?
y..you guys know that its playful joking and that they don't think Filia is a "gross pig" right?
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Even if they don't think she's one they're still calling her one. There are plenty of other names to call Filia but so far the most common name is Pig-chan? Jokingly or not it throws Filia under the bus for having more weight than other characters, and I just think that'll negatively affect those who are still healthy people with a little weight on them.
Even if they don't think she's one they're still calling her one. There are plenty of other names to call Filia but so far the most common name is Pig-chan? Jokingly or not it throws Filia under the bus for having more weight than other characters, and I just think that'll negatively affect those who are still healthy people with a little weight on them.
I know, right? I mean unless someone is reaaally comfortable, going up to them and calling them Fatty in an endearing way still seems insulting. Playful joking is not a very good reason for being a dick imo.

That said arguing probably isn't gonna change anything, really. People tend to defend their choices and ignore any counters be they social, emotional, or logical. Even more so when they probably cant understand your language. How many japanese players actually read this thread anyway?
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What fish is Minette Exactly? Because maybe they just refer to her as what fish she is.

I think she is a minnow.

It annoys me when people are dicks about Filia's weight. It pisses me off because there are too many stick figure females in not just video games but in all other forms of media. Like that is the only size women come in. Just gets tiring and irritating. I like Filia's weight...not just because my name is Fat Ass but because she is cute with it.

Ok, maybe it is because of my name and I like fat asses. But I actually really do like Filia as a character.
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Pigs ARE cute but...usually when someone is a "pig" they think of a gluttonous obese mess.
I guess I always associated the term "Pig" with how much someone ate, not necessarily how much they weighed. Obviously one thing usually leads to the other, but then you've got characters like Goku that pig out all of the time.

Granted, I'm not sure if that's how the Japanese use the term, but it's possible that they might primarily be referring to Samson's eating habits and not just Filia's weight.

EDIT: Oh snap, and how could I forget about Lina Inverse as an example. She and Gourry were like Oink-Central Station!
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I'm sorry, overlord Satsuki pounded out the possibility of pig being used as a cute adjective from my vocabulary
it's possible that they might primarily be referring to Samson's eating habits and not just Filia's weight.
Then why don't they just refer to Samson as pig-chan or something? They're technically different entities.

Come to think of it I haven't seen any of the parasites' nicknames. Do they have any?
This thread right now

Edit: Also apparently 12 minutes 51 seconds isn't a real number by youtube link standards
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I guess I always associated the term "Pig" with how much someone ate

This, so many japanese fanworks about Filia are about her eating something, so i can definetly see the pig term refering to this.
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Most of the time pig is often used on main characters who eat a lot or give the impression of eating a lot.
And its safe to say Filia's thunder thighs do the latter.
Are we seriously arguing about some made-up fan name obviously intended for humour on a fictional character? '-Chan' by definition is a suffix added to characters that are cute/endearing and Filia is one of the few characters to get this treatment. It's clearly in no way intended to be mean spirited and is obviously just an in-joke amongst the community. It would be like complaining every time someone made a thick Filia joke on the forums. Of course Filia can fit through the fricken' door or otherwise she still wouldn't have left that milkshake bar - it's just all in good fun. It's not like we are talking about a real person here anyway.
Besides, they are not calling her 'gross' with the name Pig-chan/Buta-chan it's just referring to the fact that she eats a lot and is literally heavy (BMI 24.4 is just below overweight). And to be fair she is both of those things since they are mentioned so in her bio.

Back on topic though, I am happy to take requests on things but as I said I'm still a noob so I might not find an answer. Also if you find a webpage in Japanese or something I am happy to check it out for you. From what I can tell Minette doesn't have a nickname other then Minette-chan but she seems to be very popular and have seen some people just label her as 'KAWAII~'.
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Could you make a list of names you encountered? If we are missing any (Such as Val, Fortune, Cerebella, Etc) I could add the nicknames to the OP.
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What I've got so far other then [insert name]-chan is:

豚ちゃん (Pig-chan) = Filia
河豚ちゃん (Blowfish-chan) = Fukua
エプロンちゃん (Apron-chan) = Leduc
サックスでか (Detective Sax) = Big Band
ダボォ (Dabo~o) = Double
Y'all are fucking crazy if you think Pig-chan is not referring to Filia's weight. Stop deluding yourelves plz :)
It's probably not meant as a slur, regardless if it is a slur or not. Western folks call her fat all the time too. It's a running joke.

