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Spotlight Lab Zero and Limited Run Games Have a Treat For Fans Of Skullgirls This Halloween


Sep 4, 2013
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Ms. Fortune Unknown
Skullgirls: Second Encore + is soon to have a physical release for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, now available outside of Japan. Pre-orders will start this Monday, October 31st through Limited Run Games. However unlike the Japanese version, this physical release of Skullgirls will be completely in English. That is, unless a minimum of 10,000 pre-orders are sold. If that milestone can be reached, Lab Zero will be able to pay the licensing costs for the Japanese character voices to be included in the Steam, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita versions of Skullgirls for the United States and Europe.
This version of Skullgirls will contain everything you'd get with the digital copy of Skullgirls: Second Encore and then some. You will receive every character in addition to voiced story mode, challenges, and survival mode all on one disk. However the package isn't limited to just a single disk, you will also get a physical copy of 19 songs from the Skullgirls Soundtrack, a decorative slip cover, and a fully colored instruction manual that will surely be full of hot gameplay tips and never before seen lore.
In addition, if you're feeling the holiday spirit and know someone who could use a copy of Skullgirls on Steam, the game and all of its DLC are currently on sale!
The good part of the banner drawn by @Smile
So I know the PS4 version is depicted above, but the slip cover, songs, and manual will come with the physical Vita version, too - right?

If not, I'm gonna be a sad panda...
I'm in, how much is S&H supposed to be for this?
Ay, those licencing costs are unfair. Such a huge Catch 22 here, If i don't buy because no JP dub so why bother then the JP dub is less likely to happen, but if I buy the JP dub is more likely to happen but it still might not resulting in wasted money. This is BS defined, something I've had more than enough of over SG's lifetime.

Computer! Compute the probability that we are getting that dub, calculated down to a 0.0000000α/2 margin of error, NOW!
This is awesome, I'm definitely interested in getting one of these.
Hope shipping is straight forward.

I think it would be good idea to show off a little bit of the inside of the full cover manual, to have a better idea of the content and layout.
does this have the Japanese voices on it?
does this have the Japanese voices on it?
if theres going to be 10,000 pre orders yeah.
Is this going to ship in stores too?
Will you be able to buy it outside the 2 week pre-order window?
the slip cover, songs, and manual will come with the physical Vita version, too - right?

That's the plan.

Ay, those licencing costs are unfair. Such a huge Catch 22 here, If i don't buy because no JP dub so why bother then the JP dub is less likely to happen, but if I buy the JP dub is more likely to happen but it still might not resulting in wasted money. This is BS defined, something I've had more than enough of over SG's lifetime.

This physical release is first and foremost to give collectors and opportunity to have a physical disc version of Skullgirls. The primary purpose of it is not to pay the JP voice licensing fees.

If it reaches 10k pre-orders, then we (or more specifically, Autumn Games) can afford to license them, and will include them on the disc for everyone.

If not having JP voices is a deal-breaker for you, then don't buy it. If you're buying it so that you can have a physical copy of the game, then buy it.

Sorry that's "BS" to you, and wow gosh sorry you've had to deal with so much of it over the lifetime of the game.

resulting in wasted money

This is what I'm talking about here. It is not "wasted money" because you still receive a physical version of the game.

Is this going to ship in stores too?

No. It'll be on the Limited Run Games website only.

Will you be able to buy it outside the 2 week pre-order window?

I don't actually know the answer to that, but yeah, @Fizzxwizz points out that we said you likely can, so I guess you can!
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I've only pre-ordered once before. If I make a LRG account and pre-order, do I pay right then and there? Or pay when it gets shipped?

Last pre-order I paid when it shipped and honestly, I'd rather pay for it right then and there. That way I don't forget to keep enough money on my card.
This physical release is first and foremost to give collectors and opportunity to have a physical disc version of Skullgirls. The primary purpose of it is not to pay the JP voice licensing fees.

This is what I'm talking about here. It is not "wasted money" because you still receive a physical version of the game.

Eughhhhhhhhh, I actually completely forgot that this game hasn't had a physical run yet. Sorry about all that. I might consider buying...

But if the manual isn't being written by Mike Z then that will be a massive double dealbreaker for me though.

Even though this game's gonna be in a museum someday anyhow ;)
What is the manual exactly? I was told it says something along the lines of "full color" book so I assumed it was an art book. Or is it a book that describes how to play the game? Both? Or something different?
That feeling when despite all the struggles and hardships this game has had, we have made it far enough to finally see hard copies.


Also, to the guy who asked about it, shipping for me was like 5 and some change. Your mileage may vary depending on location you're ordering from.
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Pre-order is up now guys!
If you're a UKer like myself it's $55 dollars total ($15 shipping) also known as £45.00
What is the manual exactly? I was told it says something along the lines of "full color" book so I assumed it was an art book. Or is it a book that describes how to play the game? Both? Or something different?

It's not an artbook. It's going to be one of those classic video game manuals that includes flavor text and diagrams of how to play the game and character bio pages and stuff.
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It's not an artbook. It's going to be one of those classic video game manuals that includes flavor text and diagrams of how to play the game and character bio pages and stuff.

Ah ok this will be interesting then.
that includes flavor text and diagrams
I'm not going to ask you what kind of manuals you guys have read, but does the package include a powerpoint presentation on how the game works explained by engine variables and with in-depth damage scaling tables in excel?
Well soon I'll have the Japanese version, but I will be getting this physical version. If the english version doesn't get Japanese voices, then I guess I'll just stick to my Japanese PS4 version while the english physical version will sit on the shelf

It'll be nice to have both physical versions.
Wow halfway in a week. Maybe it doesn't seem too far off.
Does Lab Zero get a cut of these sales in any way?
So now that there's a feasible chance of getting Japanese voices patched in, is there also a chance that these voices will be player port specific when playing online (Similar to EN/JP voices from Marvel 3.), or will that take quite a bit of time to implement?

I'll ask and get back to you. Pretty sure we added an option so you don't have to hear your online opponent's VO settings, but I can't remember exactly.

Also, an update:

Pretty sure we added an option so you don't have to hear your online opponent's VO settings, but I can't remember exactly.
I think that only applies to alt voices like Salty Parasoul and Valley Girl Painwheel and not the Japanese voices. Assuming neither you nor your opponent use alt voices, I'm pretty sure you hear English or Japanese voices from your opponent depending on your voice settings and not your opponent's voice settings.
As of Nov 5th they said the sales split is 3500 PS4/2500 Vita. That is a surprisingly pretty close split considering the 'vita is dead' stigma + fighters being more popular in general on home consoles.

Also deadline is Nov 14th if you want Japanese audio.
So now that there's a feasible chance of getting Japanese voices patched in, is there also a chance that these voices will be player port specific when playing online (Similar to EN/JP voices from Marvel 3.), or will that take quite a bit of time to implement?
That'd take a ton of time and requires redoing part of the network code to sync the option. EN/JP voices will be whatever you choose locally, sorry.
Thank gosh my paycheck comes in on friday. Gonna get myself the PS4 version~
So time is almost up, what position are we at in regards to preorders :O?
God dang, we are so close but 2,000 in 3 days sounds really tough to do ;( if only there was 1 more week