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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

If neogaf leaks mean anything to you, the guy credited with originally leaking the game (Ryce) has stated X-Men and Fantastic Four characters will be DLC.
Umm...but we have Super-Skrull? Why do we need Reed Richards or any of the Fantastic 4.
Umm...but we have Super-Skrull? Why do we need Reed Richards or any of the Fantastic 4.
Doom is a Fantastic Four character. I have no idea what the stance on Super-Skrull is.

This game is going to be used to revive dead Capcom franchises.

From GameFAQS: "In a press release issued today, Capcom announced that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite will released in late 2017 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game was announced this past weekend at PlayStation Experience.

The Marvel vs. Capcom franchise began in 1999. Until Infinite's unveiling, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, released in 2011 for Xbox 360 and PS3, was its most recent installment.

Capcom announced that it is "focused on reviving series that have not had new entries recently, or otherwise dormant IP. Beginning with MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE, a return for the series following a five-year hiatus, Capcom looks to enhance its corporate value even further by utilizing its library of rich contents."

Naturally, long-time fans are wondering which of the publisher's numerous properties could be in line for an update. Mega Man and Mega Man X, Dino Crisis, Lost Planet, Onimusha, Ghosts 'N Goblins, Final Fight, and Breath of Fire are just some Capcom franchises about which fans reminisce."
Well well well then....Capcom's Library is massive. I wonder how far down they will be willing to dig.

It would be interesting to see a Breath of Fire character in it, but I don't know how people will feel for having other characters not show up because of it.

Patiently waiting for Amingo's return.
I wanna see a Rival Schools character personally

the 2v2 format is a perfect chance to bring back Batsu
If neogaf leaks mean anything to you, the guy credited with originally leaking the game (Ryce) has stated X-Men and Fantastic Four characters will be DLC.
Less painful but at least they're not completely out of the game.
I'd pay $10 to pay Doom.
If neogaf leaks mean anything to you, the guy credited with originally leaking the game (Ryce) has stated X-Men and Fantastic Four characters will be DLC.

I don't trust leaks until after we see some evidence from the devs' side. Not that I can't live with this regardless.

Umm...but we have Super-Skrull? Why do we need Reed Richards or any of the Fantastic 4.

We don't even know if he's coming back yet though. And if it were me, I'd drop him in favor of Kamala Kahn whose powers would lead her to play similarly to him anyways.
Marvel 3 was awesome yall wild zzz

Uhh from Marvel I'd like..

Green Goblin
Sandman or Misterio
Thats about it

Captain Commando would be siiiick
Ruby Heart would be dooope
A 3s character woooah
I guess I'll have a more proper wishlist, taking all the leaks into consideration

Another Okami character (Susano'o? Yami? )
Omega Zero (Based on MMZ Version like SVC Chaos)

Black Panther
Winter Soldier
Deadpool (He counts)
Ms. Marvel
Red Hulk
Yaaaaawn, why is this even being discussed? Just another Crapcom game, will have watered-down-to-nothing gameplay and be a buggy beta at release, move along.

Basically I agree with everything Squire said, my hype gland is pretty much inactive because I have no reason to believe any big name or AAA developer will ever create a decent fighting game ever again, ever. Fighting games are basically a lost art, destined only to be crafted by the wise, independent master craftsmen of old. It's a highly technical, detail-oriented genre that literally cannot survive in this "industry" of watered-downness and hype-without-substance. SG's very existence is almost a miracle.

The question i'm much more curious about, is if this MvC3 port will be getting balance/bug patches. Wasn't the main reason UMvC3 didn't get any support at all after release because Disney bought Marvel? If that hadn't happened, It might have become a decent, patched up FG with a much larger playerbase even today.
but my question at the bottom still stands.
The question i'm much more curious about, is if this MvC3 port will be getting balance/bug patches.
I wouldn't count on it, this was a straight port in general, they didn't even add legacy support. And as said, this is modern Capcom. Did they even relist the game/DLC on PS3/360? If not (and I doubt they did, but they should, along with MvC 2 god damnit) I'd be surprised if Capcom patches it, whoever ported it might fix port issues, but that's about it.
Wasn't the main reason UMvC3 didn't get any support at all after release because Disney bought Marvel?
Marvel was bought by Disney in like 2009 right? MvC3 was 2011. So I imagine it's more complex than just them being bought up.
Fighting games are basically a lost art, destined only to be crafted by the wise, independent master craftsmen of old.

To be fair, some other Doujin and indie fighters are alright. I don't think I'd put them on the same level as stuff like Third Strike or Mvc2, but stuff like Chaos Code and Under-Night are fairly unique and engaging despite their flaws. They have more soul then anything Capcom's put out in a while IMO.

Arcsys is a step above Capcom too, even if I'm not a big fan of Blazblue, Xrd, or their recent dlc practices.

