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Looking into Skullgirls and I'm more interested than ever


New Member
Hello everyone,
I'm a player (not new to the fgc scene, just kind-of new to SG) looking into Skullgirls. A little bit about me is that I started playing competitively in December of 2011. Since then, I've played pretty much exclusively Capcom (SF and Marvel) and ASW games (GG, BB, and P4A), AKA the Anime games. I've dabbled in a little Tekken and Kof, but I'm mostly into Capcom and ASW fighters. I've recently been interested in Skullgirls as it looks to be a cross between the two and that's interesting to me. My favorite character is Squigly and I'd like to have her on my team, even if she's better off as an assist or whatnot. I don't own the game yet, but I have some questions I'd like to ask before I plop down my money. So, my questions are
1. How is the game flow like?
2. Is there a type of "gatling" system in SG, or is it like SF's combo system?
3. How viable is Squigly, who are her best partners, and why? I've been looking at Valentine, Fillia/Fukua (whichever works with Squigly best), and Parasoul as those are the other characters I like.
4. Can someone explain why I would want to do teams or solo? The only explanation I've gotten is that I get more health and dmg output with the less characters but I'd like to know what is the best option to choose going into a tournament or hopping online.
5. Why is Big Band paired with her often?
6. Who are some of the best players?

Quite a bit of questions, but I hope it's not way too much ^_^'
~Thanks in advance.
I'm not really gonna answer the first 2, since Skullgirls is my first fighter but as a Squigly main myself I can tell you...

Squigly is considered one of the weaker characters but Skullgirls itself is very much 'you can play who you like' kind of game and is well balanced, I rarely feel like Squigly is an unplayable character as she does have a lot of tools, they just need to be charged up.
WHICH is why she's paired with Bif Band often, he's basically twice her size and can soak up hits for her as she charges. If you want a Squigly assist, I recommend something that'll let you breathe for about 50-70 frames so you can do said charging.

Solo VS Teams is basically up to personal preference as well, Teams usually can cover a character's weakness while some characters, such as Ms Fortune and Cerebella can go solo pretty well.
It's p much a necessity to solo for a while as you begin to learn your character and what they can do.

Ahhh, shit like Dekillsage (This year's EVO champ), Duckator (Last and the year before's champ) I find Flotilla is a pretty decent player too but that's probably because I'm not particularly good myself and like, 80% of the players can wipe the floor with me.
1. You'd need to say what you're asking for. "Like VSav"? Or a description? "Fast"? I don't even know exactly what you're referring to with "game flow".
2. I have no idea what "gatling" is. Most of SG's combo parts are chains, eg you just press LP MP HP with pretty much any timing and it combos into each other (Like SF target combos, or VSav, or whatever).
3. Every character is viable and almost every team is good. Squigly got Top8 at EVO, as did BigBand (who is perceived as the 'weakest character' atm). Just play whoever you like.
4. Solo has more life+damage, Teams get access to various Team mechanics (Assists, DHCs, Alpha Counters, ..). Teams are generally stronger than Solo due to the added Neutral Tools, but Solos are 'strong enough' still + easier to pick up (since you only have to learn one character rather than 3). Base idea is that you start out playing Solo, learn the game and what the characters do, then start picking a team after you are a bit at home.
5. BigBand has an assist that controls a lot of space and buys you time to build a charge, which you want to do. The weakness of said assist is that it's difficult to protect, but Squigly has no issue doing so. BigBand has a really strong super which you can't combo out of, but Squigly makes him able to with her own Super. They just got nice synergy.
6. Of Squigly? Of Solo Squigly? In general?
McPeanuts and Yaya are strong players that use Squig.
It was very smart of you to phrase this the way you did, rather than "strong Squig players", which would be misleading.

Vulpes said everything I was going to say, except I would add that 1) Brass is a better assist for Squigly than it is for most characters because she can combo off it in situations where most characters can't, and 2) don't use Brass with Squigly use Beat Extend (it's better).
Thanks guys, that cleared the air of pretty much all of my questions and I think I'm going to play Valentine/Squigly/Big Band; not sure which assists yet, though. My last 3 questions are
-Besides Big Band, who else has good synergy with Squigly?
- Why do you suggest beat extend MP?
- How good is the netcode? The scene isn't big in my area so I have to rely on netplay and hopes of someone coming to my set-up during bi-monthlies.

Also, to clarify what I meant by game flow, I was referring to the neutral game/footsies.
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No that Squigly has an actual DP, the only thing she really looks for in an assist is something with good horizontal coverage and lots of block stun. Double's MK Hornet Bomber and Fukua's MK shadow are probably the strongest options, but this is skullgirls. Anything is viable.

Everyone suggests MP extend because, assuming my brain isn't farting, it's hit invincible, but not throw invincible. Assists can't be thrown.

Net code is good. Not perfect, but I can play dudes in Brazil from Kansas. It's not always pretty, but it's doable.

The neutral game is close to Marvel 2. There's a lot of jumping around and a lot of assist calls.
MP and LP are usually the go-to Beat Extend assists simply because HP's invulnerability doesn't last long enough. There's a bit of a tradeoff to each though. MP hits twice and has full invulnerability to the first few active frames, but its hitbox doesn't lend itself to being a good anti-air option since the second hit doesn't have invulnerability. LP only hits once and has a single vulnerable frame before invulnerability starts, but the hitbox is much better and is great as an anti-air. And in all honesty, the single vulnerable frame kinda makes little difference since all assists have 2f of vulnerability built in, so the difference is more like 2f versus 3f.
The game's flow is like MvC2 with a little bit of Darkstalkers in there (actually, quite a bit of darkstalkers with the last few version updates)

Skullgirls does not have a gatling system unfortunately, at least not completely. it's pretty much universal that you can chain light-medium-heavy, some can do l-l-m-m-h-h, some can do l-m-m-h, but there's no one universal gatling combo that everyone can perform. These moves will always chain, but they will not always land.

