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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

it turns out Winter Soldier and Captain America have a secret team up level 3 if they are both on the same team.
I was wondering about that since Bucky's level 3 is also Unyielding Justice. That's neat, and more than I would have expected, I hope Bucky is more fun than he looks...
Woke Thanos is a pretty good costume, and Concept Art X is G R E A T

too bad Capcom chose the exact wrong costume for Hiryu
Woke Thanos is a pretty good costume, and Concept Art X is G R E A T

too bad Capcom chose the exact wrong costume for Hiryu
shouldve given him a zeku costume
So Bucky is more fun than he looked, that's good. Widow also seems interesting but I still don't really care.
Oh they better make all the returning X-Men, F4 and Deadpool characters either very different from MvC3 iterations or CHEAP AS FUCK.

Otherwise there will be rage.
I have seen it, bu It looked too good to be true

but things are lining up a bit too perfectly for me to doubt it much now.
Ironically Gene and Nero are the ones I actually care about off that one, Fox giving up mutants doesn't change that.
Waste at least three slots with Squirrel Girl, Dazzler, and Jubilee
Can't you be satisfied with Makoto on Blazblue? The way Squirrel girl is being butchered in recent comics is a crime against mutantkind, and i don't want to risk have one of her worst versions (almost any) in the game.

If you want a furry, ask for felicia instead
Can't you be satisfied with Makoto on Blazblue? The way Squirrel girl is being butchered in recent comics is a crime against mutantkind, and i don't want to risk have one of her worst versions (almost any) in the game

Squirrel Girl isn't a mutant, you fucking racist
Uh, yes she is? Did I miss something?
She's a human with modified genes, not mutant in any legal, medical, or spiritual capacity
(This is literally a joke in her comics that I'm parroting)
there is a difference between mutant <Wolverine, Cyclops, etc> and mutates <Spider-Man, Squirrel Girl, etc>

the first were born with the x gene

the other were given a genetic rewrite
The difference is that marvel twisted every word possible to avoid giving Fox any chance of profiting over anything relating both companies...

until now. I really wish for a soft reboot of all the marvel transmedia universe to embrace mutants again
I'm pretty damn bummed that Infinite isn't gonna be at EVO. It is seriously one of the best fighters I've ever played from a core gameplay standpoint.
The power of negative memes is a terrifying force. However it seems Capcom is aware of the problem and is about to address it if the recent speech from the Capcom CEO is any indication
The power of negative memes is a terrifying force. However it seems Capcom is aware of the problem and is about to address it if the recent speech from the Capcom CEO is any indication
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?

This here speech that came out a few days ago.
Even in Japan, the big topic of discussion last year was eSports competitions featuring versus-style games. With eSports' inclusion as an official event at the 2022 Asian Games, and their being considered for inclusion as an official event at the 2024 Paris Olympics, the values we associate with games are beginning to shift drastically.

We at Capcom have been building eSports with our Street Fighter brand outside of Japan for the past 10 years, and now are committed to laying down the foundation to make this year "eSports Year One" within Japan. Drawing upon the markets we have already developed in the U.S. and Europe, we will move forward to promote eSports with the full force of our organization.

Also of note, last year it was uncovered that there has been widespread product quality data falsification at major Japanese manufacturers. This discovery deeply affected the operations of these companies and the brands they had developed over many long years.

We feel that the quality of our game software is a vital matter, and one with which our entire company must be involved.

As such, even more so than before, we will strive to create games that delight all of our customers by prioritizing their needs and thoroughly administering strict quality control; we will do this while carrying out market analyses and tightly coordinating our development and marketing departments.

We are committed to the continued production of games that compete at the global level, as one of the top runners in the evolving game industry.
I'm pretty damn bummed that Infinite isn't gonna be at EVO. It is seriously one of the best fighters I've ever played from a core gameplay standpoint.
Well now you can watch the Infinite finals being hosted the next men’s room stall over from the Melty Blood finals.
Given that they've also stated MvC I isn't even on the schedule for CPT this year I'd say it's been buried.

Which sucks, it's a fun game and I'd have liked some more characters, at least balance the god damn CSS.
I was really hoping we'd get at least Jack Baker for MvC:I
But I guess it didn't happen... Oh well.
Well I got the game during the current PS4 sale. Actually I got a physical copy for $10 used, but it was the same time anyway and I bought the DLC. It's pretty much what I expected from everything I've seen and heard. Should be more polished in models, lighting, music, voicework (I can't tell if Gamora's VA can't sound enthusiastic or if it was the director), menu options (no music select, only basic Training Mode), HUD. Also should've had better marketing and focused more on character interactions than some big plot! Gonna blame Disney Marvel for story and story marketing, though. But it's pretty fun and there's a high amount of freedom. I think the roster's fine, the 20-some count is totally okay especially with the thought-out gameplay and already having a lack of polish budget, the only character I would replace is Nemesis (I'd put in Asura).

I might play X/Marvel. Zero has so much freedom and options it's crazy but X has cool stuff. I like having a long-lasting projectile like his wind boomerang for Active Switch. Haven't really seen Captain Marvel, maybe it's just a case of "Ultron's a safer pick" but she's cool too.