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Well In this post I am going to put some spoiler be careful they are spoilers
It is a good ending.
My friend compared it to a Gurren Lagann ending.
In that it's simultaneously great, but also awful in parts.
I'm fine with that.
I'd take a Gurren Lagann ending over a Panty & Stocking ending any day of the fucking week.
In a sense yes it is a bit more like Gurren lagann ending if you think about it.
I find it disappoting in a sense that ryuko doesn't get rid of nui but nui gets rid of herself and it is said that senketsu passes where I think the comparison to Gurren Lagann comes in. But how it's different to gurren lagann is that everyone seems to be well in the ending as opposed to gurren lagaan where simon goes from the universe greatest badass to a wandering hobo.
my Steve Oedekerk as everyone joke! (ºAº)
sorry to disappoint, but let me tell you of the significance of my impressions of this episode from just random spoilers

it will be significant.

I had a feeling they were going to go to space, even if it was brief.
and Ryuko turned super saiyan (or super Shadow lol)
It was a really fun episode, nonetheless
Dat orgy had such an impact at the end.

Also, Satsuki with short hair is nice.

All in all it was a nice ending.
aww shit, all these spoiler tags...

youre killing me guys...
Oh okay, I won't use 'em.

Short-haired Satsuki does things for me.
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aww shit, all these spoiler tags...

youre killing me guys...
Welcome to post-episode mania.
Oh okay, I won't use 'em.

Short-haired Satsuki does things for me.

Short haired Satsuki is best Satsuki.
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So who else started laughing when...
Ragyo rocket-gasm'd off into space?
Me! :PUN:
That's that new kind of orgasm lol
how are you guys viewing this, tfw no subs
I usually watch it raw.
Subs are out now by Underwater, btw
For some reason the last episode of klk reminded me of dbz. Ryuko goes super saiyan and then gets the people's power to help her fight. I think she also mentioned something about fighting making her stronger but I read this in Spanish so I might've fucked up something there. OH and she spares Ragyo just like with Frieza except Ragyo just kills herself. I'm gonna watch this in English in case I fucked up because I'm not a strong Spanish reader.
You never know.
Last week, episode 23 was on Hulu by 11 PM.
Due to production issues, episode 24 of Kill La Kill is expected to be delayed by 12-24 hours. We thank you for your patience and continued support.
Near the end of the episode when they're both in space, it reminded me of the end of Battle of Gods with Goku and Beerus just floating opposite each other with the Earth in the back
Any kissing is definitely platonic in KLK.
i go to check CR for any updates

Episode 24
1 minute from now

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So who else started laughing when...
Ragyo rocket-gasm'd off into space?
I can only imagine what it must have been like in the recording studio for that one.

Great ending as far as I'm concerned. I just weep at the thought of how expensive the inevitable Blu-ray box set will likely be and I may never be able to afford it.
Great ending. I loved it. Now I wait for the complilation movies (please let them make some OVAs or complilation movies...more like Lagann-hen than Gurren-hen.)
Am I the only one...
Who found this episode to be extremely rushed and poor compared to every other episode? Compared to every other episode, this episode was BAD. There are still many plot holes, the final battle between Ryuko and Ragyo felt rushed as fuck, Rei randomly vanishes and I feel they focused too much on the MakoXIra shipping than actually concluding it. I know the OVA is apparently going to be the true epilogue, but this episode felt rushed as fuck.

Also they never actually killed the bad guys. Nui and Ragyo basically offed themselves off, Ragyos death reminds me of Senator Armstrongs death from Metal Gear Rising, which is incredibly disappointing as we've waited so long for them to get their just desserts.

Honestly, I expected a bit more. Episode 23 was fucking amazing, this one was kind of a let down.

It might just be me....

I guess I can say, I'm glad they didn't pull a fucking Gainax ending...but maybe they are saving it for the OVA...
you guys wanting gainax endings...

I just want a kamen rider W episode 48 or 49 ending....
Maybe because they ran out of money? Or didn't have enough episodes to fit in everything they wanted to tell?

Also, this.
Took me a while to get them together
Maybe because they ran out of money?





Ragyo seems to be even more like Armstrong than before.

Now, to wait for the crossover fanfics.
Ragyo seems to be even more like Armstrong than before.
Ragyo was always a control freak. She wouldn't ever allow anyone but herself to choose when she would die.

as i said previously, Ragyo's parting speech about the future made me think:
Betty = Ragyo
Ryuuko = Chosen One

And the epilogue was very cute. Especially Gamagoori waiting around the corner with flowers. Go get 'em, big guy.
No Gainax ending? The fuck is this shit, I want my money back!

Fine episode I guess. I'm not sure how I want to feel about it. Definitely not bad, and no ridiculous deus ex machina (ARGUABLY), but also not amazing. I think the problem is that the final fight wasn't really a fight, and was more of just Ryuko ramming herself into Ragyo until she used her vacuum cleaner power (art of senketsu as a vacuum, please).

Nice Gurren Lagann references though. I saw that Team Dai Gurren logo on the back on Ryuko's jacket!
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a few more thoughts
The whole "The Life Fibers are still out there" plot point does stick out a little. It could be nothing but it could also be SOMETHING. I guess Trigger saw the huge response and decided to leave a door open if they ever wanted to return to the KLK universe.

If the whole extra episode is in the style of the epilogue with Ryuuko & Satsuki being cute, I'd be totally OK with that.

Also Nonon without a hat looks like Madoka.
I guess the next piece of news we can wait on now is a dub, right?

No idea if this could ever air on toonami. Nudity is a primary theme of the plot. Also Ragyo's creepiness did go a bit far at times.