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King of Fighters - General

If Ash and Shen were still in this game, the team would be complete. But I really want my Elisabeth back.
My grandpa is back in the game and not True Fighter Shen Woo?

i'm confused

P.S. Ash can be erased from the time-space continuum forever for all i care.
When's Blue Mary god damnit?
The King of Fighters XIV to add four more DLC characters in April, including Oswald


Heidern/Blue Mary/Saudi Arabian Girl
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Dat Desert Requiem remix though. <3
>expecting kof15 but not supporting kof14


I don't like Heidern and I'm not looking forward to him being in this game.

She cool. Stage is cool. Wish she kept the hood off though.

I mean her having a keffiyeh sorta is important for her saudi arabian roots and original concept design

I like her whole style
the reused mian special effects are sorta funny but I still think she looks gorgeous in action.

Her climax super is 10/10 the snap sound is so good i love it
The female artist, from last year's contest, did a good job on her design.
Her name is literally based on the central region of Saudi Arabia itself, Najd.
Najd was known for being very remote and largely avoiding falling under heavy control.
Makes me wonder if her character plays a similar role in story mode.

Also, her climax is nuts. Geese got Mami'd.
She reminds me of Krizalid, oddly. Hope Mary's next. Hope XV's next, give me back New Faces and American Sports damn it.

Honestly kind of scared by this DLC release, especially if Mary is the last one, I love Whip, Yamazaki and Vanessa to death and their XIV iterations are underwhelming to at the very best, especially Vanessa. I don't want the same fate for Oswald, Heidern and Mary (I didn't play much XI but did like Oswald when I did), at least they look fun so far, especially Heidern.
She reminds me of Krizalid, oddly.
they used to go to the same stylist
Kriz doesn't go there anymore cuz he died
I guess that can be his first stop since XIV implies all your favorite dead and deleted characters are coming back.

Except K9999, because he was deleted in the real world, apparently.
A port of '97 dropped on PS4/Vita and Steam today, not that anyone who isn't Chinese cares. If you have a KoF game on Steam you probably get a 25% coupon to it, making it $7.50.

So I haven't had a chance to test the netcode yet, but I can go ahead and say that the game has no training mode so uh... yeah, probably not worth grabbing. I bought it figuring I wasn't going to play it much since I'd rather just play '98 or '02 anyway, Fightcade or UM versions, but wanted to support PC releases. That said, this is just kind of baffling, unless you want to burn money for a questionable cause or you love '97 to death and don't want to use Fightcade for some reason it's probably not for you.
I heard it doesn't have training mode and i's a worse version of the version we have on fightcade already so unless you're a huge snk fan and want more ways to give them money and support them. Don't buy it.
Aw, hell yeah! Her theme (Kiss Me) from Fatal Fury 3 got remixed!
But Blue Mary's Blues though.
I'm not a big fan of how they updated her design (her shoes are WHAT ARE THOSE tier) but it's good to have Mary back
now if only KoF XV has the sense to boot Andy and Joe out of the Fatal Fury Team in favor of Mary and Duck :V
3.0 is on the 12th for anyone who didn't read the video description, though that might only be for PS4, which is frustrating.

I really hope Vanessa and Whip get buffed in 3.0, it's honestly pretty embarrassing just how bad Vanessa is.

This is the only trailer for this batch so far that's giving me flashbacks to the release of the first DLC characters and how disappointing they were. I love Mary but something about the trailer just doesn't seem right to me, and unless I missed them she doesn't seem to have her overhead and the command grab might no longer have the sway into it. Also I don't really like the new design, but I'll be fine with that if she is fun and doesn't get the same treatment as Vanessa. Heidern and Oswald's trailers at least looked fun, and they've certainly changed Heidern up.

But more importantly, where's Anton?
I'm not a big fan of how they updated her design (her shoes are WHAT ARE THOSE tier) but it's good to have Mary back
now if only KoF XV has the sense to boot Andy and Joe out of the Fatal Fury Team in favor of Mary and Duck :V
>not in a King of Fighters mainline game
Ah, I see you want the franchise to fail. What’s that I hear in the distance? It’s the echoing sound of “no Mai no buy” still traveling the echoes of the past to this day.
>not in a King of Fighters mainline game
Ah, I see you want the franchise to fail. What’s that I hear in the distance? It’s the echoing sound of “no Mai no buy” still traveling the echoes of the past to this day.
Comprehensive reading skills, my friend
I said drop Andy and Joe for Mary and Duck
Was Terry mentioned there? No, because he isnt going anywhere
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oh, my mistake, i read Andy as Terry I guess.

but then I bring up another case

they already did that and people wanted them back afterwards.
people wanted mai and robert and they got mai and robert in the console version
no one actually gives a shit about Andy and Joe, they just get grandfathered in

Joe has even less of a point now that he isn't voiced by his good VA anymore
Joe has even less of a point now that he isn't voiced by his good VA anymore

Which is weird as some of the VA's in XIV reprise their role on one character, but not their others.
An example is Harumi Ikoma. She has voiced King since her debut in Art of Fighting and continues to do so in XIV.
But for her other role Nakoruru, they give the role to Mai Nakahara. I hope Harumi reprises her role as Blue Mary again in this game.
The trailer makes me think otherwise, but I'll have to hold out and see.
Which is weird as some of the VA's in XIV reprise their role on one character, but not their others.
An example is Harumi Ikoma. She has voiced King since her debut in Art of Fighting and continues to do so in XIV.
But for her other role Nakoruru, they give the role to Mai Nakahara. I hope Harumi reprises her role as Blue Mary again in this game.
The trailer makes me think otherwise, but I'll have to hold out and see.
Nako is voiced by her actress from one of the pachislots, i wanna say
Mary's new VA is named... Sarah Emi Bridicutt I wanna say? She's a biracial actress who has had a few popular roles.
Mary's new VA is named... Sarah Emi Bridicutt I wanna say?

Yeah, I just read it off the SNK site. I'm a little sad, but I'll get over it.

She's a biracial actress who has had a few popular roles.

It appears she is half Australian and half Japanese. I hope she does well. I loved her as Seraphina in Disgaea 5.
It appears she is half Australian and half Japanese. I hope she does well. I loved her as Seraphina in Disgaea 5.

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can we talk about antonov though?
As much as I thought lacking Neck Rolling would hurt I actually really like this new Heidern.
why u gotta bully like that
antonov has corner carry combos now

also a ton of characters have actual DPs/reversals now what a joyous day
I wonder, when will this be dubbed? Cause I know most KOFs aren't usually dubbed. Well, maybe Maximum Impact...
XIV? Probably never, and it's not like there is even a major English speaking audience anyway.

And it's shocking we had DLC cycles at all, don't see them doing something like that.