But seriously fuck modern Capcom. 5 years ago I would have been hype to learn about "old franchises being revitalized" but now I'm just scared of what they'll do to them.
The UMvC3 port is a quick cash grab to whet your appetite for Infinite, but they don't actually want anyone to continue playing it long-term. Actively supporting the old game with new patches would be competing with themselves, they want to make sure everyone moves on when MvCi comes out. Especially when they're making such divisive changes to the series that could make players not want to move on. Giving the community any reason at all to fracture itself is asking for both games to die.

Anyway, when it comes to modern Capcom not knowing what they're doing, just listen to the interviews when they talk about why they're throwing out everything fans love about MvC in order to dumb the game down as much as possible. They're not wrong when they say that UMvC3 was too scary for casual audiences, but the way they think they can solve certainly is wrong. Assists were never the problem and I can't for the life of me figure out how that became their scapegoat. And then they start spouting incoherent nonsense about how Infinity Stones will somehow negate the existence of tier lists or that they want to come up with a new control scheme that makes pad and stick equal because that was totally a problem before, they truly don't know what the hell they're talking about. Capcom is utterly clueless.

Gosh, if only there was some other game we could point to as an example of how to take MvC2/3 concepts and make them more accessible for beginners to learn without just butchering the game, a way to lower the skill floor but leave the ceiling intact. Some sort of game where you don't have to play three characters if you don't want to but still can if you do want to, with generous input buffers to make execution as easy as can be, with no infinites or unblockables...
To be fair, I don't actually mind the idea of turning the series back to its 2 character tag team roots (X-Men Vs Street Fighter is fun). But like I said, I just don't trust them to craft a smart moveset or mechanically sound title.

Like I said though, rumor is that Combofiend is going to be "combat director". So who knows. Maybe there's .01% chance it won't be awful.
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Perhaps if this was a different Versus game. I've actually been thinking that if Nintendo vs. Capcom ever happened, bringing back MvC1-style assists would be so perfect for it since it opens up room for a ton of fanservice cameos.

But taking the 3v3 out of MvC now just seems like a slap in the face to me, and no assists whatsoever is even worse. Don't do that to Mahvel.
Wow, that's some argument
Back to discussing possible really good game
So, Dead Rising 4 is out, and I kinda do hope DR still gets some representation in MVCI
The question, though.
Would they use Classic Frank (DR1-3), Unfunny Meme Frank (DR 4), or throw a curveball and use Chuck Greene (DR 2)?
They'll use That One Guy from DR3, obviously

whatever the fuck his name was
Fucking God Dead Rising 3 was so bland and forgettable.

I mean like, I do kinda want Chuck and for him to use a lot of Combo weapons plus the Motorcycle as a super, but is he popular at all?
I like him a lot but everyone mentions Frank first.
If they're going to have a Dead Rising character then it will most likely be DR4 Frank. DR4 only just came out so they aren't going to go back on their decision to change Frank's voice actor in MvC:I (IMO).

On a similar note, if they include Dante then will they go for DMC Dante or DmC Dante? Personally I think that enough time has passed for them from the release of DmC that they would decide upon classic Dante if they choose to represent him. + with rumours of a DMC5, DMC4:SE having came out semi-recently and Capcom saying that they are looking to revive dormant franchises (hey, it's kinda dormant, c'mon) I think it is quite likely that they would opt for classic Dante. Or they might just decide to avoid this entirely (which would not be a good sign for DMC's future :( ).
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I really hope they don't go with DR 4 Frank, because they have seen by now that not too many people are a fan of him or how Frank's old VA wasn't cast at all.

I don't think they'd do DMC Dante, it's been oto long since DmC for it to be relevant, so if they do, probably regular DMC
Maybe with Nero
I really hope they don't go with DR 4 Frank, because they have seen by now that not too many people are a fan of him or how Frank's old VA wasn't cast at all.

I don't think they'd do DMC Dante, it's been oto long since DmC for it to be relevant, so if they do, probably regular DMC
Maybe with Nero
What'd they do to Frank in DR4?
What'd they do to Frank in DR4?
He's 52, has a different voice actors, spouts memes, and does all sorts of "How do you do, fellow kids?" things, selfies and other shit.
He's 52, has a different voice actors, spouts memes, and does all sorts of "How do you do, fellow kids?" things, selfies and other shit.
I mean.

I kind of expected selfies to be in DR4, simply because Frank is in it.

That other shit is unexcusable, though.
He's 52, has a different voice actors, spouts memes, and does all sorts of "How do you do, fellow kids?" things, selfies and other shit.
in fairness this is very accurate behavior for a man in his 50s

give us Mid-Life Crisis Frank, cappycompu
I'm almost willing to bet they'll add a resident evil character on it. It IS their big franchise of the last decade (after monhun), after all.

That being said, which character would get the spot?
nemesis gets jealous of all the fame that the MCU is getting and seeks revenge against hollywood....
