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Mario Kart 8

I think mine is St4yingCl4ssy if anyone gives a fuck.
Looks like Roy is gonna be the last character I unlock. And as soon as I do I'm heading online.
Dah heck I might as well.

NNID's diddybound
I've started keeping a spreadsheet detailing all my stats online, because my life is that pathetic and I like statistics.
My mean finish online is 4.4th, median 4th, and mode 2nd, out of 58 races.
Also this game has made me forget what Skullgirls is.
so I got all my mains
NNID is MobileSuitGolurk
You have good taste, Ruin. I like you.
It has just come out and I have already almost been stabbed over it.
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Reactions: Ruin
It has just come out and I have already almost been stabbed over it.
Wait, what?
I kinda do... but it isn't the Mario Party thread. ;_;

I do wanna know, though.
These are hilarious. Each and every one.
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Reactions: Gamesandgoodies
What's up with Daisy's face?
It's ultra hilarious.
Ever since the Year of Luigi ended.

Say that to Luigi, who's giving you the death stare, next time you race him.
So guys, I've been thinking about a Mario Kart Skullheart tournament. If not a tournament, at least exchange ghost data and put together who is best on what tracks and such (That'd be pretty cool yeah?) Anyways, when are most people available for tournaments? I know that I'm basically always available from 12:00 am - 3:00 am CDT every single day, but daytime I'm available Mondays and tuesdays all day.

Also, I've yet to see any of you online :P
Yeah, I've kinda been watching too much Robotics;Notes to jump on MK8 the last day or so. Plus I've only done two cups so I want to shoot for some more stuff before jumping back online.
I'll play in a tourney. Schools over in about a week and half but I'm not sure what my work schedule is. I'm EST.
After playing the game for a significant amount of time, I can safely say what courses/cups I like the most. So, before the game came out I had an idea what courses were the coolest and whatnot and which courses I thought I would not enjoy.

Favourite cup: Star
Favourite Course: Sunshine Airport/Electrodome
Least favourite cup: Banana (Even though Royal Raceway is in it)
Most despised track: Donut Plains 3
Course most consistently won: Water Park
Course most consistently lost: Donut Plains 3 (Srsly, fuck that course)
Biggest disappointment: Dolphin Shoals (Liked it a lot less than I thought I would)
Fastest Time Trials Course: Cheep Cheep Beach (11.8 seconds faster than staff)
I'd totally be up for a Tournament, I get out of school on Thursday, so I'm available whenever once that lovely day comes.
As long we're sharing opinions I have a few.

Favorite Track: Toad Harbor (I don't know why but I get a City Escape vibe from it)

Despised Track: Shy Guy Falls (From start to finish I really don't like this course)

I don't really have a favorite cup yet.
The only course I don't like is regular Rainbow Road because there are so many tight turns and you need to be super fucking careful.

I love N64 Rainbow Road though, start to finish that's fun and pretty.
Mount Warios my other favorite
Mount Wario is by far my favorite.
I dislike Toad's Turnpike but I think it's because I've had to play it a bunch online.