Side note, I love how Fukua is a blowfish. I see Nyoro drawing her like that all the time.
エプロンちゃん (Apron-chan) = Leduc

I wonder how much did Beo's story blow their minds when they found out Leduc is a guy, unless they refer to him as "chan" because age.
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I wonder how much did Beo's story blow their minds when they found out Leduc is a guy, unless they refer to him as "chan" because age.
Nah, -chan usually refers to a girl
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Nah, -chan usually refers to a girl
Then now i feel rather sad for them, one of their waifus just suddenly became a man without warning, so many dreams and hopes broken.


Also, what's the age to start calling someone "-san"? is it 18 or lower than that?
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Right, i realize now how much of an ignorant idiot i was, and that i need to do research and lurk around, because i went ahead and looked up what overheads were, and then experimented in the training room to check them out and now i realize how damn wrong i was, and also i talked with someone over the matter and i didn't know that stancels are the reason she is hard to punish, there is a lot more about Squigly i need to look up, i don't stancel at all when playing online so i end up getting punished a damn lot.

Sorry for the shitty arguments and overall derailing of the thread.
It's cool.

You realizing how ignorant you are is the first to making you have a good Squigly
only big band, parasoul, squigly, eliza, cerebella and robo fortune have standing overheads. arguably all of them are worse than squigly's fHP for the sole reason that squigly can stancel hers.

Stancels make you hard to punish on block if you're not committing to hard reads like TK H Divekick. Stancels make you a fucking mixup machine. You can be incredibly scary in neutral when you get your charges with the constant threat of sing -> sbo/pusher and great options like silver chord and tremolow. Just look at good squiglys like Woofly and Zeknife (sorry US, i don't know enough US squiglys) to get an idea of how good the character is. Squigly is in no way low tier. No character is.
Do you have links to these players in action? I'll admit I dont have a "proper" Squigly , I use stancles both on block and hit but I dont make her the deadly mix up monster she was born to be.
I wonder how much did Beo's story blow their minds when they found out Leduc is a guy, unless they refer to him as "chan" because age.

Also, what's the age to start calling someone "-san"? is it 18 or lower than that?
I think chan is being used as he looks young like you said as it's usually associated with girls. Chan is normally used for close family members, pets, babies, young children, grandparents and teenagers. I think some consider addressing a superior with chan to be rude, but not sure. Apparently 20 is the age people generally consider you an adult in Japan so I'm guessing it's before then that you stop using chan.

Also this post on Steam only has one reply but it makes me laugh every time:
"... Apron chan was a man"
"Terrible… As I believed it [that he was a girl], I am very much sad…"

Edit: Fixed some mistakes/typos.
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I think she is a minnow.

It annoys me when people are dicks about Filia's weight. It pisses me off because there are too many stick figure females in not just video games but in all other forms of media. Like that is the only size women come in. Just gets tiring and irritating. I like Filia's weight...not just because my name is Fat Ass but because she is cute with it.

Ok, maybe it is because of my name and I like fat asses. But I actually really do like Filia as a character.
I know this is a stupid question but...

Do you like Filia's thick thighs and fat ass?
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The lack of Robo-Fortune is disgusting. I don't know why these people think characters like marie are cute, when Big Band and Robo-Fortune are right in front of them...
More Google translating.
Someone asked about the waitress in Fortune's story mode and someone else replied with:


Minette Kawaii~

Most of the posts in this thread are about Minette, seems they like her.

Also have:

Feng-chan is so cute it hurts to live.

Dumpling-Chan, who is snuggling up against Ileum in the background of Lab 8, is cute.

And my favorite:

Minette is cute, but probably smells like fish.

There was also a really long post about Black Dahlia, but I didn't bother trying to translate it.

This one is interesting though:
I think it says something like "These background characters are so good, they don't even seems like background characters."
So good on ya, character designer person.
I've seen Poccola call Filia a pig but where did Fukua's Blowfish nickname come from?