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Well guys...
It's finally happened.
Our Bodies Are Dry.
What now?

I kinda like how it wasn't a gainax ending. the worst thing a writing staff can do is be predictable with their material.
They probably translated English comments and reworked some of their ideas at the last minute. Super Ryuuko :V

Alrighty, time for some thoughts on some of the things that showed up. Wall o' text and a spoiler image incoming!

Harime Nui being too powerful for Kamui kind of makes sense in its own way, because it means outside of the Original Life Fiber, she'd practically overpower any Kamui she'd put on. Also, return of Giant Nui Face.

Ryuuko sparing Ragyo sounds stupid after all the shit we've learned she'd done, but we have to keep in mind that she's still Ryuuko's family, and Ryuuko's already lost a lot because of Life Fibers, when you look at it from her perspective.
I feel that's why she almost gave up on living when she was diving to Earth and lost Senketsu as she felt that though she won the war, she lost the battle to not lose anything else in her life. Thank goodness for Satsuki practically snapping her out of that, because she still has people back home.
Double points because Satsuki is in the same situation and although she has the same goals as Ryuuko, she sees them from a completely different perspective, and is probably (factually?) smarter than Ryuuko to boot. She was aware of the possibility that Ryuuko would hesitate in killing Ragyo, and watching Ryuuko fall out of the sky like a lifeless doll would practically set off multiple alarms that she was about to lose her sister who she thought was long dead, and was part of her own personal reason far fighting. We've had a hint of this during Episode 20 when she was fighting Ryuuko explicitly to bring her back. That bit about her saying to Ryuuko that she'd kill anyone who submits to Life Fibers during that episode? A bluff when it comes to Ryuuko.

It's kind of hilarious, in a way. The cold, stoic and calculating Satsuki has a huge soft spot for her sister. And I do mean a HUGE soft spot because I'm very certain this was deliberate.

So yeah. I'm pretty damn satisfied.
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As much as I hated the pacing and a few plot holes of this episode (what happened to Rei?), it was a pretty satisfying ending in that it showed Ryuko's character development pretty clearly (no longer motivated by revenge, for example) and offed the main villains in a handy manner while still leaving room for a potential sequel(?). After all this, I kinda hope that the OVA can answer some lingering questions, but if not, then whatever. Thank you for a wonderful ride, Trigger.
I mean I think it was satisfying either way, but could have been stronger.
rei got giga drill broken right out of ragyo and smacked into a rock u kno she ded
I kinda like how it wasn't a gainax ending. the worst thing a writing staff can do is be predictable with their material.

This show was one of the most predictable shows I've seen in my life, get out of here lol

My thoughts:

Christ how forced was Senketsu fading off? He was literally like 'YO RYUUKO I LEFT SOMETHING IN THE OVEN OH BY THE WAY IM DYING NOW BYE'

This show was entirely predictable, most of the cast was horribly one dimensional, and I never got over the actual plot / premise of aliens being clothing. Other friends I have that watched this show would lambaste me for 'taking the show seriously' or noting the need to 'turn your brain off' but I can't do that for 24 weeks in a row sorry.

In the end I still admire and rather like the art direction, production values, and overall execution of the show but am disappointed in the content that it was used upon / with.
I kinda would have preferred if battle final battle ended with the JACKPOT moment, but Nui had to ruin that.

on the upside, if Ryuuko didn't go to space, we wouldn't have gotten Satsuki's adorable mad dash to catch her, which was pretty much her greatest character moment in the series.
in a bit of self promotion, i'm just gonna say I did a bunch of KLK colors for the SG cast in the custom colors thread

Satsuki, Ryuuko, Mako, Gamagoori, Nui, and Berserker Form

now to wait for Eliza's color map to make a Ragyo.
i think he means that they didn't gainax it for the sake of gainaxing it
better to have a nice quiet ending than giant naked mako or whatever
while I am glad they didn't gainax it for the sake of,gainaxing,it (this isn't gainax its trigger) I kinda wish senketsu went out in more of a self sacrifice way than the literal blaze of glory.
Found a nice little reference near the end.

Check out the symbol on Ryuko's jacket.


Anyway being less critical of other people's opinions and more critical of the show itself:
My only real issues with it were how forced several parts were over the entire show. Most of the plot twists were sort of eh (ALIENS!!!) but what can you expect from an over the top action show which made a point in the first few episodes of not making you too serious about the plot, so far as to come across as a typical 'beat the minions to get to the boss' show.

Senketsu's death was just 'oh yeah Senketsu dies now so it's not a completely happy ending', Ira dying and then not being dead was also pretty dumb, the only other show I've seen to pull that kind of junk was a rom-com which actually did it as a joke rather than a plot device and a lot of the 'science' was just really lamely thrown out.

Taking it for what it was though, rather than what I want most of the shows I watch to be (plot heavy things that leave a little mark in your mind even after they're over) it succeeded. Don't watch KLK if you wouldn't watch TTGL, but if you liked TTGL then there's little reason not to like KLK unless minor execution issues annoy you - not that TTGL wasn't without them either.

8.7 out of 10 I guess, skewed forward a bit for how much I enjoyed it.
I don't usually use these but:
>Thoroughly foreshadows everything
"It's predictable lol"

That doesn't make it any better, I mean it's worse because it's still predictable they're just sending out newsletters about it beforehand. lol
lots of shows use foreshadowing in excess. That doesn't make them bad they just chose to convey their information in a more direct way.
Gamagoori best character or best character
(hint: best character)
bestest character.

If he really died, I would've dropped the show.

But then Gama makes THE MOST AMAZING "Surprise, I'm Alive" entrance ever. Even using his flying jump pose from the first episode. Followed by the Gurren reference attack.

