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so platinum games adaptation that shit just got crazy

motherfucking dualwielding satsuki i am down to FUCKIN CLOWN WITH THAT
so platinum games adaptation that shit just got crazy

motherfucking dualwielding satsuki i am down to FUCKIN CLOWN WITH THAT
Till you're dead on the ground?:PUN:

These guys looks familiar...
So does Ryuuko have like two sisters now?
Guess so, lots of implications on that. Look at this iluminating dialogue from /a/:

"Laser Cougar all the way. Even if she loses on the end, she still won because she molested all her daughters now. Mission accomplished."

"Even Nui?"

"Especially Nui"

"More likely Nui would be totally into it, which is just a massive turnoff for Ragyo."
>Look I could pretend-
>Leave it, Nui. It just wouldn't be the same.
>We could try other stuff. Maybe you could choke me...

S-Rank every mission in Hard Mode to unlock Ryuuko's Junketsu costume.


I really need to stop making these what-ifs as I'm starting to feel true sadness from the absence of a KLK game. #MusouTensei
Wait a second!
Just why didn't Nui's eye regenerate considering what we now know about her?
I know, I know, I know....
Becous she was cut by the scissor blade.

Dunno if it only works if you have both blades. Or stabbing might not work?
Dunno if it only works if you have both blades. Or stabbing might not work?
Its probably something like she has an eye made of monster fibers under there but she keeps it covered up because its ugly and not cute.
This series just keeps getting better and better, I keep saying this, but it does.

I cannot wait for next episode as Satsuki and Senketsu as duo is going to be brilliant.
Wait a second!
Just why didn't Nui's eye regenerate considering what we now know about her?
Multiple reasons, primarily that Isshin/Souichiro designed scissors that could sever Life Fibers to the point that they can't regenerate themselves. Of course, that ends up being a bit of a plothole since Ryuuko practically skewered her with the scissor blade...unless the scissors need to be in a pair to actually sever Life Fibers? I try to find answers, and only find more questions!

Another is that if I remember what Ragyo said in earlier episodes correctly, Ryuuko is practically a perfect fusion of human and Life Fibers. That implies Nui is somehow imperfect...

...yep. I can see why.
Y'know... my first reaction to Weddingdress!Ryuuko was "Someone needs to take this on film and show this to Ryuuko three years later just to see her wallow in shame."

Because this is like a bad caricature of her sprinkled with wayyyy too much Edgemeister extract. I couldn't even take her seriously, too busy laughing.

As for what I hope for in the next episode: I don't think Ryuuko and Satsuki have anything to converse about. I'd rather have them talk with your swords. Also, more of the Nudist Beach does something awesome theme, which is way too good.
tbf if there was a glowing wiener in the room i think we'd all have trouble not peeking
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well he certainly can't call it a disco stick
He'd need ragyo-levels of radiance for that kind of claim
I basically go into every episode now praying no one dies

Today's the big one though

Oh God give me strength
The moment when Mako topples Gamagoori's place as my favorite character in the series. It was inevitable.

I was really hoping Mako would use Senketsu. ah well
Please kill Nui in the next episode
This episode was just too good, I didn't watch it with subs just the raw version but still good.

Did anyone else start panicking when Ryuko attacked Mako in the mental sequence, I was really panicking I really don't want any of the characters to die, with the exception of Ragyo and Nui.
Even though I was told she didn't die, I was so worried whenever Mako was doing ANYTHING. That said, the near-orgasmic levels I felt when the blade went into Nui's back was astonishing. FUCK. HER.

Literally never hated a pair of villains with every (life) fiber of my body before. Good god do I want to see them die in the most PAINFUL MANNER POSSIBLE.
But will they make us feel sorry for her at the end somehow?

Edit: Also the writing in this show is actually pretty competent. We got explanations for why kamui are so skimpy and an implied answer to my Nui's eye question from last week.
I feel like someone needed to die this episode. Someone not named Nui or Ragyo. I fully expect my blood lust to be sated by the next episode, don't dissapoint Trigger.