I usually use solo or two characters because I personally cannot switch between playstyles that fluidly ( I can barely go from Big Band to Squigly, so I usually just solo one or the other) but I also mostly solo because the reward (higher damage and health) is more reasonable for me to use, and I'm better at defending than attacking.

Squigly is pretty viable, but she's tough to use in some areas. You play GG, so I think if you've used Jonny you should be alright with her. Any partner is fine as long as you have an assist that can either get people off of you or keep people away from you.

BB is paired often with squigly because indiegogo hype and because Brass Knuckles is pretty ace-tier as an assist. Beat Extend and even Giant Step are good assists as well.
-Besides Big Band, who else has good synergy with Squigly?
Jus play the game lad~ Throw three darts at SG character select and you have a good team.

- How good is the netcode? The scene isn't big in my area so I have to rely on netplay and hopes of someone coming to my set-up during bi-monthlies.
It's the best netcode out of any game you'll find anywhere? At least that's how I feel. It uses GGPO, and the implementation is really really good nowadays.

Also, to clarify what I meant by game flow, I was referring to the neutral game/footsies.
Again, that doesn't really.. tell much.

You have a lot of air options like Air Dashes, you can block in the air, and you can generally convert air-to-air hits into huge damage, so a lot of the game is played.. in the air.
Since you can cancel whiffed normals into specials still, you'll see people "randomly" whiff buttons just to put hitboxes on the screen, as there's not that much risk to it (as opposed to eg SF).
Assists also dictate huge parts of the neutral game, as they are pretty much attacks while you are blocking, which is .. kinda useful. Learning how to bait assists, how to play around them, how to countercall, etc whatever is very very important.

It's probably easier to just watch some matches;
eg here is this year's EVO Top4 (Starts at 10:50)

If you aren't used to versus type fighters, a lot of this will seem to be just randomly jumping around and pressing buttons, but .. well, that's not actually what's happening. Footsies are hard to follow, as always.
To answer the "what is the gameflow like" question -- it's like Marvel 2 with more resets, but you can choose smaller teams.

(Also, to answer @IsaVulpes , "Gattling" is ASW's name for chains).
Jus play the game lad~ Throw three darts at SG character select and you have a good team.

Last time I did that I ended up playing solo Val.

EDIT: Also, maybe I see a lot of Marvel 2 in this because I played so much of the game. The biggest difference I see is that you don't have the incentive to whiff normals all day in SG. It's still about maneuvering around assists looking for a clean hit. Once you land a hit, you try and reset as much as possible. You have to be more clever in your resets in SG because of the way Undizzy differs,
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Squigly is pretty viable, but she's tough to use in some areas. You play GG, so I think if you've used Jonny you should be alright with her.

Exactly, and as a solo squigly player, I'd have to say it is kind of nightmare if u meet a team like peacock/fukua/parasoul
1. Game flow is really nice imo. It's smooth, feels nice to hit buttons, feels nice to hit people, feels nice to get out of things.
2. This game uses chains. Like marvel.
3. Every character is viable. I won't speak on which are best for Squigly cause I don't main her really.
4. There is a majority consensus on which size is best, but I don't think it's really concrete which one is best. Most people will tell you trio's are best. Some people will say duo's are the worst, others will say solos are the worst. But you can win matches off anyone despite you team size.
5. Dunno
6. Just hang around. Look at tournament rankings. Ask around. Hear what people saying. Play matches with people.
Actually, he usually assists squigly with bigband
actually he plays solo squigly and uses assists whenever he wants to try out something.

the people that use big band assist is yaya and 159man to my knowledge.
the people that use big band assist is yaya and 159man to my knowledge.

And about 90% of QM. Getting a little tired of seeing Beat Extend every... fucking... place.

But I guess we're talking specifically Squigs with BB, so I'll see myself out.
And about 90% of QM. Getting a little tired of seeing Beat Extend every... fucking... place.

But I guess we're talking specifically Squigs with BB, so I'll see myself out.
I feel your pain. boy o boy do i hate beat extend and i think anyone that uses it wants a lazy way out of using neutral. i mean i use updo so i guess i shouldn't talk but the damn thing brings you RIGHT there that you don't have to run or anything.
Yeah if you want to learn Squigly properly, videos of GFarmer are probably the way to go. His fundamentals are really great so he plays a solid low-gimmick Squig.

As for your team, I would Pick the following assists.

Val - kinda doesn't matter and you will get varying opinions, I say HK Savage Bypass
Squig - I like 2HP with any character who is airborne (and Big Band)
Big Band - go with LP Beat Extend. HP Brass would work if you want to play a lame Squig, but LP Beat Extend is better for your team overall.
actually he plays solo squigly and uses assists whenever he wants to try out something.

the people that use big band assist is yaya and 159man to my knowledge.

No, he plays teams now. Last we talked i asked him why no more solo and he said solo is weak. But he is definitely always experimenting... So maybe he's changed his mind... It has been a month or so since i last talked to him, and longer still since i saw him drop solo.
No one plays solo forever... well maybe Zid.

It just isn't all that viable. I do better with a Squigs I can barely play, and an MF that I can't play at all on my team than I do as a solo-PW with a few hundred hours.
3) Squigly is a good character. A lot of people put her on point so you can get charges early in the round, but she can be an assist or anchor just fine. Since this game allows you to choose your own assist anyone can work with her. Just play however you feel like and get an assist that fits your play-style and/or cover your weaknesses.