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I think Satsuki might be planning to betray Ragyo soon.

I think Satsuki might be planning to betray Ragyo soon.

I think satsuki and and Ryuku will end up being friends. . .to defeat the more evil rainbow hair

"ryuko my mommy bad touches me :c"


the plot is all coming together
I think it's obvious she'll Ragyo. I'm just waiting for Trigger is disprove our point because they're making it too obvious
We knew from the first Gamagori flashback that Satsuki is using Ragyo's power for her own ends, she says so pretty explicitly. As for what we will make of this now that the grand plot has been revealed, well, that is entirely up to Satsuki.
Yeah I noticed that too. Maybe Junketsu has a final form? o_o
i'd like to believe that showing all the previous outfits in the intro indicates a main theme of this second half of the story is going to be everyone in the cast having a chance to say "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM."

Honestly, I'm waiting for a Devil May Cry 3 like ending. Ryuko and Satsuki team up and defeat ragyo in one epic final battle, then they fight each other one last time...to the death. lol
Well it just happened
Satsuki confirmed for Akechi Mitsuhide to Ragyo's Oda Nobunaga? Minus Nobunaga bad touching Mitsuhide, of course.

Much obliged for the heads up. m(_ _)m

I might watch the series once it's over. I've always been more the type to marathon a series then eagerly waiting for a episode every week. The Mako & Gamagoori shenanigans are really what's been winning me over, of all things.
Why does Ragyo come back in the preview? T_T
We all pretty much have to talk in spoilers from now on
Satsuki didn't sound like she expected Ragyo to die at all. I'm guessing Ragyo has undergone some severe body modifications or something (more than likely related to the hardcore scar on her back, whether that's a kamui incident or something like a heart of life fibers; it's KLK, it could be anything).

Also I'm a big Ragyo fan but damn she got progressively less hot over the episode right down 'til the end where Satsuki beat every man to thrusting their blade into Ragyo's chest. Bodily fluids all over the place it would've been hot if they weren't blood and Ragyo didn't have a really horrible fashion sense.
Damn, Satsuki was planning to backstab Ragyo. Guess molesting her WASN'T a good idea. Also what the fuck, that look Ragyo has, she looks like a Final Fantasy reject. I mean PLEASE
this isn't a show this is a fucking rollercoaster ride of plot twists

also I saw little boy penis am I a pedophile now

Depends. Did you fall in love with it?
Well, that backstab was kind of obvious. What isn't obvious is what Satsuki is really planning and her relationship with Ryuko now. I highly doubt they're suddenly friends, though they might both help each other fight Ragyo, who is obviously not dead yet.

On a different note, I love how Satsuki did not flinch for a moment when impaling Ragyo. She wasted no time, no talk bullshit; stabbed through, cut up, and thrown onto the spiky crucifix. And I'm sure Nui is ready to return the favor, maybe even moreso than Ragyo.
...I hope I did this right! I'm not surprised at Satsuki not flinching. But it did occur to me that Satsuki had been planning to kill her mother since she was like 5 years old. The mental fortitude required for something like that is crazy.
2 stuffs I liked.

1: Makos dad, Barazo, was hilarious while he asked the questions.
2: The last minutes was GLORIOUS!!!
You didn't see this coming? I got a letter about it in the mail a week ago and attended a party for it the day off. They had great refreshments served.

Also my point still stands, the execution of this show, the production values, art direction, all top notch and great.

Everything else is laughably bad to me. The story, characters, the plot 'twists', all of it.

Chibi did you notice how everybody said "I saw it coming, but it was still really cool"...
I'm just saying....

or did I miss something?
and calling something "laughably bad" on it's own designated thread is a little...
There's this new picture meme based off a guy embarrassing his girlfriend on national television.
恋人といる時の雪って 特別な気分に浸れて僕は好きです (When it snows when you're with your lover, you can immerse yourself in a special feeling...I like it.)
Parodies of an emergency news program on the heavy snowfall in the Kantou and Touhoku regions in winter of 2013. On February 8, 2014, a person tweeted that screenshot and it became a visual meme.

I found the KLK parody pretty amusing.

Top left: Inside Honnouji Academy
Top right: Emergency News Program Grand Culture and Sports Festival
Satsuki: Being in a rain of blood, with your lover, immerses me in a special feeling. I like it.
Looks like my prediction was completely on the mark.

Which actually is rather disappointing, if she had said she was doing it for power and to take her place, the show would have been much less predictable.

I didn't expect her to just stab her in the back though so quickly.

Also Ragyo is obviously Nui in disguise.
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I like how she's totally nonchalant and holding an umbrella while
her mother's impaled on a cross and gushing out a rain of blood behind her.
Is Tsumugu's sister Ryuko's mom, making Tsumugu Ryuko's uncle? That would explain the streak of red hair in both of them O.o
Also, judging from the next episode preview, the "betrayal" was likely a ruse to stall Ryuko from doing anything.
Is Tsumugu's sister Ryuko's mom, making Tsumugu Ryuko's uncle? That would explain the streak of red hair in both of them O.o
Also, judging from the next episode preview, the "betrayal" was likely a ruse to stall Ryuko from doing anything.
That's my theory, originally thought Tsumugu was Ryuko's brother, now changed to uncle.
That's my theory, originally thought Tsumugu was Ryuko's brother, now changed to uncle.
If so, I feel really sorry for Tsumugu. He watched his sister get consumed by Life Fibers, then was forced to stay away from his niece for her own protection, then saw her almost end up like her mother. And now he has to keep an eye on her at all times for fear of her losing control again. I would wager that he ends up dying to protect her, just to amp up the tragic factor.
well maybe if Ragyo did not bad touch Satsuki, Ragyo would never have been stabbed
Basically what I was thinking.