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Crunchyroll. Since I live in Estonia episodes get delayed by 1-2 months, so I use an app in Chrome to set my location as USA and watch KLK episodes on time plus other shows that aren't available in my area. Damn Licensing restrictions! It's a good thing that my area still gets new Golden Time episodes on time plus I have all the Gintama episodes.
ah crunchyroll, too bad its a membership thing
Almost lost my way when Mako got got. I don't see why Ryuko is angry about being life fibers. It doesn't really seem justified. Also has anybody figured out why Raagyo is so..rapey? [\Spoiler]
Someone please write "WARNING! SPOILERS!" in the thread's title, because almost every post here is using Spoiler tags.

What's gonna happen between Ryuuko and Senketsu in the next episode? She's really pissed at him. Why did the COVERS' "harps" awaken specifically Ryuuko?
I asked about this like a page or two ago...anyway I changed the thread title.
What's gonna happen between Ryuuko and Senketsu in the next episode? She's really pissed at him. Why did the COVERS' "harps" awaken specifically Ryuuko?
The COVERS' harps probably resonated with the Life Fibers in her to the point of pissing her awake and in a bad mood because of previous revelations.

The next episode might resolve the issues between her and Senketsu, but it's pretty unlikely. She's pretty damn pissed about everything involving Life Fibers at this point.
What's gonna happen between Ryuuko and Senketsu in the next episode?
Firstly, I hope she apologizes. She needs Mako and the others tell her to knock it off.

Of course, that harp noise may have done something to her mental state. Nonon had an entire gimmick was using sound to mess up life fibers after all.

Secondly, I wonder if the "I won't wear you any more" becomes her new plan.

Then she goes in solo to save Satsuki and she give her Senketsu to protect her in her weakened state. Then maybe she would finally hear the voice of a Kamui. Ryuko can then grab Junketsu somewhere and hear his voice since she's mostly made of fabric anyway.

Then the two sisters can use the other's signature weapons and reenact the end of DMC3.
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Holy crap, the secret of Ishiin Matoi! 0_0
The real surprise is . . .

He entrusted Satsuki with the terrible truth behind Ragyo's insane plans after he'd been somehow taking care of Ryuko for 4 years without anyone ever knowing she was still alive.
I just want to say that Nomnom looks kawaii as fuck with the mushroom beret. And I don't even like her.


And those antennae on Ragyo confirm she'll chip a bitch to death with Gregor Samson.

Shit, P*! Just announce a damn KLK game already.
You know that they name there episodes after musics from the 70s and 80s right?
Well, my theory is that THIS SONGS NAME will be one of the final, if not THE final episode name/title.
I didn't catch on until "raindrops keep falling on my head"
it's probably some kind of pun
it's always a fucking pun with this show
Almost lost my way when Mako got got. I don't see why Ryuko is angry about being life fibers. It doesn't really seem justified. Also has anybody figured out why Raagyo is so..rapey?

So here's a thing. Ragyo is merged with life fibers, thus her body can regen from like anything. Yet her back is covered in scars, which means she probably got them before she was 20 when she encountered the original Life Fiber. So she may have had an abusive life in her younger years.

Or she could just be a creep that likes to give the ol' gropeadope.
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I really want to know more about Tsumugu's sister. All I remember is she volunteered to be experimented on to see if one can wear a Kamui, but she was taken over. Will there be more on that or is that it?
Iunno, maybe Senketsu's personality is what's left of Tsumugu's sister talking to Ryuko.
So I watched the last 2 episodes of KLK just now...holy fuck. Episode 18 is the best yet.
All these plot twists, scary shit (RAGYO MOVING WITHOUT HER HEAD SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME), awesome action, I didn't think the show would get this good. The contrast between the end of episode 18 and the ED was crazy.

My only complaints are that the apparent 1 month timeskip seems more like a 1 week type of thing, Ragyo's molestation is getting a little stalecreepy, and I'm not sure I like the direction they're going with making Ryuko ridiculously powerful even without a Kamui. But I guess we'll see.

Can't get enough of Nonon in that outfit.
sexual butt slap...it's okay I'm her mother
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sexual butt slap...it's okay I'm her mother
I really hope that scene stops happening. . .it makes me feel dirty and uncomfortable
I dobelieve that was the point
it's not like wer're suppose to like her in the first place
sexual butt slap...it's okay I'm her mother

Satsuki was naughty, and so she got spanked. Perfectly fucked up normal.
it's not like we're suppose to like her in the first place
Are you trying to Ragyo-shame me? Well, it's not gonna work. [BLUMENKRANZ INTENSIFIES]


Stupid sexy Mako.
Thank you based TRIGGER for Nonon fanservice. My life is complete!
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Gamagoori likes a lady who can Hyakuretsu Yen.:PUN:
which is funny, since he reminds me of a really nice version of Raoh.
Man, this episode was all kinds of wtf.
Satsuki true MC
The WAT is impossible to gauge!





This reminds of me Asura's Wrath when Asura goes full berserk and the game switches over to the rival character that has to bring him back to his senses. Yay! It's the playable Satsuki portion! :3

All these great twists, I hope they don't fuck people over with Gainax Ending™. :/
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If it's gonna be a Gainax ending, then I'll be severely disappointed in Trigger
Man, this episode was all kinds of wtf.
Satsuki true MC
The DMC3 levels are off the charts.
The Armstrong levels are off the charts.


~Can't touch this!~

Side note, the moving clothes really play the "faceless goon" part. Fodder enemies are already designed and everything.
Why's game taking so long? :(
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So does Ryuuko have like two sisters now?
"Hey Ryuko remember when I killed your dad"
"Oh whoops I mean our dad"
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Well, I kinda saw the brainwashing coming if Ryuuko didn't reconciliate with Senketsu, but uh....Satsuki getting rescued and wearing Senketsu?

I was not prepared for that at all.
Well, I kinda saw the brainwashing coming if Ryuuko didn't reconciliate with Senketsu, but uh....Satsuki getting rescued and wearing Senketsu?

I was not prepared for that at all.
I do wish for two things next episode:
- first is that satsuki can hear senketsu's voice
- second is that satsuki gets through to ryuuko using a super heartfelt speech. hopefully emphasizing that its a big sister's job to look out for her little sister.