Trigger must've figured that a fake-out death would be judged harshly, so they piled on the fan service when he returns so no one would really care. Because it was AWESOME.
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lots of shows use foreshadowing in excess. That doesn't make them bad they just chose to convey their information in a more direct way.

I think it does with a show like this. Rather it feels like its wasted really lol
I'm torn about this ending. On one hand, Senketsu dies, on the other hand Satsuki doing mundane things + everything else.

Oh who am I kidding? This anime was amazing!
Don't watch KLK if you wouldn't watch TTGL, but if you liked TTGL then there's little reason not to like KLK unless minor execution issues annoy you - not that TTGL wasn't without them either.

eh, I wouldn't watch TTGL but I'd rather watch this, but I get what you mean, seeing as how they're both similar.

Senketsu is the best character for me
KLK lacked hype where TTGL siphoned it constantly from the very molten core of the earth. I don't know if it was budgeting or lack of imagination but I feel like KLK could have at least gone out in more of a bang, but instead we got a "everything is fine" ending with a semi-ambiguous sequel hint from dying Ragyo. I'm left pretty unsatisfied but the earlier episodes, twists, gamako fanservice and semi-interesting characters kept me watching to the end, at least.

addenum: Has anyone got thoughts on the ending and has also seen TTGL? Personally it was completely lackluster in comparison but expecting anything on par with it is rather ambitious.
I fucking hated TTGL's ending beyond human comprehension.

KLK's ending (the entire episode) wasn't much to write home for but it did what it needed to, or rather as was in line with the series as a whole, what it was 'expected to'.

Which is fine, I guess. I just didn't actually care for any of the characters lol
@Master Chibi I'm not gonna have a rant, but maybe you should sit down and have some coffee with cream or something.
Wait a few days for Stardust Crusaders to come out in anime form. Thank goodness KlK finished right next to JJBA's start or there'd be a huge void left to fill.
Yeah I'm excited for Stardust Crusaders, too. Kill la Kill was a fun ride
@Master Chibi I'm not gonna have a rant, but maybe you should sit down and have some coffee with cream or something.

Freakazoid's words are wise and memorable.
Freakazoid's words are wise and memorable.
Freakazoid is probably the single greatest animated television series ever made.
I fucking hated TTGL's ending beyond human comprehension.

KLK's ending (the entire episode) wasn't much to write home for but it did what it needed to, or rather as was in line with the series as a whole, what it was 'expected to'.

Which is fine, I guess. I just didn't actually care for any of the characters lol
Hey, at least TTGL's ending dared to try something new, which is always a bold step for any piece of media. I mean if you were in that show for the plot and not the GIGA DORIRU BREAKERs and GATTAI then you need to rethink how you watch anime in general.
After watching the series from the beginning to the end I give the show a solid 8/10

+ great art/animation sequences
+ excellent soundtrack from the OP/END sequence to appropriate scenes.
+ satisfactory pacing (only few filler episodes present that diverge from main plot)
+ decent enough ending that won't make you say "why?!"
+ fight scenes were played out well enough (although they overdone it with the excess gallons of blood being spilled and apparent immune to pain because of plot armor)
+ most of the major characters seem likable enough despite their linear archetypes.

+/- how the fan service sequences were delivered were hit or miss. By miss I mean HOTD level of being subtle with the tits/ass/fetish activities.


- plot-line was questionable at times with contradictions happening quite often if you don't ignore them.
- some of the characters premise/activities were very one dimensional and could have used more development such as that dark skinned assistant girl for example. The brown hair girl doing her random spotlight thing for the 582nd time got stale quick as well(Yes I'm bad with names).
- constant jobber character syndrome (poor nudist beach) was present like they were DBZ humans where despite a badass premise, they kind of lost their combat usefulness in the latter half of the show.

If you like a fast paced action show with some fan-service and don't mind turning your brain off then this show is highly recommended. Definitely not a bad show and worth a DVD purchase, but tad overhyped like AoT/SAO.
This motherfucker Senketsu....

Also 13, I feel like this show did nudity in the classiest way possible. By getting rid of anatomically correct indications. No nipples, No dicks, nothing. They were like mannequins. Thank god for that too, because otherwise this show would've been demoted across the board to Queen's Blade Fanservice status no matter how good the actions sequences were.

Also, this and AoT are only SLIGHTLY over-hyped, where as SAO was never good in the first place. Counting SAO among these is like trying to place Nicki Minaj amongst the likes of Tupac and Biggie. Bitch dont even belong and looks real out of place.
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I wonder if there will be Kill la Kill movies and if so if they'll redo key battles like how the Gurren Lagann movies did with the Gurren Lagann TV series.

+/- how the fan service sequences were delivered were hit or miss. By miss I mean HOTD level of being subtle with the tits/ass/fetish activities.

The fanservice in HOTD was meant to be in your face at all times. There humor when there was direct. The artist drew H manga before going to Seinen and in the board meeting for the anime, the director and staff drew a piechart and made a line down the middle 50/50 one side said "Zombies" and the other "Breasts"....Mission accomplished.

The fanservice in KlK was often there for prurient interests along for comedy as it was often lampshaded by other characters. Kind of like most magical girl shows only more self-aware of how ridiculous it is.
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This motherfucker Senketsu....
So...uh...did you purposely use a man with an eyepatch for your reaction, or...?
So...uh...did you purposely use a man with an eyepatch for your reaction, or...?
Well I purposefully sought out that specific gif, but not because of the eyepatch lol. If I explain it any further then there was no point in spoilering it
if only he Ore Sanjou'd when he had the chance....
The color scheme is the same, is what the picture is getting at