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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Is that face a joke?
Maximilian managed to snap a recording of Ghost Rider's level 3.
It's still the Penance Stare
But somehow, it's shittier in every conceivable way.
Man, I thought the Zoom-IN in UMVC 3 was stupid at first, but I appreciate it a lot more now, especially with the sinister music.
Once more, I feel like I fucking wished on a Monkey's Paw.
I hoped Ghost Rider would come back, but not like this man... Not like this.

My fave part was the shot in his eyes like it becomes some vortex to hell or something and there's a huge inferno coming out... Now it looks soooo underwhelming, oh well. Maybe the animation isn't finished? I don't know. But yeah that looks BAD.
I'm not getting this game unless theres a complete edition.
And if there's never gonna be a complete edition, then I'm never getting this game.
My fave part was the shot in his eyes like it becomes some vortex to hell or something and there's a huge inferno coming out... Now it looks soooo underwhelming, oh well. Maybe the animation isn't finished? I don't know. But yeah that looks BAD.
It's like I said, I at first thought the zoom in to his firey eyes with scary music and horrified screaming was silly, but it's still a hell of a lot better of just lingering on his face
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There's simply no way that's going to be in the finished build. I am willing to bet cash his ult will be spiced up by release.
My question is, how did it make into such a late build especially considering they already had this super pretty much ready from UMvC3...

Also a reminder that if the game comes out September 19th, then it probably is already done since July. :P
I'm not getting this game unless theres a complete edition.
And if there's never gonna be a complete edition, then I'm never getting this game.

Wish i could make a similar choice. I vowed that if Capcom honored Mega Man's legacy and finally added X to the game, i'd buy it

They managed to fuck up an entire game just to taint more the legacy of the blue bomber!
It makes me wonder what the average ytp author could add to make it better since there's barely anything going on.
Some offscreen high-level play. Thanos has palm breaker loops in the corner

i'm torn. It's so cheaply made but the systems look like it could be sooo fun

it's like SF x T backwards
Seriously, I dislike Street Fighter because it's a boring title. We need to get the underrated Capcom Fighting games back. Darkstalkers, Power Stone, and Rival Schools were cool.
I never got into Street Fighter ironically enough. Couldn't really get into MvC2 back in the arcades either and none of the places I would go too had SF cabinets. Darkstalkers however, the roller-rink I used to go to had a cabinet near the Mortal Kombat machine and Felicia drew me in like the 12 year old I was.

I have no regrets really, SF just isn't my jam even after all these years. I'd like to see a true Darkstalkers continuation but I've just settled for casual matches with friends.
We still have pre fight dialogue between specific characters in this game right
We still have pre fight dialogue between specific characters in this game right
yeah and also certain pre-fights for specific partner selections
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By the by?

There's no arcade mode endings.
And that has singlehandedly killed any remaining interest I might've had at getting this at launch.
For fuck's sake, give me a reason to play singleplayer, an incentive to try every character, there was always a carrot dangling at the end by playing Arcade Mode with every character, you got a satisfactory ending/conclusion, and you also got some pretty decent practice in.
Like not even ARMS style arcade endings does it just. stop???
Like not even ARMS style arcade endings does it just. stop???
Not even ARMS endings.

They also said that Ultron Sigma isn't the last boss of arcade mode.
Wait wait wait. What???

If Ultron Sigma isn't the last boss of arcade mode then who is? A piece of toast? A glass of milk?
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Now that I think about it, Ultron-Sigma better be fucking playable.

This roster already has enough problems as it is.
Wait wait wait. What???

If Ultron Sigma isn't the last boss of arcade mode then who is? A piece of toast? A glass of milk?
All that the guy who reported this said was "the final boss was really clever!"


Ultron Omega?
Well final bosses ten to be big and large...maybe one of the NPCs are in play.

Or Infinity Gauntlet Thanks who can use any stone at will
Thing that pissed me off about UMvC3 is they changed up the arcade endings from MvC3 or even shortened em... and now this? Seems Capcom really hates it's audience now.
This is why Guilty Gear and King of Fighters are king
>being anywhere close to the top

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Also who even says kek? That's like, one of the un-coolest words in the history of ever.
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you tryna stART SOMETHIN

I believe it is already started, friend.

A leaker leaked the Season 1 DLC.



Monster Hunter.



Black Panther.

Winter Soldier.


It's like they gave up on the DLC near the end of BOTH lists.
Monster Hunter being DLC is just asking for backlash. Gill... Really? And what's the source on this? Why do you think it's legit?
Dragonage2ftw actually made that leak himself.

Not a lot of thought put into it I'd say, where's Venom?
Gill was considered p considerably for UMvC3 (possibly one of the abandoned 8) so him being DLC here wouldn't actually surprise me that much
It would appear Lockjaw was just teased in something today as well.

A teleporting 2,000 lb bulldog sounds fun as a fighter. You can't say it's not unique.

Reminds me back before Avengers when everyone bashed Rocket Raccoon or MODOK. Good times
Lockjaw is literally the most interesting thing in that cast to me but i'm absolutely sure this isn't real. :(
also isn't Lockjaw part of the Inhumans which are closely connected to the Fantastic Four? So if they have LockJaw why not just have the FF in? or heck have the far more interesting Inhumans in the game. Having Krystal would be awesome, or BlackBolt or someone from that team damn it.