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Steam - Windows Lobbies bugs report

Well, found a new issue, though at least it's not a fatal crash this time. Every lobby I see is titled "Casual Matches - Beginner", and since I feel like I'm at a point where I wouldn't belong there I figured I'd host a new one and call it "Casual Matches - Intermediate". Name looked normal while I was in the lobby, and the mix of players I got was inconclusive - some seemed like newbies, others well above me. Once I felt like taking a break, I exited the lobby... and then looking at the list of open lobbies I saw my own name and avatar on a lobby titled "Casual Matches - Beginner". Reentered it to take a look, and indeed it was my lobby with Beginner now shown. Tried taking another lobby and then leaving after one more game just to double check that I hadn't just put the wrong name in, but indeed it was turning Intermediate into Beginner again, and showing me Intermediate while I was initially in the lobby only to transform into Beginner after I left and reentered.

I'm not entirely sure whether it's my client seeing all lobbies as Beginner regardless of what they actually are, whether it's sending Beginner regardless of what I input, or both. I think it might be the former since I've yet to see a single lobby with a different name, but I kind of don't want to keep poking at this bug to confirm this in case it is the latter or both and I end up contributing to that "beginner lobbies don't have beginners in them" problem - I already feel guilty that I might have accidentally done that for a while!

Also, very minor graphical oddity, compare the colors on pings in these screenshots: 1 2
Did you have that problem again after a restart?

Sigh, we had that problem before once, but I don't remember how we fixed it.

About pings, yeah it does a very rough jitter computation also, which factors like 1/3 into the color.
Huh, trying again and now it's normal. Bizarre.

Regarding the pings, the weird part is that the same users would change color whenever I scrolled.

I've tried everything I can think of but still I cannot join lobbies I am invited to nor see any lobbies online.
I have no idea why this is I've tried, re-installing the game, checking for computer updates, disabling the firewall, forwarding ports, restarting the computer and router and launching in administrator, at this point I am livid as it works fine on my mac however getting a 360 controller to work on that is a headache and there is no explanation as to why this fucking piece of shit won't let me find or join lobbies. PLEEEEEEASE HELP!
- Can you play in quickmatch?
- Can you invite people to your lobbies?
I haven't tried quick match I'm testing now.

But people cannot join lobbies I create, meaning I can make them but when I try to invite people they instantly get kicked. Any ideas?

Update: Thus far with quick match I have been queued for about 3-4 minutes and have not found a match yet.
Mr Mysterious please come back :(
lol I gotta do homework. I don't know what the problem could be, but the fact that you can't join any online match is probably helpful information. @Mike_Z ?
lol I gotta do homework. I don't know what the problem could be, but the fact that you can't join any online match is probably helpful information. @Mike_Z ?
No worries thanks for replying anyway I appreciate it. Man homework is ass, could never train myself to do it over a period of time and always fell into the trap of leaving it to the last moment. Anyway good luck with that jazz.
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It is useful information, but unfortunately not something I can really debug remotely.

Do you know what your NAT type is?
If it works on your Mac, do you have interesting firewall stuff on Windows / antivirus things set up to block ports / etc?
Well, found a new issue, though at least it's not a fatal crash this time. Every lobby I see is titled "Casual Matches - Beginner".

this is still a glaring issue
sad to say i can confirm lobbies all saying casual beginner. i created a lobby the other day called intermediate. someone joined and soundly stomped me into the floor a few times. i hate kicking people, so i left the lobby. back at the lobby list, i saw that player had inherited my lobby, which was now named beginner. i know there's a chance they left and created a new lobby, but they'd need to have done that in a matter of about 2 seconds. this problem is definitely creating a lot of bad blood between players, which you can see in the Steam forum (that i'm banned from posting in) right now. i think this problem is hurting the players, and likely causing newbies to uninstall. really needs fixing :(
  • Windows 8 crashes (20% of the time) and freezes at some places after playing SG. (Odd situation, after quitting SG and going back to your desktop icons will disappear and random sections of windows will suddenly freeze and not work anymore).
  • Lobbies will sometimes kick players during a loading screen, or even before the loading screen (this happened to me even if I was hosting it).
  • Loading screen freezes and will load for eternity, forcing me to shut down my computer by pressing the off/on button since CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work, this even happens in QM.
  • Sometimes lobbies aren't visible despite still having free slots in the lobby list.
  • Joining a lobby during someones match, you wait for your turn and set ready and they are matched against each other again despite setting ready (Usually happens when you sit in a lobby with, lets say, 4 people, 2 of them are in a match whilst you and the other guy wait, other guy gets impatient and leaves.)
I only mentioned bugs that I haven't seen on this forum yet, the one of getting stuck in "loading screen limbo" seems to happen with people who have either red or yellow ping, red or yellow ping people also seem to be the cause of kicking people out of the lobby during loading time and sometimes even crashes the game to desktop (no error, it just shuts down.)
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Each time I try to change lobby name the game crashes. List of lobby names is also blank.

Verify Local Files?
Tried that, also reinstalled game twice and it's still there ._.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it has begun after I installed SG on different hard drive.
Tried that, also reinstalled game twice and it's still there ._.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it has begun after I installed SG on different hard drive.
Maybe this? I also have this problem and my skullgirls is installed not on my boot drive which has my windows OS, but on a secondary drive.
Maybe this? I also have this problem and my skullgirls is installed not on my boot drive which has my windows OS, but on a secondary drive.
And mine installed on a boot drive now.
Maybe this? I also have this problem and my skullgirls is installed not on my boot drive which has my windows OS, but on a secondary drive.
Can you try moving it to your boot drive to see if it gets fixed?
I don't actually have a secondary hard drive to test but if I can narrow down the bug I can try it here once I know...
Can you try moving it to your boot drive to see if it gets fixed?
I don't actually have a secondary hard drive to test but if I can narrow down the bug I can try it here once I know...
Right, I've moved the game over to the other harddrive. If it happens again I'll make a note here of it.
I've been having the same bug as Ranger for a while, didn't bother to post about it until now cause I didn't really think it was that big of a deal but now I figured I might as well say something, SG is installed on my boot drive and has been since I first got this laptop about 2 years ago, I haven't moved it. Verify files didn't fix it, haven't tried reinstalling yet though.
double posting but I hadn't played on retail for a while cause of beta so I kind of forgot about this, but played on retail again yesterday reminded me I had this bug, so today I reinstalled on a different "drive" (in quotations because this is a laptop so i think its just different partitions, the separation of "drives" is virtual) and still having this problem. Possibly notably, I do not have this issue with the beta.
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